Windows azure mobile services channel 9

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This demonstrates how to store your files such as images, videos, docs or any binary data off device in the cloud using Windows Azure Blob Storage. In this example we focus on capturing and uploading images, with the same approach you can upload any binary data to Blob Storage. The My Trivia sample demonstrates how you can easily add, update and view a leaderboard from your Windows Store applications using Windows Azure Mobile Services.

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Here are some details on what has been added: Capture, Store and Email app Feedback using Windows Azure Mobile Services This sample shows how you can implement a Feedback charm option in your Windows Store application and submit the feedback to be both stored Windows Azure Mobile Services and emailed directly to you.

Have fun with these ones and happy coding!

  • does windows phone have words with friends;
  • Build offline apps with Azure Mobile Services | Microsoft Azure Mobile Services | Channel 9!
  • Windows Azure Mobile Services Content Update!
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  • Moving to Windows Azure.

Share this: Email Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Click here to refresh the feed. Azure Container Instances is a new service from Azure which makes it very easy to spin up containers in the Azure cloud. It is a fully managed analytics, storage, and visualization service that makes it simple to explore and analyze billions of IoT events simultaneously.

In this episode of the ML mini series, we are introducing Microsoft Team Data Science Process, a process to improve the productivity of the data science organizations of enterprises, and demonstrating an open-source data science utility, named Interactive Data Exploration, Analysis, and Reporting, developed by Microsoft. We are trying to answer the following questions: To follow the solution presented you can try it on your own by deploying the solution.

The full solution including the source code is available on GitHub. Topics covered in this series will range from elementary to advanced techniques.

7 Authors:

The intended audience includes:. Adrian joins us to go over how you can debug Azure Mobile Apps locally and while running in Azure, how you can view log events as they come in, as well as to talk about his free online book on developing Xamarin apps with Azure Mobile Apps. After detailing how you can access and read his book, including how you can do it offline, Adrian walks though some handy tips for debugging issues you may run into with Mobile Apps. When using Managed Disks, you just specify if you want Premium or Standard storage and the size of disks you want and the service handles everything else for you.

Windows Azure Mobile Services Content Update | Jan @ Development

Managed Disks also offers new features such as availability set isolation, snapshots, and images. Brady joins us to talk about an Azure Tools extension he's been working on for Visual Studio Code which enables developers to create and access Azure resources from within VS Code. We walk through installing the extension into VS Code, authenticating against Azure, and then using several of the different capabilities of the tools.

Another great aspect of the new CLI is the ease of installation and distribution.

New Channel 9 Video: NewsGator Aggregates 3 Million Blog Posts/Day on Windows Azure

One of the reasons for the ease of installation of the new CLI is that it is built with Python. Anton joins us to go over some of the new features API Management has released since the team was last on the show over a year ago.

Anton starts with a brief review of API Management and then jumps into the new features, starting with it's presence in the modern Azure portal including adding new APIs, examining the steps and policies used with individual APIs, testing API calls, and more. Anton then goes over one of the more highly requested features: Anton finishes by showing how you can now alter the look and feel of your developer portal using templates.

Intro to Windows Azure with Scott Hanselman Channel 9

Thomas joins us to go over the features of the new service and the features it provides mobile developers. Mobile Center combines numerous other features including: Mobile Center combines these features into one easy to use offer that is capable of building your mobile apps including iOS apps without needing your own mac , automating beta app distribution, automating UI Tests, providing usage insights and crash reports, and much more.

Finally, Stanley walks through some conceptual codes showing how to implement a Process Manager using reminders that allow actors to communicate in an asynchronous fashion. Please let us know if you want to see more of such episodes! Then, he shows the end-to-end process of creating a B2C tenant, registering an application, configuring different policies, and customizing the user experiences.