Nokia lumia 920 hard reset issues
Note: If you want to hard reset your Windows Phone, then you should make a backup of your data first if it's possible , and then remove the SD card and SIM card. A soft reset will not remove anything from your phone and is a completely safe thing to do in any problem situation. To do a soft reset, you must have your phone turned on and then press and hold the volume down and power buttons until your phone vibrates and restarts.
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Note: You should not touch your phone's screen during the process not even when the slide down to power off prompt appears. Note: If you want to hard reset your Windows Phone, then you should first make a backup of your data if it's possible and remove the SD card and SIM card. If your phone is stuck and you can't open Settings , then you will need to use the buttons located on the outside of your phone to reset it. Press and hold the volume down and power buttons at the same time until you feel a vibration about 10 till 15 seconds.
Lumia 920 factory restore
When you feel a vibration, you release the buttons, and then immediately press and hold the volume down button until you see a large exclamation mark. After some time, you might see your phone vibrating and see the booting screen once again. This will bring back the phone to factory defaults. Now what if your phone is not responding for a hard reset?
You can still use the hard reset using the hardware buttons. Hard reset is handy if the phone is completely unresponsive. Many users who have done this method claims that hard reset using the hardware buttons did not delete the user data, but if you plan to do hard reset planned , we recommend you to take a backup of the data. The phone is good but sometimes it stop working now we are spending more money.
So why dont you do as E7 that phone had no problem like anyone os complaining for the phone.
Find a solution please. I bought a new Lumia in Dubai. I downloaded a few apps. It downloaded the update and went dead as soon as I okayed the installation. I tried both soft and hard reset and the did not work. Appreciate suggestions! Hi Ashish, is there any way to change the polycarbonate back cover of lumia ? I am having yellow. Now I want to change it to either black or white.
Top 5 Issues and Solutions for the Nokia Lumia 920
Hi Ashish, my lumia stop working!! Even i experienced the same. But i kept it as it is for 10 mins… after that phone will reboot automatically…. I sent my phone to a repair business I found on Nokia site. After a few days of trying they wrote back saying the phone cannot be fixed as there backs likely a software issue. That is Nokia for us all. Unlikely that I will ever buy or recommend Nokia products to anyone….

Not that I have the time to follow-thru, but would be interesting to know if there is a law equal to Lemon Law for consumer electronics…. Pls can someone help me unlock my Nokia lumia, I bought it in Dubai but travelled to Nigeria. My IMEI no is I need advise!!!! Soft reset: your text says to hold the down volume button and the home button, but the diagram shows the volume down button and the POWER button. You may want to update the text portion.
And thanks for the instructions — the 10 seconds was the key to making my phone come back to life! Can you suggest me an anti virus software which is good in all aspects. Hello Ashish. I came to see one of your website where in you have mentioned a few tips about Lumia I recently happened to buy a Lumia Now it seems i have made one of the worst decisions of my life. Its been just 2 weeks with the phone and its just today that i really got fed up with it. Then after restarting i again opened the same app,the same problem popped up again.
Then i uninstalled the app. The battery was dead down so i thought the battery might have drained out.
How to soft reset a Nokia and Microsoft Lumia (Windows Phone 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 Mobile)
The message got delivered and the call did connect. My screen still was blacked out. Then after pressing the power button for a while the phone switched on and the missed calls that i have given and the messages was delivered and it appeared on the phone.
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After a few hours the same thing happened again. By evening the phone got rectified again and i was simply using nokia panorama app. The same sound that came in the morning again popped up.
How to Hard and Soft Reset Nokia Lumia
So i finally decided to do the amber update and so i did. Now everything seems to work great except no vibration nor sound…I could even hear a thing while attending or making calls…. Sorry to hear about all those issues. I will suggest to visit the Nokia Care instead of trying out anything else.
Its more of hardware problem. Cheers Ashish. I master reset my Nokia Carl Zeiss and when I turned my phone back on its in another language…anybody know how I can fix this?