Nba jam app free download
I all honesty, I expected very little from this game.
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Punch-Out was one of those rare games that was difficult to replicate even the official sequels never lived up to the original. Further, Main Event is free! Another reason to limit expectations. However, I have to admit, this game is awesome. The developers did a great job of providing a whole new game while really preserving the original spirit of Punch-Out.
All of the details are just right. If referee Mario were present this game would be perfect. For instance, when you get knocked down, instead of mashing the buttons as fast as you can and screaming like a lunatic, you try to tap all of the stars floating around your head before the referee counts to ten. This system works really well and makes getting up a little more fun and challenging.
There were basketball video games before NBA Jam, but this was the one that defined the genre for years to come. NBA Jam featured crazy, two-on-two basketball matches with no fouls push all you want and most importantly, amazing gravity-defying slam dunks. NBA Jam features a sort of photographic look for the players, albeit with seemingly too large heads. The gameplay here is very similar to the original: two-on-two matches, push-driven ball stealing, etc. I found the control scheme to be quite difficult at first, but you get used to it quickly.
There are two control styles to choose from: gesture and arcade, I found gesture to be a much more intuitive way to play. My favorite little throwback is that the announcer is actually Tim Kitzrow, the guy from the original games.
Retired or C. Just didn't get signed, and since the last roster update a ton of rookies have entered the league. This will greatly improve the game.
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Another idea that i think will help the game is the choice of jerseys. Having to play a game with the same uniforms every time gets a little irritating after a while. I think that will greatly improve the game. They were all very well known. That will help the help the games rating skyrocket. I really hope you will greatly consider adding my ideas to the game. Thank you for your time.
Congratulations on NEVER listening to the people that actually spend their money expecting a playable game. And who does EA have doing Player Ratings?
A chimp? How is it that Curry is ranked 8 for 3 point shooting?

And 7 or 8 for dribbling? Are you kidding me?
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Yet there are tons of guys that have 9's and 10's in each of those categories that aren't even starters in the NBA lol. I totally want to play as an average player instead of a champ. I can go on and on, but I'll just leave it with that 1 example. Right now, this unplayable. Worst company there is when it comes to listening to customer complaints.
NBA JAM by EA SPORTS™ () download on Android apk -
It's like they go out of their way NOT to create the game everyone wants. Do not listen to 5 star reviews! Only reasons I can think of that someone would rate it higher than 1 or 2 stars is either A Works for EA, or 2 Have never seen a real NBA game in their life, and have no idea what player stats should be. Curry, best 3pt shooter of all time who can hit from half court with ease, is rated as an 8!!! MVP and he doesn't have a meaningful stat above 8. My number one complaint with this game is that they seem to only update the rosters about once every three years.
They even say "updated rosters! Plus they have players numbers wrong.
The classic arcade game on Android
LeBron wears number 6 with the Cavs? Come on, are you even trying? I think the last time they updated rosters was I just got an update for this app today so I was really excited that they might be updating the rosters since the update was around mb. But nope, it was a huge update that took forever to download and it didn't change a thing.
So frustrating. Also lets talk about player ratings. LeBron and Kyrie are both rated as 9 for 3 pointers, but Steph Curry is an 8 for 3 pointers? How do you determine player ratings? Do you draw numbers out of a hat? I gave this app 2 stars but only because it's fun to play.