Phone vs laptop vs tablet
There are a lot of issues to think about with each device: size, weight, costs, insurance, and security. Here are the pros and cons of carrying a smartphone, laptop, or tablet with you on the road, as well as product suggestions! While rarely best at anything, smartphones are fine for many tasks that used to require separate gadgets.
Recommendations If you are looking for a simple, cheap, and basic device, a phone may be for you. For longer-form writing, you can always use Internet cafes! I personally carry a Google Nexus 5 , which is a high-end phone without the high-end price tag.
The camera takes good shots, even in low light. They offer a larger screen and better battery life but are more expensive and take up a lot more room. For those looking to do more with their device, especially watch a lot of movies, a tablet is a lot easier on the eyes. When it comes to tablets, I recommend the Google Nexus 7.
If you absolutely must have an Apple device, opt for the iPad Mini. Check if there are any refurbished models available before you buy. For most casual travelers, a smartphone is the best choice. It replaces a dozen or more other gadgets, fits into a pocket, and, with a bit of patience, can be used for most online tasks. If you prefer a tablet, by all means take one with you instead.
Laptops are heavy, expensive, and unneeded. Now based out of a backpack long term, Dave writes about travel and tech from anywhere with half-decent Internet and a great view.
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Want to share your tips and advice? Got questions? Visit the community forum to ask questions, get answers, meet people, and share your tips! Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free. Why must it only be one? Phone for walking around, chromebook for evenings. I highly recommend the Lenovo Yoga 2 laptop for travel. I have an I find the Samsung Galaxy to be perfect for downloading photos and typing up some travel articles for the word press blog while on the road!
Plus, it fits into a backpack on the top. Great read. I agree cell phone is one of the most Verile light weight tools you should carry. One of the things i love about my s5 is i can run a gb micro sd card, and hold tones on music, movies and pictures. You can not leave out the Microsoft Surface Pro 3.
If you have not used one you need to go check them out. I have one of the 7 inch Samsung tablets. That kept my tablet battery free for more important things. I now to learn to use it to connect my tablet to the internet.
Should You Buy a Tablet or a Laptop?
When I travel for longer periods I bring my laptop and my phone. I will be replacing my older Macbook Pro with an Air soon, so excited!! I completely agree with the phone, I have the nexus 4 and it is the best phone I have ever had, it can do everything including taking great photos. It has been extremely helpful when I travel. They are small and can do the job. Nexus 7 — I have the 1st generation was cheaper and use this mostly as an offline navigation tool no SIM card in it right now ; the GPS receiver is much better than in my previous Garmin and Tomtom devices, and the larger screen makes it easier to read in glaring light as happens in a vehicle from time to time.
My wife has an HP Envy 4, same age, half the price was an ex-demo model, hence cheap , which works perfectly.
When Are Laptops Better?
External back-up hdd: I can recommend the Western Digital MyPassport, small, so far flawless, not very expensive. Setting up a hotspot on Windows seems to be hit-and-miss, as sometimes it works well, other times I fight constant IP conflicts. Greetings from Chile! Yeah, the photography thing is an interesting one. For the casual traveler, a tablet or even phone with Snapseed really can be all they need.
- Tablets vs. Laptops vs. Smartphones | PCWorld.
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- Tablet vs. Laptop: Pros and Cons of Replacing a Laptop with a Tablet | The Startup Finance Blog?
Ever since i bought a Samsung note 3 i stopped bringing my laptop when i travel. It is handy and i can almost do everything. However, i do agree that battery life is an issue and looking for compatible power sockets is really difficult. So my solution was to buy a power bank that can fully charge my device twice.
Having access to a smart phone etc does make it easier to travel, and you can keep in touch with people and let them know you are safe much more easily.

Live for the moment, and experience the place you are in fully, rather than telling people every 5 minutes what an amazing time you are having on facebook. I am 6 weeks into a my round the world trip, and so far I feel like it was a mistake to bring my laptop. I terms of technology, I brought a simple cellphone, an iTouch, which is like a new iPod, and a laptop. Cell has been useful for occasional calls, but the iTouch 5 has been amazing.
It has wifi, flashlight, offline maps, offline train timetables, music and all of that. I can access Skype when I need it, and it is also my camera. Both tablets and laptops are equipped with built-in cameras, although tablets generally tend to have the upper hand in this regard.
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Namely, not only do tablets come with both a front and a rear camera, but the cameras themselves are often of a higher quality than those found in similarly-priced laptops. This only makes sense considering that they are the more portable of the two devices that borrows many features from smartphones.
In the case of laptops, rear cameras are a very rare sight. Indeed, while there are some laptop models that do include a rear camera, most laptops only have one: a front camera intended for video calls. As mentioned above, the quality of these cameras is not stellar in cheaper laptops. In any case, tablets are definitely more versatile in this regard and offer better cameras at lower prices, although it should be kept in mind that only the more expensive tablets actually have cameras as good as those found in most mid-range and flagship phones.
What is a portable computer of any kind without a good battery? Tablets can generally endure roughly 8 to 12 hours of active use, while laptops tend to be more power hungry, usually lasting anywhere from 2 to 6 hours, based on what the laptop is being used for. Some notebooks, ultrabooks, and other high-end laptops, however, can often go toe-to-toe with tablets in this regard, as their batteries can last well over 12 hours in some cases.
Well, there are several reasons. These CPUs generate less heat, too, making them ideal for devices like phones and tablets which have no active cooling. On top of that, mobile operating systems tend to be fairly well optimized, especially iOS. In any case, we are inclined to give this one to the tablets, as they can last longer on average with no additional throttling involved.