Sony xperia u blue flashing light
Type Your Electronics Question Here KevinWhiteJA is online now.
Share this conversation. KevinWhiteJA : How old is it? Customer: 2 years old. KevinWhiteJA : does it flash in sequence or continuous flashes are there?
Here’s where Sony has hidden the Xperia X LED notification light
KevinWhiteJA : do you also see flashing red light? Customer: continuous, no red light. KevinWhiteJA : ok. Customer: actually it flashes 9 times then stops for a couple of seconds and does it again. Customer: it makes a clicking sound, i can see the screen is trying to come on cause it goes a bit lighter but then it doesnt and just keeps flashing again. KevinWhiteJA : the problem is with the power supply board main board of the unit which has to be checked by authorized service tech. KevinWhiteJA : are you willing to do it yourself?
Customer: yep, i used to fix tvs years a go, they have changed a bit since my day, will it be easy enough and do u know what the cost is.
Solved: phone refuse to turn on, flashing red LED light only M4 Aqua - Support forum
KevinWhiteJA : usually the problem is caused due to failing capacitors on the power supply board Abnormal temperature - - - - flashes 2 times each Abnormal charging - - - -. Charging cannot be done.

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Bluetooth Pairing cannot be done. Plz tell me Samsung note edge because of abnormal factory reset the device is unlocked I forgot my Samsung I'd or password. Hi My Sony Xperia phone is jammed on screen with like missed call outlined in green. Just can't get it unstuck.
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