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How to Unlock a Cell Phone or Smartphone
If you paid for your phone on an installment plan and completed paying for that plan, you can unlock the device. In all cases, your account must be in good standing, which means there should not be any outstanding bills or illegal usage. Best cell phone plans. Some websites may charge a fee or ask for personal information to tell you whether your phone is unlocked.
Borrow a phone from a friend whose wireless carrier is different from yours.

If not, move onto the next section. Each carrier requires a phone call or a visit to its webpage to start the unlocking process. Call You can start the process of unlocking your device on this webpage. Call or start a webchat. Boost Mobile: Cricket Wireless: MetroPCS will unlock your phone 90 days after its initial activation.
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Cellular store. In fact, many countries have cell phone portability laws that make it illegal for a company to lock a phone to a specific account though these laws seem to change frequently. In North America, fewer phones are sold unlocked. If you received a phone for free or at a very low price when you signed a contract for your cell phone service, your phone is almost certainly locked.
There's an easy way to find out for sure: Find a friend whose phone is known to be unlocked. Have your friend place his or her SIM card in your phone, and then call your friend's number.
How to Unlock Your Phone - NerdWallet
If your phone rings, you know your phone is unlocked. If your phone simply generates an error message, then it's locked.
Next, we'll explain the advantages of having an unlocked phone, and explain how to make it happen. Travel the World: The Rolling Stones or The Beatles? How to Clean a Laptop.
How to Unlock a Cell Phone or Smartphone. Cell Phone Unlocking: Can your phone be unlocked?
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Prev NEXT. SIM cards are small chips about the size of your thumb, but it's the key to unlocking a locked cell phone. More to Explore.