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Download Skype for Windows 7 - Best Software & Apps
Sign into Skype. Enter your Skype email address or username, or phone number , click Next , enter your password, and click Sign in. Doing so will log you into Skype Classic, at which point you can begin using it like usual. If you don't already have a Skype account, you can either create one or set up a Microsoft account to use as your login.
Consider removing the Skype app if necessary. Windows 8 may default to the Skype app if you have it installed.
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You can ensure that your computer always uses the classic version of Skype by removing the Skype app: Type in appwiz. Click Remove or Uninstall Follow any on-screen instructions or prompts. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips You can follow the steps in this article to install classic Skype on a Windows 10 computer as well.

Warnings Classic Skype is no longer being developed. This means that it isn't as secure as the most recent version of Skype; additionally, Skype may eventually remove the Get classic Skype option from their website. Edit Related wikiHows. Article Summary X 1. Did this summary help you? Yes No.
How do I get Skype on desktop? | Skype Support
Article Info This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Skype Print Edit Send fan mail to authors. Sorry this didn't help. Any version of Skype below 7. You can still download and install the latest 7.
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Skip to main content. January 11, Your feedback is always welcome! Thank you for all that you do for Skype! The Skype Team. Site Feedback. Tell us about your experience with our site. I wonder about Created on November 18, Hi I agreed to try a new version of skype when offered with the latest upgrade of Windows I have the same question B Replied on June 2, Volunteer Moderator.
Skype, the telephone of the 21st century
In reply to LisaMaille's post on May 30, This will primarily revolve around the type of operating system. However, there are some general recommendations.
Users should possess a minimum of 1 gigabyte of free RAM space. At least 1 GHz of processing speed is also required in order for the program to function efficiently. There can be instances when Skype will require permission to use specific hardware found within a system. Common examples include third-party webcams or a microphone on a desktop device. Those running this program from a smartphone may also be asked to supply information in regards to their personal contacts from time to time. This program is regularly checked for spyware, malware and other types of malicious coding.
- How to "downgrade" skype to a previous version - Microsoft Community;
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- Skype for Windows 10.
This is also why it tends to be updated on a regular basis. There are few concerns in terms of the safety associated with this bundle. Read more stories. Don't leave without your download!