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Is there any other alternate app which can make the flash on my E71 work as a torch light? Awesome job on the list man, really handy! S60SpotOn is the best torch app that I have found. The last version released was 0. It is not available in the ovi store the store did not exist in , and it seems that the original page is no longer hosting it, so you need to download it from other hosting places. Also, since this package was signed years ago, it will be expired. Just change the date of your phone to a previous year until it works, maybe around Once it is installed, you can change your date back to the present.
Awesome list of apps. You just helped me decide to get this phone. It was either this one or the Nokia from straight talk. Now I am super excited to order this phone Friday when I get paid! Great great great ………………………………. Is there is any other way to change that password????? If that is the case, you need to contact whoever sold you the SIM card. Try converting the video on a PC to another format. Here you can see the details on how to do it: If there is then u rely ned to help me,through email or any means.
And also 3D games wit grafics like dat of brother in arms, tanx alot. Anway i have a problem with java apps. You may want to take your device to your local Nokia Care: Thanks, I have been needing to update my OS anyway. Hi, would you know of a bird-watching app which can be downloaded onto my E71?
Hi, now i have fixed my java by reinstalling the firmware, but i just noticed my software is old and actually it is Any ideas on how to fix this? But, if you are able to reinstall the firmware, an update is nothing more than that. You would just need to reinstall the latest firmware Make sure that you know what you are doing because you can make your phone useless, void the warranty if any , or end up with other language, or mapping of the keys.
Also, you could try the nokia updater software: From what I remember, there are a couple of apps that need to be installed in the phone memory, and also some apps write into the phone memory, no matter where they were installed. Because of those reasons I normally use the memory card as default for installing all the applications, so that I will have enough space for these other apps.
Repeat this process going back 1 year at a time until it installs, sometimes you may have to go a few years back. As I said in this post, you can read ebooks on your E71 by installing MobiReader in your phone. You can install Calibre on your PC to convert ebooks into the mobi format so that you can read them in MobiReader in your E Sorry for the longtime to reply but i have successfully updated my phones firmware. One note i should make is that you need a valid sim card to update, since i was on vacation and tried to update. I luv the update except for the start-up takes at least 4minutes and before that time it is too slow to try and do anything.
I was thinking that maybe i should reinstall the firmware to see if that fixes the start-up issue, what are your suggestions? One more note, while i was in vacation in america and tried to update while my sim card was invalid there the size of the update was about mb while in my current residence, ethiopia, the size of the update was about 49mb.
Just a note to consider, and this was all within the past two months with nokia software updater you suggested. The slow boot may be because of your installed applications. Try uninstalling all of them and only install the ones you really use. Reinstalling the firmware may help solving the slow boot, or not: Still, I think it is worth the try. Firmware updates must be done via the USB cable since they are really low level operations. Either way, I think the best is to just keep your phone up, and restart it only when something is wrong.
I have downloaded skype to my E71, but when I try to login to skype, it fails, continually re-routing me back to the login screen. Any suggestions? Hi calaloo, I recommend you to download skype from another source, for example the Nokia store: If that does not help, contact Skype support pages: I did download from the Nokia store. After reading the small print on one of the Skype support pages, it appears that Skype no longer supports video calls for Symbian phones. I just wish the Nokia store would, in a timely manner, remove apps that are no longer supported.
Just a big disappointment with no solution! A sisx file is a signed sis file, so you can convert a sis file into a sisx by signing the sis file with a developer certificate. That process can be complicated, so the easiest solution is to just get the signed file from the original developer, or just download the file through Nokia Store. Also, you can always try to just rename it to sisx in case it is already signed.
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Thank you samontab, but please can you specify me some site where i can sign the application because they are not in nokia store.. And also enlighten me how i can i hack my phone easily…. Good listing, thanks. There is also a cool dropbox client for S60, Drops60 developed by Tomi Lehto. Maybe you will consider adding to your list. You should take your phone to the Nokia shop and ask them to repair it. Basically you will need to reflash your phone, which is for advanced users.
I downloaded the firmware using navifirm and then flashed the phone with JAF. Hello i am whatching software for my nokia e71 that a can look and check how much i am using my 3g connection…. And yesterday I downloaded Whatsapp and compass. If you turn them both on, you will have the brightest light that the e71 can emit.
No other software will be better than that, since the hardware is at its maximum. Using Joiku Premium and trying to get my Lenovo A1 tablet to access it for internet access. Supposedly my Tablet is an andorid and hence does not connect to Ad Hoc Networks. Is there a workaround for this? I have connected many different devices to joiku free edition. You do not need the adhoc network, just the regular one.
Or what type free call international use in e71 nokia? Please give me website address. By what web? Hi Mahmud mussa, I recommend you to download skype from another source, for example the Nokia store: For amharic language: I have not tried it, but this may help you: Donwload and install this zip file, the one for sending SMS and email in amharic follow its instructions to install it: I think that fring allows you to have video calls with the frontal camera.
If you are a developer, you can access it easily with Java. Take a look here: Even if you had one, it is probably illegal to do that, so I do not recommend you doing it anyway. You can try with this app: I want use my device mgr. But i cant use it… Can help me how to update using device mgr….. I want update sw using device manager….. Kheir, I think that the app manager only allows you to uninstall the installed software, it does not allow you to update the software as far as I am concerned. Hani, I do not know what you mean by texlater software.
Ah ok.
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I still do not think that it can allow you to update your apps. Maybe you can update the operating system but not the apps. If it can do that, I do not know how to do it sorry. Good day.. I just want to ask how to restore factory seetings on my E71 as if it is brand new? You can read more details here: Need an E71 app to take periodic photos, minute by minute and download gps data for each still photo.
Phone will be flying under an Radio Controlled plane of sufficient lift ability. Apps could run sequentially since there will be significant overlap in the view area. You could run snapper and sports tracker at the same time, and then combine the results with a script.
Look at this app that allows you to geotag photos: Also, take a look at this app: About the security code, I do not know. About the flash as light, just use S60SpotOn. About locking your messages without internet connection, I do not know. So is there any other way? You can try opening the real player app, and then opening the flv from there. As a last resort, you can upload the flv to youtube, and then watch it with the included youtube app. You are allowed to download and install some apps via Symbian. I suggest you use Nokia Store app for searching and installing them since that is the easiest way of doing it.
You can try the following: Pc Suit 2. Mass Storage ETC …..
But in the laptop it doesent any thing when i plug ,I have tried pluging into a different USB port. You need to select it. If the phone is not recognized on your laptop, maybe there is a problem with your USB controller. Try updating the drivers for the USB controller on your laptop. Maybe it will work with one and not with the other. Also, try reinstalling the software as well. I Everytime use Pc Suite On the phone. There is no problem with the USB Ports. It should work. I do not know why it is not working. You said that the phone works in other PC, and that other phones work on your laptop.
That seems very strange. Hello Tanu. Thanks for your comment. I know xplore and nimbuzz, but decided to not put them on the list because I already mentioned similar apps: Y-Browser, and Fring respectively. I did not know core player, but it seems to be a commercial software, and I am listing only free apps here. Please follow the same steps that I showed to SymbianWizard. If you still cannot connect it using them, then please go to your local Nokia Support.
I think spotify is still available for the e Just go here and install it: No, actually only a few of them are available in the ovi store now called Nokia Store , because at the moment of publication the store did not even exist. Some of the most current and popular ones are indeed available from the store, like Skype for example.
This is actually the main point of this post, to let you know about cool apps that are not available easily. Take a look at my previous comments on this post, since I answered exactly the same question before. As I said before, S60SpotOn is the best torch app that I have found for the E71, but you can always search the store and try a few others for yourself. I want to play. Previously I was using divx player app for that. I have went to mobile. Both of them showed expired ceritificate. For that, I have temporarily fixed it by changing time back to whenever I use divx player.
But then if I use internet with it then it shows again and again to seek permission for sending a certificate because the time is not correct. I have tried another apps like coreplayer, smartmovie and powermovie players. Coreplayer is a mess. Smartmovie is paid and I tried every available method on the internet of hacking it.
Powermovie is good and easily hacked but not upto like divx player.
Divx is an important app for me because I watch movies on it. Or I would not mind using smartmovie player if I can use it without paying. Between, thanks for answering all those questions of other people from many years.
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It is really an appreciable job you have been doing. A job which Nokia should have done. Also, can you update your list with new links to download those files. I do not know a solution for the problem that you state. Changing your date to works? From what you say, I think there are two options: You can continue using the free apps with the annoyances that they have, or you could pay for using software that works better for you. I do not see the problem of paying for the time of someone else when it saves your time.
It took a very long time to download and install. Unfortunately when I enter my username and password it just keeps connecting but a connection is never established. Does anyone else have the same problem and how did you fix it??? Kind Regards Tom. I have never had that issue, but I recommend you to check your username and password in a regular PC first. After you check that, try connecting in your phone using a WiFi connection. Always use WiFi, or at worst 3G connectivity. Anything slower will not work very well. Hi samontab, thank you for your prompt and descriptive reply!
When I enter my username and password on my PC Skype starts up and works fine. However when I do the same on my E71 it just does not establish a connection. When it is trying to connect I get an E double arrow symbol on the top left in the display on the phone. I guess that this means that the connection is too slow and I will need to find a location that offers a WiFi connection or a location where a 3G signal is available. If you are going to be using Skype from your home, I recommend you to buy a cheap wireless router so that you can have WiFi at home.
I have been searching for hrs to find if google voice can be used with the E71 to place calls. I can txt and use voice mail, but not place calls. My doid has and app for it. But I still like using the E71 the majority of the time Best reception of any phone I have owned. And i would like to place calls that show my google voice number. Thanks for the list of apps. Sometimes it opens with a black screen and if i click on capture.. And sometimes without opening.. Any ideas what is happening?? If you are using a 3rd part app, that may be the problem. Use the included camera app.
If the problem is with the included camera app, then maybe there is a hardware problem with the camera, or with the firmware. Take it to a local Nokia Support store, or if you want to void the warranty, and try to solve it yourself, try reinstalling the firmware, or try a newer firmware. Note that updating the firmware is for advanced users and you can turn your phone into a useless piece of hardware, and you will void the warranty. So, you should contact Nokia Care. I do not know of any software for the E71 for doing that. But I guess it would be uncomfortable to DJ with the E71… I suggest you just use a laptop, PC, ipad, or at least a touch phone for that.
Sometimes the emails appears to be in sync or once I get it to sync by switching off the phone or changing internet connection a couple mins later the inbox on my phone is empty, i. Somehow all folders are updated except the inbox folder. Sometime ago I deleted all accounts on https: I even tried reinstalling the original latest update I know the most recent update is Error occurred in EaPlugin while creating request. Two days ago I reinstalled the update once again and my inbox was in sync for a couple hours.
How can i thanks for your kind sharing your valuable knowledge …? I read all answer of you …? Its just grating job. I am using E71 since 3 year … I love it. Its a good mob. Sorry, but I am not sure how to solve your problem Stacy. I think the problem may be in the synchronization, not in the firmware. Hello jack2swag, 3D games on an old cellphone is not a good combination. Many of them will not run in the E71, but maybe there are a few that will. Regarding the game brother, I have never heard of it, so I do not know if python not being installed is the problem.
I suggest you to install python and that way you will know for sure if that was the problem. Donnez moi un lien ou je puis le telecharger. You can answer in english to. You can download ovi maps for the E71 from here: As for skype i wnet to their site and i fouund it has been discontiniued, effective jan I always used iON BatteryTimer lite , which was free and very useful. Now on the Nokia store I only found the paid premium version: Steve, maybe the file is indeed corrupted.
Try installing other apps, or other versions of that app. Jammy, I am not sure how to help. Try using the nokia store instead. If it fails, you should go to your local nokia care center, or if you are feeling adventurous you may try re flashing the device which may void your warranty. Steve, maybe you could try installing apps from the nokia store.
If you require assistance, please go to customer service, they will do it for you. If you do not know what you are doing, you may break your phone. Pls kindley attend to me sir…….. To hard format ur nokia E71,step1. Hold unto all those keys until after the nokia hands have joined. This will format your nokia E Hi, Pls i installed joikuspot and ran it successfully only dat i couldnt get other wifi devices to connect to it. One gadget dat was able to see it and connect to it couldnt browse either.
Pls what do i do? Hello Boss, try restarting the phone after installation. If that does not work, close any other app that uses wifi, as stated here:. Hi Dats a great list buddy. Earlier it used to work bt not working now. Error that i found was this… Setup. That is weird Shazia. All I can suggest is to try removing it and re installing. That may solve the problem. If the problem persists, go to their forums. Hello samontab, Please fullfill the needs of e71 apps hungers by adding these apps on ur list. I think it will be helpfull others 2 manage e71 easily ….
Resco viewer 3.

Camerafx 4. Youtube player 6. Lock screen 7. Netqin mguard. Jb taskmanager Isms May some apps already include in ur list. Sry 4 dat. I strongly recommend to all e71 users dat if u wish 2 hack ur e71 then go to norton hack. The only reliable n perfect hack method for nokia e71 firmware. Can you ask me the name of the software to use mobile flashlight without opening camera app…ex, torch by led flash.
Error code Any solutions?? Thanks in advance. Plz help. I have not been able to type,send or read received messages on my Nokia E Seriously need a way out. That is mostly related to your own service provider. Usually you need to setup your phone to be able to send and receive SMS.
Just go to your local store and they should be able to help you. Well Chris, it is not any of those choices, so maybe they discontinued it. You can try searching for an older version. It seems to me that it is a hardware issue. You should take your phone to Nokia Care, and get it fixed. You could try re flashing your device. This might void your warranty, so take your phone to Nokia care if you do not know what you are doing.
If you own the phone, you could just install any GPS tracker software on it, and it should work fine. Hi Again Great to see your helpfull comments. I would like to ask, Is there any other latest Firmware for Nokia e I heard about some hacked ones which are faster and are modded. If so how do you install these.
My phone is already Hacked anyways Thanks. I think that may be a hardware fault, maybe the sim card socket is a bit loose. Take it to a technician. In any case, since you are a Symbian Wizard and have an already hacked phone, you should be able to flash the firmware version that you find. Remember that you void the warranty, and you are on your own. Happy hacking. Plzz i m fed up… Help. Also do u know Tutorials how to do flashing Any Links.
Thanks a Lot in advance: I saw there Many more Menu Views. Try changing the date of your device before installing. The certificate was valid at some point, so if you go back, year by year, it should work eventually. You can try vHome, it changes the default home screen. Change the date of your phone to one year in the past and try again.
Repeat this process until it installs correctly. You may need to try many times before it works because some applications certificates are really old. Hi there sir ,i have aprob when i open my message it always take it back to its icon pls help me with this: I do not know the answer that you are looking for. Take your phone to your local Nokia Care Centre and they may be able to help you. It seems that the version of the application is not built for your phone.
Try another application. Very great job Samontab. Where is the installation file please? Most of these apps are really old, so you will have to search for the sis files if the links are broken. Hi aliahmad, It is because the certificate is expired, as it says. Change the date on your device a few years back until it works. Try going back one year at a time. It will eventually work. After you install it, you can change the date back again. Every folder is appearing two language. You are welcome Bruk. That is a nice phone, you can actually do more stuff in there than with some newer ones!
Txt tones — a tool to assign specific sounds to sms for specific contacts like you do for calling. Contacts BackEXT — an app to easily save and restore all your contacts including all the details, groups etc to a single file and easily restore them back. Mweather — an easy weather app.
Y-tasks — a powerful task and process manager. Netqin mobile guard — a powerful system cleaner. Shazam — a tool which recognizes played songs. For some reasons, my phone contact option is turned to Online Contact. I have reset my phone several times but it is just not coming back. Start menu, as of windows. Paint — 2 programs. Cartoon make. Bluetooth Hacker.
BT filemanager. Well can you please join me on facebook:. A grey coloured screen is displaying for almst 2 sec. And then the app closes.. Then there were instructions to remove the code in the end of dosbox. Do you know someone or know a place or location or a person who still has them? Many thanks in advance if you know someone who still has them. Name required. Email required, but never shared. He has worked in different areas such as cognitive computing, embedded systems, and augmented reality. You can see a list of my research publications here. Proudly powered by WordPress and Carrington.
OK, here I present you 40 great apps for the Nokia E Y-Browser This is a file browser for your phone. The nice thing is that it shows you hidden directories and files, so it is better to use this one instead of the built in browser. Connect multiple devices laptops, other WiFi enabled phones, etc to your phone and browse the internet everywhere.
SportsTracker If you do any type of outdoor exercises like jogging, walking, cycling, etc, download this app. It logs your position using GPS, and then uploads your exercises to an online server that shows your average speed, distance covered, map of the region, etc. It also can be connected to social networking sites such as facebook to encourage your work outs. Highly recommended.
Also, it comes with turn by turn voice directions in many languages. And all of this for free, for ever. Google Maps Some times you may need extra information that is not available on Nokia Maps. On these rare occasions it is always handy to have the Googls Maps application installed. Note that this app does not come with turn by turn voice directions and it uses internet to get the maps.
Metro This application tells you the shortest route from one station to another in your local metro subway , as well as the one with fewest connections. It uses offline data, so no internet access is necessary. Cities from all over the world are supported. You could actually just use this calculator for every calculation you make, even for the simple ones since it is so easy to use, every key in the keyboard is mapped to a specific function, so it is like using a real calculator. MobiReader This app turns your phone into a nice e-book reader. For managing your e-books, and changing them to the format that this app understands, you can use Calibre , a great software for managing e-books on the PC.
Photo Browser This app displays your photos in a nice grid gallery with an easy to use interface. It looks and works better than the built in photo viewer. Snapper If you want to make time-lapse movies, this is the app you should get. It allows you to take a picture every second, minute, hour, or any time interval that you need, up to one picture a day. It is simple to use and it works great. All the images are stored in a single folder.
You can transfer that folder to the PC and then just drag and drop the first image into Avidemux and with a couple of clicks you can create a video out of them. ScreenSnap This is for taking screen-shots in your phone. It does the same thing as the Print Screen button on a PC. SmartCam This application allows you to use your phone as a web-cam.
It can use Bluetooth or WiFi for connecting to the device. Take an photo, move the phone and take the second one. This app then creates the image that you can see with your lenses in 3D. BeatEd Do you play any instrument? It is a drum machine. Ideal for accompanying your training sessions. You can create your own rhythms with its 16 channel audio mixer. It is really easy to use and you can download many samples from the website to get you started.
Chromatic Tuner If you need to tune your instrument, this is the app that you are looking for. Simply go to a quiet place, start the application and play a note on your guitar or any other tunable instrument. It will tell you which note is being played. Chat with your friends from msn, yahoo, facebook, and many others in just one application. Opera Mobile A great mobile web browser, with support for tabs and many other features.
Skype Call and chat worldwide with your friends, cheaper than using regular phones. Fring This application integrates all your contacts from your phone contacts, msn, yahoo, etc, and allows you to chat, call and video call them using internet as well as cellular calls.
It could be used to replace the native contact list, as well as the log of the calls. Gmail Read your email everywhere. Nice to have when the lights go out. Compass This application uses the position of the sun and moon to indicate you where the north is. You only need to put the phone facing up, aligned with the shown diagram and you will know where the north is.
Also, it gives you extra information such as sunrise, sunset and moon phase. Sideralis If you like to watch the stars, this app is for you. Once you configure it for your location, it will show you the stars that are in your view. You can freely navigate the 3D display of the stars to match the part of the sky you are looking at. Information about the stars is available as well as some astronomic terms explained. RemoteWitch Control your PC with your phone. Specially useful for presentations or media playback.
PyS60 This is the Python port to the S60 phones. Install it to add the ability to run python scripts on your phone. Note that there is a newer version of PyS60 here that features Python 2. Well, you can actually have both versions installed without problems. You need to install PyS60 first in order to install it. Also, you need to install it on the same place that you installed PyS60 phone memory.
It has many features, in particular auto completion. You can access the auto completion feature by holding the green button call and then pressing the enter button center of d-pad. Symbian Certificate Generator v. The file being studied is a compressed stream! More specifically, it is a RAR file. This file is a compressed stream containing 8 files. Contained files. File identification MD5 e4b2daa37c9c6cfae. SHA 85e3a68cafaafd55e9e38d2ebc0eebe27d82b0bb First submission Last submission File names Symbian Certificate Generator v. No comments.
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