Can i switch my verizon iphone 4s to at&t

If the iPhone is unlocked it can usually be used on any network that it is compatible with. The model number is A Please HELP! I have iphone 5. On the back of this A Model number is display but, in setting model no A is display. A from Germany, I want to know ,is it cdma or gsm or both.

Hi I am also having the same problem as Kathy. I have a verizon iPhone 4s and am currently trying to activate it on straight talk but they seem to be havig problems. To use the LTE services, you need an iPhone 5c or higher.

Unlock the iPhone on AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile

Good Luck. You are absolutely right. I bought my phone from Verizon because it is unlocked. I have used a South Korean sims card in it, a Philippine sims card in it, and now I am using a Cricket sims card in it. The iPhone 5s is an awesome phone. It can be used on pretty much any network anywhere in the world. The original owner purchased the phone through Verizon. Will I be able to use this phone with a different carrier? I am trying to use it with Straight Talk and I am receiving conflicting messages from Straight Talk regarding its usage.

Thank you. Neither does the iPhone 5. As far as the 4s, though, the service is still quite fast. Hope this helps. Enjoy your 4s! I have an iphone 5c, verizon model Ais not listed in here. This displays a screen showing the info that is on the back of the phone and then some — including the Model number.

iPhone 4S unboxing review: AT&T and Verizon

I have iphone 3g and recently i updated the software to 4. Wow I must have ordered my iPhone 5 so early that when i took it out of my case right now and looked at the back i just noticed that it only says iPhone on the back and no other information whatsoever.

Using an Older iPhone (4/4S or 5) with a Prepaid Cellular Service

I like it!!! Bad information! Name required. Mail will not be published required. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. July 26, at pm. The carrier was kind enough to provide a micro-SIM card for testing in my iPhone.

What I found may infuriate customers who have purchased expensive iPhones from one of the three carriers in the U. The phone indicated that the SIM was not recognized by the phone and required its removal and device reboot. I contacted Verizon global support to confirm my suspicions. I then interviewed managers at three different Apple corporate stores to confirm issues with regard to unlocking.

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Only the Apple phone, available from their stores or on-line, is fully unlocked and can be used on any carrier outside the United States. The other phones are permanently locked and cannot ever be used on another carrier in the U. Neither Apple or the other carriers will fully unlock your carrier phone. Thank you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.

Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Is is possible to move a Verizon iPhone 4s to another US cellular carrier? Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 9 months ago.

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Active 5 years, 8 months ago. Viewed 62k times. Meet the following requirements: Must be a Verizon Wireless customer. The iPhone 4S being unlocked must be active on a Verizon Wireless line of service.

First, Make Sure that Your iPhone is Unlocked

The line of service must be active at least 60 days. Wow fancy that apple users have had no flash support for the past 4years or so and they claimed tgey were not bothered. Strange people its all excuses will them. The only reason i bought my tablet was for internet browsing and having the full use of the internet is important and not how many games does your phone play. Apple iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max review. Post your comment.