Windows phone 8 j pjh

At the time for those who read my twitter feed , I was quite reactionary and upset at much of the news. Most of this what as a user of a Windows Phone, not as a developer of a Windows Phone.

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Do note that another caveat is that I am an author of a Windows Phone 7. So let me talk briefly about what I think about the news from both a user and a developer on the Windows Phone platform. To me this is short-sighted as it seems to punish the only fans the platform has so far. The idea that this new piece of hardware was going to be out of date in only months upset me. Is this a good strategy overall? Windows Phone 7.

24 hours with the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

So the number of users who will be affected by the easier path of not building support for older phones is still small. When I look at the Android ecosystem of users, the core geeks care about 2. I still think real grouping not necessarily folders is needed. I think the over-the-air updating is a big win too.

Windows Phone 7 in-depth preview

Not just to avoid the nastiness of the Zune experience but also because Microsoft is really taking over for the upgrading of phones. Great news if you like updated OSs! New features like multi-core, NFC are great but as a user, I just want a great phone experience.

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