Simple camera app android example
Android Camera2 API Example Tutorial
The Uri object is a wrapper of the picture file path. After camera app take image, when you close the camera, you can find the picture files are saved by camera in below app specific cache directory. First you need create an Intent object with action MediaStore.

From android OS version 7. Because those picture files are created by camera app, and only camera and camera same group user can read them, all other users can only execute them.
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You can get this conclusion from below picture. So if you want to read those pictures file in this example app, you must use a content resolver to read them by their Uri. FileProvider is a content provider which focus on file sharing. But before you can use it, you should configure it in AndroidManifest.
How To Create A Camera Application In Android Using Android Studio
The meta-data xml tag specify the shared file directories in a xml resource file. Has this solution been tested on Android 8. Your email address will not be published.
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Skip to content. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. No matter which function you used to launch the activity , they all return the result.
The result can be obtained by overriding the function onActivityResult. Here is an example that shows how to launch the existing camera application to capture an image and display the result in the form of bitmap.
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- Using existing android camera application in our application?
To experiment with this example , you need to run this on an actual device on which camera is supported. Let's try to run your application.
Android Create Simple Camera App with source code example tutorial
I assume you have connected your actual Android Mobile device with your computer. To run the app from android studio, open one of your project's activity files and click Run icon from the tool bar. Before starting your application, Android studio will display following window to select an option where you want to run your Android application. Android - Camera Advertisements. Previous Page.