Vector para windows phone 8

GPX viewer and recorder. The libraries below make it easy for Windows Phone developers to incorporate OpenStreetMap in their own applications, whether as a static map image, a fully interactive map, or more sophisticated uses like geocoding and routing. From OpenStreetMap Wiki. Jump to: Available languages — Windows Phone.

Vector Watch releases Universal Windows 10 app for its smartwatches

Other languages — Help us translate this wiki. Retrieved from " https: Windows Phone. Vector is available for users with the operating system Windows Vista and previous versions, and you can download it in English, Spanish, and German. I love games like this I think there should a vector 3. View full description. Softonic review Vector is a handy, demo multiplatform game also available for Android and iPhone , being part of the category PC games with subcategory Classics and has been created by Nekki GmbH.

More about Vector Since we added this game to our catalog in , it has already reached 62, downloads, and last week it achieved downloads.

Windows Phone

Super Mario Bros 3: Chicken Invaders Blast space chickens in Chicken Invaders. Cue Billiard Club: Thanks aarnott Update: Added the ability to export Windows Phone tile images.

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Windows Phone scale images are auto exported if 'Use all scales' is enabled. New settings to export phone tile sizes and splash screen. Great for Universal Apps!


Thanks templarian and aarontt for using Vector! Fixed issue where some exported images are corrupted when "include background color" option is selected with some SVG. Added Windows 8. Added the ability to include the background color in the image for store logo. Also, added hex colors in the color picker. Very good idea!

And the app seems to work perfectly except when I try to export the images it creates folder for the images, but no images are exported! No matter what I select from the settings: This would be extremely helpful app if it would work.

This tool is great! However, it created a WP8. Apparently, it should only be pure white with some level transparency or anything with zero transparency.

Phone App Store icon x This is easier and faster than even the add-on I just got for Photoshop. Just select an SVG file, hit the button, select folder and bingo, all your assets are built in seconds. Only problem I had was two came up as being too large, so I just deleted those two, and the rest worked fine. Makes it easy to create all the icon sizes for a Windows app and significantly simplifies my workflow for exporting graphics for my Visual Studio UWP projects.

It launches well, but stays for hours on a grey screen.


Nothing happens then. Downloaded and every time I launch it the title screen comes up and goes grey and that's all that happens. Doesn't work even in the slightest. I'm not sure about the other reviews - but on Windows 10 with the most current update as of the review it was working perfectly. I am using Windows 8.

Will you be hooking up your Windows 10 device to a Vector Watch?

It is a good tool , if it works. So fix it. What a total waste of time it doesn't work just says vector on a gray screen.