Iphone 5 screen blank but still on
Then run the program after the installation. Click Start. Step 2. The program will identify that the iPhone cannot turn on and offers Standard Mode and Advanced Mode to fix the dead iPhone. Select Standard Mode if you don't want to lose data. In this step, you need to put your device into recovery mode, just follow the instruction of the program to put your iPhone 11, XS, XR or other iDevice into recovery mode.
In this step, the FonePaw program will detect your phone model and the iOS version. If it fails to do that, you can manually select them for your device. Then check the " Repair " button. The download is completed. Your iPhone is being repaired now. Wait for a few minutes. Your iPhone should turn on and get out of black screen.

If you fail to fix iPhone black screen with the above methods or iPhone screen went black but the phone still works, you should get iPhone screen repair service from the local store. If your iPhone is still under warranty or under AppleCare plan, take the phone to local Apple store to get help. FonePaw uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.
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Click Privacy Policy to learn more. Got it! Product Multimedia. Data Recovery MacMaster Hidata. Again, if you have an all white screen on your device, this is seldom related to a bad screen. More often then not, it is a software related problem. I tried a spare digitizer and it did the same thing, is this software or hardware related? Thanks Bobby, You may have a battery that is slowly going dead. If your battery is not sending a strong enough charge through your phone, you will see boot errors like this. If you try a new battery, and this does not solve the issue, then you may be looking at a software error.
You can try to resolve this by performing a hard reset wipe and restore to default settings on your device. If this also does not fix the issue, then you may have a motherboard that has sustained some type of damage. You would want to look into a new device at this stage in the process. Hi, I recently changed my screen, and now it won't come on without being on charger; even then all it shows is a blinking Apple logo. Could this be a faulty screen? Thanks Steven, Since you are able to see an image on your device, this is most likely not a faulty screen.
Normally, faulty screens will show blotches, lines, dead pixels, or colored halos around the main display. Since your device will not go past the boot logo, you are looking at a software glitch or a motherboard that has sustained damage. This would be the time to look into a new device. I recently took my iPhone 4 to get the screen replaced. There are 2 main antennas that control your service.
There is a WiFi antenna at the top of your device, and there is the Cellular antenna located at the bottom above your charge port. Many repair companies get in a rush to repair your device, and simply do not fully tighten the screws on the parts that control these features. If after these two antennas are checked you still have no service, contact your service provider, and ask them to reset your service signal. This is normally not needed after a screen replacement, as the problem is usually hardware based.
Depending on the repair shop, they should fix this error on their part. Just take your device back, let them know what is going on, and they should get you fixed up.
How to fix an iPhone X that suddenly gets stuck on blank or black screen [Troubleshooting Guide]
If they will not, you can bring your device to any of our locations, or mail in your device. Our technicians will fix these 2 antennas for just a small service fee provided no parts need to be replaced. I went to a place in the mall to get my cracke screen fixed and after my phone was working fine but now it's colors are very dark and vibrant and the middle of the screen is white, and my phone said searching the whole time, and now my phones completely black and won't turn on no matter what I do.
Your screen is defective. Take your device back to where you had it repaired, and they should replace your screen with a new one.
iPhone 5 - Wikipedia
If not, you can always bring your device to any of our locations or mail it in, and our technicians can repair your device from there. The searching problem is caused by your antenna not being fully plugged in. Let the repair shop know, and they should fix this issue as well. Normally, antenna problems are caused by a technician taking short cuts during repair.
Hello, Thank you for all your information. I am having a different problem. Nothing was wrong with my iPhone 4s except I dropped it, and cracked the screen. Everthing still works perfect. When it fell, it landed on the power button on top, so my iPhone 4S wouldn't do anything. I just replaced the LCD and power flex cable, put my device back together, turned on, and now I get the Apple logo. Now I get this long error code: "flashmediasETC".
Can you help please? This is my only phone. There are a couple of things you can try. First, start with a soft reset.
If this does not work, try a hard reset you must go through iTunes to do this. If your internal software has been corrupted, resetting your device to factory defaults should fix this issue.
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If not Try replacing your power flex cable again, and if that does not work, you can replace your screen again after that. Parts that have weak or flawed circuitry can cause software errors. The power that flows through your device can be blocked by bad circuitry. Replacing parts with these issues will allow the power to flow evenly, and will get rid of these types of errors.
Alternatively, you can bring your device to any of our locations, or mail in your device for repair. Our technicians have a general This fee will cover any troubleshooting that needs to be done on your device. If parts need to be replaced, we will contact you prior to completing any repairs. I got my iPhone screen replaced, and now it wont turn on unless my phone is plugged in. What do i do? A secondary problem is that your power button flex cable an interior component may have come loose, worn out, or was damaged during the repair of your screen.
If they caused the problem, most repair shops will fix thier mistake. If parts are wearing out, they will quote you a price from there. As a secondary option, you can always bring your device to one of our locations or mail in your device, and one of our technicians can repair your device from there.
Price will vary depending on what part has failed. IPhone screen cracked had it replaced. Now it jumps screens and has a mind of its own. Could it be a bad screen? There are a couple things to check out first: 1. It could be a loose connection. If you replaced it on your own, make certain your cables are plugged in. If not, let the repair shop know who did the work. Try a soft reset and see if this helps. It could be a calibration issue. If after troubleshooting these two things, the screen still jumps, then you may have a bad screen.
I just got my iphone 4s LCD changed. Now I notice there's a dead strip on top of the screen that doesn't respond to touches. Everything else works nice.
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What went wrong and how to fix it? Is it possible that some cables are not connected properly at the installation? There are several things that can cause dead strips on a touch screen: 1. Make certain your cable is plugged in straight, and that no copper prongs are missing on either your screen cable or your plug on the main board. Missing copper prongs will result in dead strips on an LCD. Check your cable for excessive signs of crimping over folding If your cable has been crimped or over folded, then you will have dead spots.