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Culture You can't actually sell your Flappy Bird phone on eBay Sellers who attempted to capitalize on withdrawal symptoms suffered by those addicted to the year's hottest app tell Crave's Eric Mack eBay has put the kibosh on their cash cow. By Eric Mack. Turns out this auction and others like it violated eBay's copyright policies.
You were too addictive, creator says. Discuss: You can't actually sell your Flappy Bird phone on eBay Sign in to comment Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. Next Article: Best back-to-school headphones. Over the past few days hundreds of smartphones installed with the addictive game have gone on sale on eBay for thousands to players desperate to get their hands on the game. Heard about it on TV or online? And who really wants to pay thousands of dollars to buy one of these pre-loaded phones?
Pay a few bucks and rent my phone with the app installed for a much cheaper price! That way they could test out the game and see how incredibly frustrating it is instead of purchasing a very expensive, used device. In a way it's a 'try before you buy' model. Users will be invited to play the game in locations such as his home in Washington DC or in cafes such as Starbucks, where he can monitor his phone.
Flappy Bird creator Dong Nguyen spoke out earlier this week over his decision to pull the game from Android and iOS app stores, saying that it was an 'addictive product' that had become 'a problem. He arrived at his decision over fears the game was becoming too addictive, saying: "Flappy Bird was designed to play in a few minutes when you are relaxed.
But it happened to become an addictive product. I think it has become a problem. You can find our Community Guidelines in full here. Want to discuss real-world problems, be involved in the most engaging discussions and hear from the journalists? Start your Independent Premium subscription today.
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US sports. Rugby League. Bot farms on the other hand offer app developers a shot at success by guaranteeing a top 25 rank at one tenth the cost. Companies like Zynga, King, and SuperCell make way too much money to put themselves at risk of getting banned over shady marketing practices. Over the weekend the creator of Flappy Bird announced that he was pulling the number one iOS and Google Play app off both app stores. The only explanation given via Twitter:. But it also ruins my simple life.
So now I hate it. It is not anything related to legal issues. I just cannot keep it anymore.
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His last tweet claims that he will continue making games. In what surely is one of the strangest stories in years we are unlikely to ever really know what officially happened. Was he scared off by a copyright lawsuit from Nintendo? Was this all a brilliant marketing stunt designed to squeeze the last ounce of virality from Flappy Bird before it fizzled out? Or has he really been telling the truth and completely burnt out? People coming out of the woodwork asking for handouts.

Journalists from every news organization contacting you for interviews. Hundreds of ad networks spamming you with promises of riches if you just use their solution. Thousands of fans contacting you on Twitter everyday expecting you to engage. It sounds exhausting.
Flappy Bird-Equipped iPhones Selling for $100K on eBay
And for this reason possibly, Dong Nguyen quietly pulled Flappy Bird from the app stores yesterday in order to return to a simpler life. Did Nguyen use bot farms to reach the top? Should Apple have pulled Flappy Bird if he did? On the one hand I can see how unfair it is to all the developers who play by the rules. When more developers use bot farms, it inflates the required number of downloads to reach the top spots.