Android development in windows 7
Expand the " java " node. Expand the " com. Open the " MainActivity.
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- Step 2: Install the Android SDK;
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- How to install the Android SDK.
Do not touch the rest of the codes. You shall see the message "Hello, from my Java code!
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An Activity , which usually has a screen, is a single, focused thing that the user can interact with the application hence called activity. The MainActivity extends the android. Activity class or android. AppCompatActivity in the later version , and overrides the onCreate method. The onCreate is a call-back method, which is called back by the Android system when the activity is launched. A View is a UI component or widget, or control.
How to Install and Setup Android Studio for Android Development
We construct a TextView which is a subclass View for showing a text message , and set its text. We then set the content-view of the MainActivity screen to this TextView. Each Android application has a manifest file named AndroidManifest. It describes the Android app.
System Requirements for Android SDK Installation
For example, our " Hello Android " application, with an activity called MainActivity , has the following manifest generated automatically by the Android Studio when the project was built :. Instead of writing Java codes to create the user interface UI as in the above example using a TextView component. It is more flexible and therefore recommended to layout your UI components via a descriptive XML layout file. In this way, you don't need to hardcode the views, and you can easily modify the look and feel of the application by editing the XML markups.
The Java codes can therefore focus on the business logic. Expand the "app", "res resource ", "layout" node. It declares a TextView text field that holds a text string " Hello World! Instead of hardcoding the Hello-World string directly inside the TextView as in the above XML file , we shall use a string reference similar to a variable for better flexibility. Next, check the " MainActitivy. The " MainActivity " sets its content-view to " R. Run the application. You shall see the new string " Hello, from XML! Introduction Android is an Operating System for mobile devices developed by Google, which is built upon Linux kernel.
Read " How to install JDK ". Ensure that your JDK is at or above 1. You can check your JDK version with command " javac -version ". The installation and many operations take a LONG time to complete. Do NOT stare at your screen or at the ceiling. For developers, check out the "Developer Guides". You need about GB of free disk space! Launch the downloaded ".
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Drag and drop Android Studio into the "Applications" folder. The installation will continue to Step 2 below. Then run again. Note: In Windows, "AppData" is a hidden directory.
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- Get started with Android Studio.
Be Patient!!! Choose "Start a new Android Studio Project". Be patient! It could take a few minutes to set up your first app. Watch the "progress bar" at the bottom status bar and Zzzzzzzzz Once the progress bar indicates completion, a hello-world app is created by default. Click "Create Virtual Device".
In "AVD Name", enter "2. This is machine dependent. Follow the instruction to install HAXM. Scroll down a bit and find the section marked "Get just the command line tools" and save it somewhere easy to get to, like your desktop. We'll be extracting it to a better location in the next step.
The file you downloaded is compressed. You'll need to be familiar with compressed files — and how to extract them — to go any further. If you're not, stop here and spend the time to learn about them. Rename the extracted folder to "Android". This will make the rest of this guide, and your time with the SDK, much easier. You'll need a working version of Java to run the SDK components. Linux users will also have to make sure they have some bit libraries installed if they are running a bit version of the operating system. Extract the file you downloaded above into a folder named Android on the root of your C drive Windows or into your Home folder Mac, Linux.
You might notice a few things are missing if you've ever downloaded the command line tools before as the tools and platform-tools folders are missing. Open the bin folder in the extracted download and find the sdkmanager executable file. It may look like a terminal or shell command but it will open a GUI as long as you have Java installed correctly. Choose the correct files and proceed through the process it will show you a license agreement you should read and both tools folders will be installed.
But you're not quite finished!

The tools will be installed into the application data folder. Android notice the dot! Create a symbolic link information for Windows users here for both tools folders in the Android folder you created earlier. This will help get them into your PATH and make life a lot easier.
The PATH variable in your computer's operating system tells it where to look when you want to run a command from a terminal or the command line. It's a bit confusing, but the good news is that doing it is easier than explaining it. For these directions to work as written, you will have to have extracted and renamed the SDK download folder as mentioned above, and to the correct location for this tutorial. Unless you're still using an older version of Windows, you no longer can set the PATH in the autoexec. You'll need to update the system Environment Variable settings instead. Here's how it's done on a Windows 10 machine:.
It should look something like this:. For older versions of Windows, refer to the documentation that came with your computer for assistance on setting the PATH. Doing so is easy, and is all done in one file. In your Home folder is a file named. Open it with any text editor. Never touch the. You may see a blank file, or it may be full of other information. All we need to do is add a couple lines to the top of the file:. Did we mention that if your SDK is in another location, you'll need to adjust things accordingly? It will probably exist and have multiple entries.
Save the file, and close the terminal window. Open a new instance of the terminal and type this command:. You should now have a working set of Android command line tools and be able to do things like flash the latest factory images or manually update your phone with a zip file.