Samsung galaxy ace mettre photo contact
Samsung Kies will take a moment to recognize your device. This will back up and save all personal data on your device to Samsung Kies; updating your firmware may result in data loss.
Wait for Samsung Kies to display a message saying your firmware has been updated, then disconnect your Samsung Galaxy Ace from your computer. In some cases, faulty hardware can prevent your device being from recognized. Replace the battery, power on your device, and connect the phone to your computer using a USB cable.
Try uninstalling and reinstalling Samsung Kies if the program closes automatically or fails to recognize and update your device.
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In some cases, a corrupt installation of Samsung Kies can prevent you from being able to successfully update your device. A mounted SD card can sometimes interfere with the installation of new updates. Try resetting your Samsung Galaxy Ace if your device fails to function properly following a Samsung Kies update. A hard reset can help restore your device back to the original factory settings and resolve any software problems.

Power off your Samsung Galaxy Ace. Press and hold the Home, Volume Up, and Power buttons at the same time until the phone boots up and displays the Recovery Menu.
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Samsung galaxy ace si failed to mount data
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