Windows mobile 6.5 route 66
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Some sites do not list the Android operating system. With all the listed capabilities, one would expect lots of customer and professional reviews. But reviews are extremely limited. YouTube has one poor video which show nothing. It looks like a great idea which has not got all the bugs out yet and is not prime time ready. If I am wrong, someone please let me know.
Has anyone got their hands on the real cellphone? Does it really support both OSs.
What is the real scoop? The cellphone is too expensive to make a mistake on. Every time you power up the Diamond T, you are presented with a choice: Windows Mobile 6. Choice is a beautiful thing!
Hero G3 Windows Mobile 6.5 GPS WiFi MSN PDA
What can you do with the Diamond T dual system smart phone? You can install the thousands and thousands of programs and games available at the Windows Marketplace and the Android App Store! The Diamond T smart phone is your perfect office assistance. The T can sync with your PC's Outlook calendar and contacts. So if you add a new contact on your phone, your PC's Outlook will also contain the new contact.

It's like taking your computer with you everywhere you go! Don't forget the T has an internal GPS receiver!
At long last, I had the opportunity to not only to test out its features and usability on a shipping unit, but try out WiMax in Portland, Ore. WiMax has further reach, higher data rate, robust QoS, and flexible channel bandwidth than 3G networks. Carriers can offer more cost-competitive voice and data service their WiMax customers.
It comes packaged with a car kit, car charger and a 3. The Mondi is relatively compact; it measures 4.
samsung - WMPoweruser
When someone IMs you, or you have an upcoming appointment, the widget updates to reflect this. This is a very useful feature, but I wish there were more of these live feed widgets to add on your screen, like a Facebook or news widget, as seen on the Nokia N A vertical navigation bar runs alongside the Home screen with four more icons: Internet, Programs, Contacts, and Gallery. You can also get to these screens by flicking up on the display; the screens rotate like a cube, giving it a three-dimensional effect.