Blackberry remove missed call icon
I haven't noticed the notification bar alert, but will certainly keep an eye on it for missed calls.
I do check it frequently for emailtext notifications. Thanks for the headsup on the easy reminder app. I have had numerous issues around the blackberry pearl deleting SMS texts, memory slowly deleting and a missed call icon when no missed calls are logged appearing. Several B.
How to Clear Badge Alerts on the iPhone | Your Business
I have have a missed call on phone icon number 1 over the icon that dont want go away. What do the icons that are found in the notifications bar at the top of my screen mean; How can I get around my device with the navigation buttons.
May 06, I have a blackberry pearl from Mobile, and it's been acting weird, like it deletes all of my call history, only shows my incoming text messages but not the ones i send to other people. And its been giving me a missed call icon but i'm not missing any calls.
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The notifications used by that app are displayed beneath its name, such as "Badges," "Alerts" and "Banners. When you click the "Home" button, the badge is removed from the app's icon. A published author and professional speaker, David Weedmark has advised businesses and governments on technology, media and marketing for more than 20 years. He has taught computer science at Algonquin College, has started three successful businesses, and has written hundreds of articles for newspapers and magazines throughout Canada and the United States.
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Blackberry remove missed call icon
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Step 1 Launch the app that is displaying an alert by tapping its icon on the iPhone's home screen. Step 2 Examine the app for any red badges or notifications within the app. If you remove all of them, you may not be able to find a phone number if you didn't store it in the Contacts list. Press the "Send" key from the home screen. If you're not at the home screen, press "Alt-Escape" and select the "Home" icon to return to it. Highlight a call log, then hold the "Shift" key and highlight all call logs.

If you want to delete a single call log, highlight it without holding the Shift key.