Army action mobile games download
All Action & Shooter Games
Once all your energy points are used up, you will have to wait for it to replenish. You also have to keep watch on your Health points before battling other players online. Doing missions lets you gain experience points and earn virtual money. Accumulating enough experience points will let you gain a level and will unlock new missions and more units to deploy. You will also receive stat points to increase the strength of your army. You can also improve your army by inviting your friends and battling your enemies together.
This game will let you become the sole commando, and you will have to avoid waves of bullets, shoot your enemies, and accomplish your mission. You can control the game by using its virtual buttons. Just drag across the screen to aim and press the button to shoot your enemies.
You can also move right or left by tapping the arrows on the screen. Use the walls to keep yourself safe from enemy bullets. The game also features a virtual shop where you can buy additional weapons. You can equip two weapons during a mission.
America's Army 2.0 Review
Make sure to equip the right weapon before doing missions. You can also purchase additional weapons in two ways: The game can be played for free but, in return, you can only use limited choices of weapons. Most of the powerful weapons can be purchased with Glu points. Essential equipment, such as the medical kit, will also require Glu points. The game also lets you do missions and battle tough bosses. Accomplishing missions will let you earn experience points that will let you level up. You can also try out the one-man army mission and survive the waves of enemies for as long as you can.
This game is a first-person shooting FPS game on your Android device. It features 3D graphics that makes the game more realistic. You also have to play the game with your headphones and enjoy the realistic sound effects such as the exploding grenades, the sound of fighter planes passing by, and the foreign languages spoken by your enemies.
This game really reminds me of the popular PC game Call of Duty. The game also features a shop that sells powerful weapons so you can equip yourself appropriately for your missions. You can purchase weapons by using the points you have accumulated from doing missions. Some items can only be bought by using Gold medals. You can get Gold medals through missions or exchanging your real money for one. You can also play multiplayer mode with your friends using Bluetooth or a Wi-Fi connection.
Test your shooting skill and challenge up to 5 players in three different modes: Point your Android device at terrorists and shoot them in the Army Sniper game on your Android device.
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You will need steady hands and a sharp eye to able to defeat your foe. You will need to tilt your device in the right direction in order to properly aim at your foes. Players who complete the SFAS process have the opportunity to take on elite Special Forces roles and are qualified to play in multiplayer missions with units ranging from the elite 82d Airborne Division to the 75th Ranger Regiment. The game features a number of training missions to get you familiar with the controls as well as learning the roles and weapons of a Special Forces soldier. Other game features include:.
Dave Galvin is a freelance writer and avid gamer.
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Somehow, he managed to find a way to combine the two passions. The very idea that the United States Army was developing its own in-house game seemed ludicrous. Many people doubted that they had the ability to pull it off. Others thought the whole thing was just rotten to its very core. Regardless of the controversy, it came out and many games and critics alike were ultimately stunned with the final result. By doing away with many popular first-person shooter conventions, it introduced a more realistic way that those games could be experienced.
The end result was something that played much more differently than everything else in the crowded genre. Time passed and the project was given constant updates and bug fixes until it finally reached version 2. Special Forces. While it brought about many changes to the original game, it continues to be one of the most unique and tactical shooters you can find on the web to this very day. Special Forces aims to provide as realistic an experience as possible, right down to the graphics. They may not have the most stylish or distinct-looking visuals out there, but that was never the point in the first place.
They get the job done, they are very detailed, and everything is animated adequately, even if the movement of the soldiers can seem pretty stiff and robotic. You just have to remember that the graphics are a product of their time. On the other hand, the sound design is second to none. The voice-acting of your fellow soldiers and drill instructors is clear and concise, but where the game really stands out is how well the sound effects have turned out.
The Army did not stint one bit on the audio front; every gunshot and explosion sounds off realistically from one side of the map to the other, gets muffled in a manner that is true to life, and echoes appropriately.

It does a great job at putting you into the scene and can even be a bit chilling at times. Just like everything else about the game, the United States Army went straight for the realism angle in terms of its combat. It may sound harsh, it may sound unforgiving, and it is. You need to move carefully, check your corners, and stay behind cover whenever you can. Firefights are often swift affairs.
You have to learn to be especially fearful of explosives like the old M hand grenade. Your aim can be pretty wavy and only by going into more prone positions will you be able to shoot with any degree of accuracy. A soldier you see on the other side of a door could be one of your own guys and you have to be doubly careful with where you drop your explosives. In short, Special Forces encourages strong tactical play, teamwork and spatial awareness more than any other FPS.
Neither you nor your enemies can afford the risk of getting shot even once, for death could be around any corner. The action may be a little slow-paced, but the tension remains high at all times and it can be especially dramatic when it slowly dawns on you that you may very well be the last member of your team still standing.
Download Army Games for Android - Best Software & Apps
While the game might result with you sitting on the sidelines a lot, matches are intentionally designed to be short and sweet. Players are divided up into two teams that are pitted against each other. Interestingly, players always perceive themselves and their teammates as American soldiers and see their opponents as balaclava-wearing terrorists. There is no capture-the-flag, free-for-all, or king-of-the-hill to be found here. Most matches are more akin to your basic team deathmatch affairs, though there are also ones where one team has to do something more protracted, such as defending a certain point or escorting a VIP from one end of the map to the other.
Never let it be said that the U. A city environment has buildings you can go into, cars you can duck behind, rooftops you can climb up on, and holes blown into the walls that you can shoot through. An interior location can be riddled with a maze of hallways, spiraling flights of stairs, rafters and pipes to hide in and snipe unassuming foes from, and ventilation shafts to sneakily crawl through.
Maps can be open and spacious or tightly-packed and claustrophobic, they could take place in the daytime or in the darkness, and they can have a lot of vertical space. Whatever the shape the map is in, there are lots of places where you can attack and be attacked from. You need to use every bit of the environment to your advantage. These include a medic who can heal non-fatal wounds in the field, a marksman who specializes in picking off targets from afar, a grenadier who comes equipped with a grenade launcher, and so on.