The limitations of superposition theorem and mention its applications
The following step-by-step methods are used to discover the response of a circuit in a specific division by superposition theorem.

The basic circuit diagram of superposition theorem is shown below, and it is the best example of this theorem. By using this circuit, calculate the flow of current through the resistor R for the following circuit. Disable the secondary voltage source i.
Superposition Theorem
Disable the primary voltage source i. The following circuit shows the basic DC circuit for solving the superposition theorem problem such that we can get the voltage across the load terminals. In the following circuit, there are two independent supplies namely current and voltage.
Initially, in the above circuit, we keep only voltage supply is acting, and the remaining supply like the current is changed with inside resistance. So the above circuit will become an open circuit as shown in the below figure. Consider the voltage across the load terminals VL1 with voltage supply performing alone, then. Hold the current supply only and change the voltage supply with its inside resistance.
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So the circuit will become a short circuit as shown in the following figure. The superposition theorem cannot be useful for power calculations but this theorem works on the principle of linearity. As the power equation is not linear. As a result, the power used by the factor in a circuit with this theorem is not achievable.
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If the load selection is changeable, then it is necessary to achieve each supply donation and their calculation for each transform in load resistance. So this is a very difficult method to analyze compound circuits. This voltage can be viewed as the sum of two voltages,…. In the quantum mechanical world, objects do not necessarily have clearly defined states, as demonstrated by the famous experiment in which a single photon of light passing through a screen with two small slits will produce a wavelike interference pattern, or superposition of all….
There is no way to visualize this; it has absolutely no classical counterpart.
One simply has to accept the result as a consequence of the axioms of the theory. Suppose that, as in Figure 3,…. When two electromagnetic waves of the same frequency superpose in space, the resultant electric and magnetic field strength of any point of space and time is the sum of the respective fields of the two waves.
Superposition Theorem | Applications & Limitations
When one forms the sum, both…. The superposition principle states that when two or more waves overlap in space, the resultant disturbance is equal to the algebraic sum of the individual disturbances. This is sometimes violated for large disturbances; see below Nonlinear interactions.
This simple underlying behaviour leads to a number of…. The old saying that no two things can occupy the same space at the same time is correct when applied to matter, but it does not apply to waves.