Download abstract themes for nokia x2-01
This version adds stupidly over-elaborate colour scheme changes when volume change. Goes through different 'alert' levels from grey on mute to red alert at max vol. Green-on-black version. But "remastered" using icons from tango desktop project for sharper bitmaps. Original Description "Credits: The rest is GPL.
Theme partly derived from Sansa Fuze theme submitted by "Darin", as previously converted to x by me. But went back to original source of icons to create better quality bitmaps and replaced backdrop with Flowery Corner by Piotr Siedlecki from publicdomainpictures. Larger icons from wikimedia commons Tango Desktop Project, small icons from cabbie theme.
Blue-on-black version. Blue-on-white version. Just Amber on Black version of that one. NewCatcherBlack is a massively modified version of UniCatcher. Original of Unicatcher by Ioannis Koutoulakis for iriver h This was then updated by Stephen Carrol to update syntax and convert to x and convert bitmaps to 'strip' form. New version of above, with lots more reworking by me - rearranged layout to what seemed more logical to me , added album art back in SC's version lacked it , added eq icon back in, completely recreated most icons and bitmaps for better clarity Older theme originally 'terminal', by Jeffrey Rodriguez modified by me to allow changing foreground and background colours on-the-fly.
Otherwise identical in appearance and function to the original defaults to original green-on-black scheme when loaded. Plus added the word 'HOLD' to menu screen when on hold it always switched from time to battery, as original terminus author intended, but added the word to make hold status more obvious. Hopefully haven't introduced any new errors. Another theme salvaged from old wps gallery. Originally for iriver h by SandroGaehler in ! Picture backdrop changes depending on volume. Nice background images from PublicDomainPictures. Very simple text-only theme, slightly inspired by x theme "acuity" by Phalangees Kyle Kamperschroer but created from scratch with new bitmaps.
Inspired by the x scenicfuze theme by J Wang. Had to use different backdrop picture as the one in that theme doesn't seem to have appropriate licence. New one from pixabay, by memorycatcher, CC0 licence. Original theme was based on Cabbie 2. Slightly inspired by Christian Soffke improving the original x 'Gray' theme! Therefore, I created my own. Font taken from lebellium Samsung-like Theme. Ludovic Jakimon Works with current build Works with release 3. I think this started as a theme for sansa fuze.
This is really version 1. Apart from colours these are all basically the same theme. FM radio screen present but might not work. Original credits are: Julian Kizner Submitted: Background c Apple apple. Includes the Tango 12x12 icons from Jakub Steiner. Photo by Li Yang from www. Nothing exciting, just another theme converted to x Originally a x theme by Peter Schiffer. Resized, things made vertical to better use space and allow larger artwork, colors made customisable.
Original description "Detailed info when paused or on hold. Requires Font pack. Converted to x from the Sansa e theme by T. Ported out of curiosity though I don't have a player of this res but it works on the simulator. Elegant theme originally by J. Fite for x Ridiculously cramped at this res, surprised I got it all in there, but just about works. Might work better without the borders, given the shortage of pixels to work with, but can't be bothered changing it now.
If bugs, post on forum. Conversion of 96x96 theme peakgreen by Bobby van Dam. Rearranged and resized to convert to x and also rewritten to fix some bugs in the original e. Also removed all radio and remote features as would be more work to convert and my ipod doesn't have a radio anyway. Otherwise unchanged and credits go to original creators. Original creators Nicolas Boillot and Ludovic Jakimon. Conversion of ipod photo x theme to x resolution. Original by Eduardo Rivas.
Uses playmode icon from Fuze Mod theme by Daniel Lorentz. FM radio stuff removed as couldn't be bothered converting it and don't know if any player of this res even has a radio. Only tested on simulator if it doesn't work, post something on the forum! Updated the syntax to current rockbox, also added volume icon, and ultra-large current time display when on pause or lock. Changed colour to green, converted to x from x Only tested on simulator. Conversion of Sansa Fuze theme Kyo Rocked 1. Custom menu screen added. Original by Oliver Wessel.
New version of converted theme - finally uploaded version with the menu screen playmode icon done right. Uploaded glitched version originally and never got round to uploading fixed one, oops. Tragically, updating it means all the upvotes disappear and seems it's the only theme conversion I did that got any! Original Description from Oliver Wessel: I created the WPS screen to match my own preferences of a good looking, simple, light-colored screen with informations about the played song, the next song, estimated battery lifetime, volume as dB, current playtime and playtime left, position in playlist.
Alternative version with bigger cover art to first conversion, breaks up title info into multiple lines. Clean, simple theme. Ported from ipod Photo to ipod Classic. Originally by Johannes Voggenthaler. Custom menu screen added, things resized for new resolution. Theme derived from Ipod photo theme 'Grooveshark' but modified, adding a volume indicator and new playmode, progress and battery icons, changing size and colour.
Original by Cameron Steffen. Conversion of x theme, originally by Sean Carrigan. Due to usual problem with swapping aspect ratio the cover art ends up as an oblong, so if you have square art you only see the top half of it. The original theme used images from Humberto Santana's "SpartanBlack. Tweaked new version of previous TwoForty2 theme. Makes sideways text much more legible. Analog clock partly derived from one in theme Elem by Vincente Chung. Theme with x art. Consisered turning whole UI sideways but decided not worth the effort! Different version of my NewMetal theme ended up with multiple variations of it, this one seems sufficiently different from previous version to justify uploading.
Backdrop from MyFreeTextures. Uses shiny progress bar from johnthan on pixabay CC0 full credit in files borrows concept of faux-spectrum analyser from Redux by J Fite though not the specific bitmaps. Conversion of ipod photo theme. Original submitted by Stephen Carroll.
Original description: Added most tags and a small album art in the bottom corner just for fun. Has the usual features including waving man on pause and Album Art where available. Includes matttsro. Theme Lavenia Reincarnation. Based on Lavenia x theme by Angryman. Converted from x to x and greatly expanded. Battery, volume icons added, progress bar made vertical, things moved around to add more space for more info. Already complicated conditional viewport statement made even more complicated.
Theme Plastic. Theme NewMetal3 by me. Basically a darker version of my brushedgold theme plus a few other changes. Reuploaded - just reduced default width of menu screen scrollbar was accidentally set too wide , otherwise unchanged. Gold-effect theme. Replaces my previous brushedgold theme, but apart from using same background texture from myfreetextures.
Uses shiny progress bar from johnthan on pixabay CC0. Also added vol, battery and playmode info in text. Original by Andrew Rodland. Makes no real difference other than making theme smaller in size and allowing user to set foreground colour. Conversion of theme "Slant" for x, to x That theme taken from the old wps gallery for GigabeatF where it was posted by DeanMurray and then updated by DavidKauffmann Retrieved from old theme gallery and updated by me.
Originally by Philip Mourdjis in turn based on previous theme by Marc Guay. I added a progress bar. Includes it's own anti-aliased font, converted by original author. Added total track time. Original by Colin Robertson. Tweaked some colours to improve legibility slightly and made use of the 'no cover art' graphic included but not used in original.
Original was itself based on CabbieV2. Though created from scratch. Uses background texture from myfreetextures. Progress bar slider from Rock Beats theme. Everything else by me. Includes a little EQ graph in top left as rockbox has no eq preset names to show, which I'm guessing is what the iBasso has in that location. Not touch enabled as I don't have a touchscreen player, but could be modified to include that if anyone wants to. Conversion to x of x theme beebox, original by Bernd Busse.
Now displays cover art when on hold, otherwise uses more space for data. Rebuilt Frostbox theme. Originally by Chris Banes senab the x res version used older syntax and didn't work with current Rockbox, so this is a rebuilt version using the original bitmaps slightly modified. This is V2. Original by Roan Horning.
Small fix - moved 'locked' symbol to top of display where there's room for it. Originally by Pierre B. Album art added. Conversion of ipod Photo theme air v1. Backdrop and colour-scheme changed.
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Otherwise resized and extensively re-arranged to fit this cramped resolution, but roughly the same layout. Again, only been tested on simulator. Requires Artwiz-Snap font, install Rockbox font pack first before using. Album art or ALiEn picture on pause as an extra bonus. Conversion and repair of x theme. Originally by 'angryman', later updated by Stephen Carroll. Only tested on the Zen Mozaic simulator, so problems are a possibility! Seems the original doesn't actually work anymore due to a bug with how it uses viewports but I suppose nobody uses any x players to find out!
Bit cramped at this res, but seems to work. New version, minor rearrangement of elements to look a bit closer to the original higher-res version despite having fewer pixels to work with. Emphasize again that credit for the nice design belongs to original author! A version of "Cabbie" for visually impaired users, requires Adobe-Helvetica-Bold. Can be used on platforms with x screens e. Modification of simple x theme 'smooth'. Theme heavily based on x theme 'AArdvark' that theme by Pat Wilborn but bitmaps mainly remade from scratch.
Another conversion of ipod Photo theme air v1. Otherwise roughly the same layout. Replaced 'album' icon with one from wikimedia commons credits in file as one from 'air' theme was a bit ragged. Battery icon from cabbie theme. My conversion, and colour change, of theme 'ART in Red'. Original by Oliver Krause. Original for players of resolution x Enhanced to use extra space and converted to new colour scheme. Green version. Better repeat icon than previous versions, and adds current playlist name. My conversion of theme 'ART in Red' to x Enhanced a bit to use extra space.
Otherwise resized and re-arranged but mostly the same layout. New backdrop by Petr Kratochvil public domain licence. Enhanced to use extra space and converted to blue colour scheme. Converted by me from ipod photo skin originally submitted by Gabriel Winkler. Completely rewritten, backdrop replaced with quite similar!
SBS script added. Some bits added by me to make use of the extra screen space, including cover art. Similar to my BlueOnBlack2C. Uses icons from farm fresh icon pack from fatcowhosting. Retrieved from wps gallery and updated and converted. Black version of ipod Photo theme air v1. New background Frost by by Sarah Klockars-Clauser from openphoto.
White version of ipod Photo theme air v1. Fixed crossfade icon also. Larger-icon version of my "air yellow" theme. Same credits as that one. Backdrop from publicdomainpictures. Also fixed crossfade icon. My redesign of theme 'Alternative' by Boernie Buntstift. Playmode icon from cabbie theme. Purple version. Red version. Conversion of simple x theme 'smooth'. Otherwise resized and re-arranged but roughly the same layout. Icons made larger for better legibility in this version.
Just yet another Cabbie variant I made ages ago. Same credits and changes as previous V7 ones, but in black and white colour scheme. Backdrop picture by back ground photo by Sarah Klockars-Clauser from openphoto. Conversion of x theme SentinelAA. Heavily modified by me to work with x resolution. Conversion of x theme. Original by Ralph Heinrch. Based in turn on wide cabbie, based in turn on CabbieV Reworked all icons, based on those from cabbieV2. Conversion and enhancement of x resolution theme originally by Chris Oxtoby. Conversion of simple text-only sansa Fuze theme originally by Jack Yi.
Added changeable foreground colour second colour switches between yellow and white depending on foreground colour, by default is sansa-style turquoise and yellow. Original description "A simple, clean and crisp theme for the Fuze. My conversion of x theme HandScribbleArt2. Original by George Tsai.
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That theme was in turn based on the "ScribbleArt" theme by Roman Seidl, which itself is a variant of the "Scribble" theme by Christopher Williams. Uses Mattt's rope hand written font by Matt Chrisholm. Updated the syntax to current rockbox, also added cover art, volume icon, playlist name, and ultra-large current time display when on pause or lock. Changed colour to green. Theme originally for sansa e, originally uploaded by Artur Mueller credited to JoChn in files - possibly the same person? Converted to x by me Very nice background and icon bitmaps by original author modified by me for new res.
Very simple theme so very easy to convert. Originally by Nicholus H. Yee for x resolution. Adam Trepczynski Submitted: Modifications are: Fonts package installed. Partly based on theme 'fresh' for gigabeat by Ryan Cuda which is no longer on this site due to it not working with current Rockbox. Original by Matt Middleton. Backdrop and some icons resized, volume meter remade completely impossible to resize it , wps rewritten original alternating cover art idea doesn't seem to work with current rockbox, but with higher res can fit it without alternating it.
Originally uploaded by Christian Blass. This version includes tiny fix by me to crossfeed status, as that had been broken by rockbox changes since theme was written. Now works again. Also changed backdrop to silver to improve contrast. Conversion of gigabeat-S x theme to x Credits same as Rhombic-Green, just in yellow. Credits as Rhombic-Green, but in red. Original by David Kauffmann. Turns out inverting aspect ratio is very tricky, but got there eventually. The volume indicator is using conditional viewports, and is displayed on the ordinate of the cross, while all the playstate conditions are displayed on the abscissa.
Third colour changes between black or white automatically depending on background colour. Omits 'next track' data as space gets cramped when swapping aspect ratio round. This version just includes tiny fix by me to crossfeed status, as that had been broken by rockbox changes since theme was written. But made from scratch except play mode icons and bits of the red LED icons and a bit of the cover art metallic frame. Background image from taken from nasa "astronomy picture of the day april 12". Conversion of Sansa C theme Cuda [Red] to x Original by Mike Coates.
Includes 'low battery' warning message. Conversion of Sansa C theme Cuda [Blue] to x But made from scratch except play mode icons and bits of the red LED icons. Conversion of x theme RED to x Original by Dominic Toupin. Icons are from the cabbie V2 theme. WPS image and main menu backdrop by Dominic Toupin with modification by me to work with different aspect ratio Works with current build Works with release 3.
Ti Mac Submitted: Theme design directly inspired by Rockbox Failsafe and Ambiance Background image from pixabay. Another variant of cabbie that I have lying around. Includes listing of previous and next few tracks on current playlist, plus bar-charts of various settings bass, treble, PBE, balance, EQ. Plain blue-ish background. Guillaume Cocatre-Zilgien Submitted: Here's another slight modification of the Original Firmware's interface, based on my PodOne theme for the iPod Classic.
Requires Rockbox 3. Ludovic Jakimon Submitted: Progress time is displayed in large characters. Walter Purcaro Submitted: Just an amazing theme for Rockbox, like Ekaran, but with "few" extra NB Reupload purely to correct the preceding picture credit got it muddled the first time - theme is unchanged. Originally by Rob Schmersel described by him as a recreation of an unknown sansa theme. Taken from old wps gallery and rewritten for current syntax, plus tweaked a bit. Original by Gary Light evilg Including showing part of current playlist. Based on 96x96 clipzip theme styleblue by Bobby van Dam.
Allows changing of foreground colour. My other con version of Friskys2, uploaded for completeness. Lighter than existing version. The original was for Sansa e by T. Kliemann and modified by Michael Loster. This uses a new metal texture from myfreetextures. Unlike original it doesn't have a custom fm radio screen if anyone wants to add one, please do so! New version with several fixes includes codec, more space for playing time and replay gain, more space for track name on SBS, fixed a bug in STOP state, etc Works with current build Works with release 3.
Original author: Updated by P Poorten. Doesn't use cover art, nor did original. Reupload - slightly fixed layout to better resemble the original. Conversion of Sansa E theme. Original by jimmison This version removes custom fm screen in hope of getting it compatible with current rockbox. Another one suitable for ipods with custom gold cases. Ported from the ipod photo version, which was ported from e by Thomas Martiz, and originally made by Jiiprah.
Also added a custom menu screen, showing info while in menus. Slightly tweaked from the green version previously uploaded by me added tiny art in menu screen, lightened text colour, original colour restored,etc Version 1. Version 1. Version 2 of blueonblack. This version is for ipod video, because classic and video for some reason have different ranges for bass and treble boost, meaning bar chart has to be done differently for each. Re-upload with icon alignment improved by 2 pixels. Aspect Ratio swap and colour change of x theme to x Rearranged and slightly remade, some icons added to replace text to save space play and hold icons borrowed from the Cabbie Theme, others my own.
Original credited to Dave Berg, for the Gigabeat. Conversion of "Rockster" to x res. Backdrop modified, stuff resized, etc. Some extra info put in to use extra space. Original by Thanos Tsakiris V1. Orange version of my GreenOnBlack, with a few tweaks. Blue version of my GreenOnBlack, with a few tweaks. Conversion of x theme "Rockster" to x res.
Blue version, improvements made to the layout compared to my previous versions. Original version and the design by Thanos Tsakiris, Works with current build Works with release 3. Like my greenonwhite just in red. Small tweak to theme by Alex Mayer Just slightly modified to allow foreground colour to be changed. Full credit to original author. As the name implies it is a very minimal theme. Icons are off by default. There is no album art. Shuffle and repeat icons align right and only display when they are on. Generic black theme by me. Also changed artist icon to 'goth' icon from farmfresh icon pack from fatcow hosting.
Also changed artist icon to 'Hendrix' icon from farmfresh icon pack from fatcow hosting. Reupload because first upload omitted the roboto font syntax checker didn't complain, but I don't understand why it didn't as that font isn't in the standard font pack Works with current build Works with release 3. Derived from silverblue by silverblue ruben-online. Also changed artist icon to 'Emo' icon from farmfresh icon pack from fatcow hosting. From Clean Light 0. Originally by Peter Akers.
Fixed for iPod Photo by Eric Hoffman. Converted to x by P Poorten. Loosely based on ROCKit 0. Simple theme with no cover art. Converted and modified from ipod greyscale theme, Originally submitted by Stephen Carroll who took it from WPS gallery. Originally credited to juice17 Christian Framing.
New version with customisable colour scheme and custom menu screen. Eddy Coman Submitted: Statusbar is disabled in both screens to maximise the space available and to use the most suitable font size. WPS has the following features: Generic white theme by me. Uses couple of icons from farm-fresh icon set at fatcow hosting loads of useful CCA3 icons there Works with current build Works with release 3.
But turned into a completely different theme. Still uses some modified icons and bits of script from that theme. Uses backdrop photo from http: Modification of older theme 'exit'. Changes allow colour selection via menu, and does away with bitmaps so it takes less space. Originally credited to Zyx Abacab. Orange version. Nothing very new, same as my previous conversion of same theme, just with blue colour scheme and different font. Nothing very new, same as my previous conversion of same theme, just with green colour scheme.
Reupload to fix selection bar colour Another theme designed mainly to allow the colour scheme to be changed easily via the settings menu. Modified version of my ReduxReduxGreen2, so as to allow user-selected foreground colour. Still partly derived from theme Redux by J Fite. See original Digital listing for full credits. Added ability to select custom colour scheme and some other small changes. Original for SansaFuze by Ivan Lysytsyn. Original by Lukie New theme. Doing this means icons can't be anti-aliased but that isn't really a problem, main drawback is it means can only use two colours, foreground and background, as rockbox only allows setting those two.
Can use background image in place of background colour, but you'd have to edit the. I think this is sort-of what the 'thin' theme used to do before rockbox changes broke it. Conversion of SansaE theme originally by Alvin Chong. Layouts are inspired by the HoloMusic app. Modified from electricbarsofcolour and iconset modified from asian clip. Reupload with small fix to fm radio screen which may or may not work right! Further improved version of rebuilt Frostbox theme.
Originally Created by Madsic Taken from ipod nano WPS gallery, updated broken syntax completely, converted to x resolution by me. Ends up as minimalist large-font theme for people with imperfect eyesight? I think it works better with 30 Ubuntu Bold font, but that. Red version of rebuilt Frostbox theme. Also adds various things, including converting icons into strip form to simplify WPS, proper AB-shuffle icon, playlist name, etc etc.
Version 2. Old Sansae theme, converted to x Original WPS from rockbox-themes. Released under the creative commons share-alike license. Ported to viewports by digerati MikeKasberg. MarcGuay added font to viewports tag Updated to work properly on Release 3. Cover art smaller asx doesn't work as well as x for art. Added extra info to use left-over space. Conversion of Sansa Fuze theme originally by Richard Nease. Tweaked backdrop slightly as original was too low-contrast for text to be legible.
No cover art, very simple theme. Just updated the syntax to current rockbox. Same credits and changes as previous V7 ones, but in yellow colour-scheme. More choice is good, right? One more conversion. Resized from x and sbs added. Reupload with minor fix to prevent clipping one pixel from track title text. Original by Ross Thompson. Another IBassoDXlike theme. Slightly tweaked from first one e. Conversion of ipod nano theme originally by Freddy Leitner. Original description says "slightly inspired by the Palm Pre UI.
Original icons. Can probably easily be adapted for other players" Works with current build Works with release 3. Victor Florian Submitted: Im not the creator,i just modified the original theme Works with current build Works with release 3. Shiyu Zheng Submitted: Some images were edited from originals and some symbols were made by me.
Fonts are included; not intended with icons. A darker version of my iPodMod for those who like black backgrounds. My conversion of ipod color theme of same name. Original by Norbert Kurzel. Reupload - fixed my small but stupid error with cover art. Merely a green version of my previous conversion of Orange Glow V2 converted from Ipod photo to ipod classic resolution. Original ipod photo version by Benjamin Johnson. Conversion of gigabeat theme Medieval by Frank Gevaerts. See Gigabeat section for original description.
Rearranged elements to work with flipped aspect ratio. Had to change the way the candle progress bar works, as rockbox seems to have changed behaviour in a way that breaks the original method. Conversion to x of x iRiverH10 theme. Original by "Corey" credits in file. Icons remade for new res.
Updated version - added playmode icon. Another of a zillion variations of Cabbie theme I made. Blue version. Background image: Great barrier Reef by Radek Labancz maestro from http: Reupload, finally fixed wrong colour selection bar. Designed by scizrboy Modified by skwad to work on iAudio x5 Modified by afruff23 to become the HiPodNextV5 Modified some more and converted to work on x players, renamed V6 by me. Originally an iAudioX5 theme by Markus Haselboeck, in old wps gallery, no longer works.
Eerything else by the other authors listed above. My conversion of iRiverh10 theme grunge original by David Berg. Also partly based on the Gigabeat version of same theme, which had higher res bitmaps Works with current build Works with release 3. Converted from IRiverH theme. Original version by JamesDenman aka denny. Retrieved from wps gallery, rewritten for new syntax and resized to x Designed by scizrboy Modified by skwad to work on iAudio x Modified by afruff23 to become the HiPodNextV William Wilgus Submitted: From ipodvideo wps gallery, updated to current syntax by me.
Original by Charles Voelger Works with current build Works with release 3. Retrieved from wps gallery, rewritten for new syntax and resized to x, Works with current build Works with release 3. My conversion to x of ipod nano 2g theme originally by Billy Blair. Which in turn was "based on the jClix theme a couple of years ago" Works with current build Works with release 3. Converted to x from x Conversion of x theme originally by David Berg, to x Reupload, menu backdrop left out of first attempt Works with current build Works with release 3.
Converted from iaudiox5 wps in old gallery. Original Author: Keith Briscoe. Enhanced and converted by me. Simple x theme converted to x No cover art. Original by Ruben Richiger, conversion by me. New icons from wikimedia credits in file. Conversion of theme from old iaudiox5 wps gallery, original by "Corey" Works with current build Works with release 3. Conversion of theme from old iaudiox5 wps gallery, original by "Corey" original no longer works on original target.
Background pic 'Tree In Fog' from publicdomainpictures. It appears when paused see extra screenshot Unfortunately Rockbox only returns the first characters of it, so it gets truncated, which slightly destroys the point of this theme. Conversion to x of theme MySansa. Original by Niko Hujanen x Icons from Famfamfam.
Background photo by Michael Jastremski from openphoto. Conversion to x and enhancement of ipodnano1g theme. Original by Burnwell Racer. In turn derived from Piotr Zalewski's cabbiev2. My conversion to x of x theme amabee. Also fixed outdated syntax. Another theme. Other icons and WPS script etc by me. Shows various other info if no cover art is present.
A theme mostly by me. Same as StoneX just with different colours. Taken from old ipod nano theme gallery. Updated to current rockbox syntax and converted to x resolution. Original by JuyuJohns. There are a lot of these - the original has them all in one download, but the theme gallery now requires each to be uploaded separately Works with current build Works with release 3. EscapeBoD-black originally by Leo P but Heavily based on "Escape Pod" by "aj" and "Escape BoD2" Retrieved from old wps gallery and rewritten for current rockbox syntax by me Works with current build Works with release 3.
Theme originally by ChristianBrassat. Taken from old ipod nano wps gallery and rewritten for current sytnax plus converted to x res, plus enhanced a bit. Based on theme "Rocker", retrieved from ipod 5g wps gallery and rewritten for new sytnax and substantially 'remixed' Original version by JasonTanz April Original licence just says "Gimme Cred", so, credit given!
Was also updated previously by DavidKauffmann in Sep but that rewrite is also now totally out of date. A separate rewrite and port to x by Stephen Carroll exists but this is derived from the original 5g ipod version Works with current build Works with release 3. Just another Cabbie variant. Same as previous CabbieV6, but in green. Custom FM screen not included in this converted version. Includes track 'comment' field which iTunes seems to like filling with strings of numbers, as in screenshot, but perhaps sometimes it has something more meaningful in it and few themes show it, so I just put it in there Conversion of iAudioX5 theme by Alex Vanderpol to x resolution.
Changed backdrop image to high res one from publicdomainpictures.
Custom FM screen not included as couldn't be bothered to convert it. Conversion of ipod nano theme Pick Up That Can! Original by Nathan Greene. My conversion of iAudio X5 theme. Original by Alex Vanderpol This time managed to resize the backdrop without it coming out wrong, unlike previous attempt that became 'brass monkey' theme. Used extra space to add the 'comment' field to the track info as not many themes show that field. Note, custom fm screen not included as I have no use for it myself. Might add it some time.
Original comment: Retrieved from old wps gallery. Rewritten by me for new syntax. By PhilipMourdjis. Retrieved from WPS gallery and updated for current syntax. A conversion of the theme "lebellium Samsung-like", This seems to be one of the only resolutions said theme has not been converted to. Originally by Ludovic Jakimon. Apologies if original author was planning to convert it himself at some point. Pretty much the same as the other versions, remade volume meter completely to fit new resolution, other elements resized, repositioned etc. The goal is to take advantage of the simple and beautiful Samsung WPS and add some missing info and improve some graphic parts at the same time.
What's more in this theme compared to original Samsung's one: File codec and bitrate, Album year, Thicker progress bar, 12 or hour clock, Mini-player in the other menus. New in this version: Just my V7 of cabbie theme but without a picture backdrop. Nothing particularly new, but in case anyone prefers a plainer background. Ivan Kuleshov Submitted: Based on Clyp-E by Boris Cisternas. Replaced digital battery indicator with the graphic volume indicator. A conversion of theme "Arrows" originally made for ipod nano1g by David Randler.
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The series runs 3 season s , and has a score of out of on Metacritic, which "Batman Beyond" is currently available to stream via subscription, rental. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Batman Beyond Episode 2 English Subbed at gogoanime. TV Series. Anime info: Batman Beyond. Please, reload page if you can't watch the video. Watch Batman Beyond Online on Putlocker. Kevin Batman Beyond. Return of the Joker. The Movie. Teen Titans. Justice League Unlimited.
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Part 2. Watch Batman Beyond Return of Joker online,download and streaming free episode english subbed. Just one thing bothers me, guys watch out with the sound effects. Read more. I just watched the Batman Beyond. However, Amazon Prime is streaming all four volumes. I recommend batman beyond after you're done with based TAS. Crazy, Apr Watch Batman Beyond: Season 1 Online batman beyond: Season 1 Batman Beyond: This Pin was discovered by Free Cartoon.
Discover and save! No Registration required. I went to watch them the other day, and noticed they aren't on netflix anymore. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for anywhere that. Fueled by remorse and vengeance, a high schooler named Terry McGinnis revives the role of Batman. Vowing to avenge his father's death, Terry dons the.
He tried to convince. Watch Batman Beyond season 1 - At least 40 years after the "current" adventures of Batman and 20 years after Bruce Wayne retired from the role, his. Finally after everything else watch the JLU episode "Epilogue". Stream the latest, or past, episodes of Batman Beyond online. Sound off no, you need to buy the box sets. Watch Batman Beyond: Zero Online batman beyond: Zero Director: Where's Terry? Parents need to know that this cartoon series features frequent, gruesome violence, including bloodshed and even body-part removal.
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The Animated Series is considered the greatest comic book cartoon of. Return of the Joker, part of the element of the script episode "Harley and Ivy," which sees Harley break free of the Joker's. PBS has also started a new animal education series for younger children but so dull or patronizing that no self- respecting child would voluntarily watch them.
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