Mobile phone evolved into the 7th mass media channel
Companies large and small started using SMS to send customer loyalty offers and exclusive promotions.

Event venues began with concert announcements. And media outlets sent news alerts supported by ads. It was a good strategy because SMS providers guaranteed reliable delivery to consumers. The effectiveness of SMS advertising in certain markets was — and continues to be — a dominating mobile ad strategy. The success of SMS has also led to significant developments in mobile technology. The release of the first iPhone in was a game-changer for both the mobile and advertising industries.
You may recall the first mobile browser ads from the early iPhone days: This is because advertisers would often use desktop browser ads and then reformat them for use in mobile web browsers. When the iPhone 3G arrived just a year later, the App Store was introduced, allowing users to leave mobile web browsing behind and use mobile apps instead. The word caught on to developers that mobile apps were in high-demand, and many of the first mobile apps were free to users, supported by mobile advertising. As capabilities grew to include interactive gaming and GPS technology, mobile ads began incorporating these features for a more engaging user experience all around.
In , the first iPad was released, and the size of the U. And by , smartphone technology caught on like wildfire, so the mobile advertising industry also had to evolve rather quickly. By , it became increasingly important for developers to include mobile advertising within apps to create seamless experiences. To achieve the best possible user experience, mobile advertising companies began offering a variety of mobile ads like interstitial ads, overlay ads — and, my personal favorites — native and video ads; all of which create higher engagement with users.
Gone are the days of those clunky reformatted banner ads. The mobile advertising industry has made some incredible advancements since the days that I sent my first flirtatious texts. Mobile devices now play a key role in our everyday lives; from scheduling meetings while on the go, to online shopping and even staying on track with our fitness goals.
2000: The First Mobile Ad is Shared via SMS
Others say that native ads will continue to see significant momentum, offering users even more seamless experiences. These mobile ad types and others could even lead to consumers instilling their trust in advertisers. And the industry is just getting started.
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To snap a quick photo of the beautiful sunset, and post it at our blog. Or snap a quick paparazzi photo of David Beckham as he passes by on the street - and we can quickly offer to sell the photo on to some celebrity magazine. And as we saw with the hanging of Saddam Hussein, it was a cameraphone used to shoot the footage that caused such an uproar. Available always at the point of inspiration. So yes the mobile, as the 7th Mass Media is the youngest, least understood, most dangerous new mass media - one which will soon supercede the internet. Not because consuming a web page is better on a phone that would be stupid to even try but rather has five benefits the internet cannot hope to match.
And in addition to those five, the mobile can also replicate all that the internet can do, while not necessarily replicating all of those media experiences quite as well. So this is what I want. I want YOU to spread the word. This is the dawn of mobile as a mass media. The sky is the limit. Nothing is set in stone. Now is the time to invent. Those brave souls who came from radio, and looked at the opportunities in TV and decided to go beyond listening, and invented the Game Show format, and the Talk Show, and Reality TV, and music video, etc.
Don't look at limitations, comparing mobile to TV or the internet. Think of the possibilities and develop the mass media beyond what has existed before. This is the newest mass media, and will soon be the most powerful mass media on the planet.
The History and Evolution of Mobile Advertising
It has enormous implications to the current giant, TV. And to its revenue engine - advertising. It has a huge implication to the internet, which will soon be overtaken in importance by mobile. Yes, you heard it here first. Mobile to the internet is like TV is to radio. Be sure you capture the real opportunity of our lifetimes. I have written a two-page concise "Thought Piece" on this topic, if you'd like it, please write to me and I'll send it to you for free. The mobile as the 7th mass media. It is not the dumb little brother of the internet. It is inherently superior to the internet.
Mobile is as dominant to the internet, as TV is to radio. And now there are 6 benefits on mobile as a media channel, rather than the 5 I mention in this blog. The MHA is only a print-edition publication for the mobile industry, by Informa, so I can't give you a link to it, but some of our visitors from the mobile telecoms industry may be interested also in that article. Yes this June it will be a big noise indeed. Posted by Tomi T Ahonen at Tomi, obviously I'd like to see the thought piece: Posted by: David Cushman February 27, at Hi Tomi, I would be grateful if you'd send me your thought piece.
As a regular visitor to your blog and graduating student, your blog has provided me with some great new insights into the world of mobile telecommunication and has been a true source of inspiration while writing my Masters thesis on convergence in the mobile telecom industry. This post once more made me aware of the endless possibilities of mobile communication. David Yoshikawa February 27, at Yes, I'd like to receive the piece you have written on this topic: Very inspiring and insightful article, Tomi. I'd love to receive your thought piece. Many thanks!! Peter Boland February 27, at Patrik Rouault February 27, at I have also been asked here for a project related to city marketing and region branding and how to integrate mobile into this.
Your ideas will certainly help here. Nicolaas Pereboom February 27, at Jon February 27, at Heike Scholz February 27, at Mark Logan February 27, at Adrian Lai February 27, at Thanks, Tomi -- well argued and inspiring. I'd like to see your Thought Piece and share it with people where I work.
Joshua Y February 28, at Thanks for writing. I wasn't expecting you to post the pdf request here in the notes but I didn't retype my e-mail address this time, so I obviously didn't make this too easy for you, sorry. I will send you all the pdf now. Note Nicolaas and John - your e-mail addresses did not come through to me on your registration. Please check your e-mail, if the pdf isn't there, please write directly to me at tomi at tomiahonen dot com. Thank you all for writing. I noticed a couple of you have already commented on the story thank you for that as well.
I'll do a bit of a survey and stop by and drop comments at your blogsites where I find such comments. Tomi T Ahonen February 28, at This is a great post. Reminded me of a phrase I saw somewhere about media changes, dont know where i saw it.
2002: SMS Becomes the Newest Mass Media Channel
McLuhan had said that "medium is the message" in his epic book on Understanding media but mobile has turned it upside down and now "message is the medium" and thats why we have this new media staring at us. Rajan February 28, at I shared this concept with some of our colleagues, yesterday, they found it to be a very powerful concept. Alan moore February 28, at Thanks Rajan, good sentiment and yes, it does turn the media world kind of upside down "again" - which really did happen already once with the internet, due to interactivity and user-generated content. But even before the old media have recovered from that, comes this crazy mobile Alan - thanks.
Its a partnership, you know that, and you inspire me and so much of this thinking is from the discussions you and I have regularly. I'm happy our colleagues have also embraced these thoughts Tomi T Ahonen March 01, at Hi Tomi, it's a very inspiring piece of thought you have. I'm a starter in this mobile business, need that kind of inspiration a lot. Please send me those two-page concise "Thought Piece" of yours, it would be wonderful.
B Gandhi March 01, at As co-founder of Mobiya www. Mobiya is in the business of mobile enabling the global classified advertising industry. A copy would be very much appreciated. Sacha Vekeman March 01, at Tomi, That is a powerful idea. You're directly addressing all the critics, a group I usually find myself in.
There are a lot of problems with the mobile platforms we have but there are enough people acknowledging them to give me hope they'll be solved. Send me the Thought Piece please. Gustav Clark March 01, at Tomi T Ahonen: Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media: Cellphone, cameraphone, iPhone, smartphone. Digital Korea: Tomi T. Communities Dominate Brands. Communities and Strategic Partnerships also as kindle edition.
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Making Money from 3G Services. Services for UMTS: Creating Killer Applications in 3G. Social Media Marketing: Alan Moore: No Straight Lines. Ordering Information Order the book here: Tomi has over 8, followers and was rated by Forbes as the most influential writer on mobile related topics.
Please write email to tomi at tomiahonen dot com and indicate "Speaking Event" or "Consulting Work" or "Expert Witness" or whatever type of work you would like to offer. Tomi works regularly on all continents. Subscribe to this blog's feed. Blog powered by Typepad. Hi Tomi, I'd like to receive "Thought piece". Many thanks Regards Patrik. Great post Would also appreciate receiving your "thought" piece.
Hi Tomi, I'd like to receive your Thought Piece. Thank you very much. Best regards Heike. Tomi, Great post. Please sign me up for your Thought Piece too. Mark Logan Barkley. Tony outstanding please send the two pager. Yes, Solid argument. I would love to get a copy of that Thought Piece. Thank you for the comments.