Blackberry daily plan for mtn
This service allows you connect your Blackberry to only one 1 Blackberry email address, something like buzznigeria blackberry. The bad part?
- MTN BlackBerry Plans Prices & Codes.
- MTN Blackberry Subscription Codes – BB Data Bundle on MTN;
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However, you get unlimited access to the internet of course until your data is exhausted. The BB Absolute Plan allows you access up to 10 third-party email accounts.
Each of them is also available on daily, weekly and monthly bundles. The inclusive data bundle on each plan is for sharing and receiving media files and not for internet access. The activation codes can also be used on non-Blackberry devices to access the BBM instant messaging app, which is now available on Android, and iOS smartphones. You will receive a feedback SMS displaying your data balance as well as the expiration date.

For MTN users that want to stay chatting but for some reasons do not want to go for the heavy bundles that offer internet access, well, the MTN Goodybag Social feature has got you covered. To stay connected to more than one social media platform, all you need do is subscribe differently for each one. While there is no inclusive data placed on each package, there is a limit to how much you can share depending on your preferred bundle.
MTN BlackBerry Plans Prices & Codes
The weekly plans come with a data limit of 25 MB while the monthly users have not more than 80 MB at their disposal. Broke but desperately need to be online? Click here. Enjoy nonstop chatting, tweeting, sharing and lots more on any of your favourite social media Apps for only N25 daily, N50 weekly or N monthly with the MTN Goody Bag Social bundle plans.
You can also pick any five 5 social bundles of your choice for N50 daily, N weekly and N monthly.
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