Chaos rings 2 android release
I both love and hate how it plays.
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You progress most chat by tapping the screen. This can sometimes have severe input lag that may make you rage about skipping some text that you wanted to read. The next thing is movement. I like this aspect for the most part. How you move is simple: hold your finger on the screen, yeah, just anywhere. Intuitive and easy.
You do the same thing with jumping over or to objects. Just tap the screen, and the rest is automated. Now, we get into combat. Combat is simple. You have a few options to choose from: Single, Pair, Flee, and Options. The last two are self explanatory, but the first two may have you confused. You will never have more than two characters in your adventuring party at any given time, and as such you can either choose to take a turn with both of your party, or take one consolidated turn. As a pair, you both can do the same actions, only with your stats meshed and given a slight boost.
You also share sopia abilities while paired up, but please note that the entire turn you remain in a pair, both characters can take damage. This also means that you share MP for your spells and specials. Combat also has a unique rule of a rock, paper, scissors. You have Gale wind , Flame fire , and Aqua water. There is also a neutral, holy, and dark element, but those are hardly ever seen.
The way the game utilizes its elements is through Sopia naturally having an element. Each of your player characters will have an element, save for Darwin, but he gets his through the sopia he equips. You will deal less damage to the foe, and the foe will get more damage off on you. To reverse this, you can cast the water spell. It gets more complex as the game goes on, but it becomes second nature to anticipate element shifts in foes and party members. This does not remove the necessity of grinding, however. Sopia themselves have levels.
When they gain a level, they open up a new skill. What skill will come next? Level the sopia up by equipping it and carrying it through battles! Along with gaining exp and OZ gold pieces basically , you gain SP.
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To finish up this last bit of combat before I go into other parts of the gameplay, there is one last part of the combat screen you may have noticed, the awakening and break bars. These two overlaying circular bars are on the top left portion of your screen and have varying colors. Every time you attack or are attacked, part of your brown awakening bar charges up. Awakenings are character specific abilities that can be either devastating to the foes, or helpful to the party.
Chaos Rings II - Wikipedia
Be mindful. When fully lit, your attacks do substantially more damage. This also applies to your foes, so be wary of your weaknesses! Each character has specific field actions they can perform. Darwin excels at jumping long distances, Marie can move certain blocks around, Connor can shoot things, Li Hua can beat the living dog shit out of walls, and Araki cuts things. These skills all have specific markers for where they need to be used, and are generally color coated.
Should you not have the character that these objects correspond to, the game informs you with a grey circle around the object. This is convoluted, complicated, painfully well written, and emotional as shit. You just saw one of your friends get eaten and the…what the fuck? Shit starts happening all around you, and then, the guy you were just playing as gets killed by the other guy who you initially thought was the main character. So, your main character is Orlando Darwin. He just killed his best friend who considered him his brother…wait, what? You want to know about that unwinnable battle you had before the whole forest bull shit?
Anyways, yeah.

He was forced by some odd power to kill Orlando. Great, no more Hobbit movies, then… That joke was bad. What does this mean? Well, the finely dressed gentleman named Bachs tells you. The world is in chaos, time has frozen, and now you, who was to be a pillar, must now take up the mantle of Nominator and guide four more people to their death at your hands to preserve the seal that keeps the great Destroyer away.
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Except, everyone here dislikes you. You just killed someone they ALL knew. Who is Darwin, anyways?
He was an Orphan, taken care of by Orlando and his younger sister, Marie. Well, guess who is in line to become a pillar and watched you kill her brother? Great, so three strangers and the obvious love interest all are afraid and hate you, great way to start a game.
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Why is she so important? I know a lot of us have been in the position of messenger. You have to tell someone to do something they will regret or despise, and even force their hand if they refuse to. Anyways, plot happens as you get to know all the pillar candidates. Araki, the classic samurai with a tough face and scars, total badass. The choices you make in who to offer as sacrifice and who to let live…it hurts. When I chose Li Hua as my first…her whole speech hit me right in the feels.
I'm getting the original and this game now :D. Aw : I love these type of games but I don't have one of those things too play on. Such a shame really. No news on Final Fantasy Type-0, sorry. I'll post any information as soon as it's made available. But we've not announced any plans to port any other platform at this time. If this changes I'll be sure to let you know. I'd totally buy this if it was released on the Vita or for the PSP as long as compatible with the Vita or both. I've heard that the first was really fantastically good but I don't have iOS.
Ben, is there any chance of these games coming to PSN or other platforms?