Epic mickey 2 ostown phone boxes
Take this upper path to the Climber's Cabin and find Gilda's Axe. This is the better choice from a purely item-centric standpoint, since all you get for returning the Axe is a Power Spark.
Climb the castle model, jump to the giant Mickey's ear, then leap up to the mesh platform. Thin out the roof to get in. Thin out a section of wall high up, then jump over to the blue chest. If you want the pin, use thinner. For the part, use paint. There's a chest against the wall. Ride it up from the back of the level to a separate area, where you'll find the blue chest. Impossible to miss. Ride the repaired Rocket Ride to reach him. Enter from rear.
Use a TV sketch to activate a crane to reach him. Paint and thinner will each yield a unique pin. Do the extra work of assembling a bouquet for him to give Henrietta, and you'll get a cool five pins out of the deal. Sabotage his chances with the easier to get ice cream, and you'll have to pay up for the Figurehead. However, both paths have their merits. Each one carries a different interstitial Movie, and both choices have repercussions later in the game too.
What do the telephone boxes do in epic mickey 2
He'll move and let you access the chest behind him. Chest must be painted in. Finish Starkey's villains and symbols quests to earn the Pirate Hero pin back in Tortooga.
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If you do only one or the other, you'll be able to leave but no pin for you. Can only be accessed with a dry riverbed, either by painting in a gear for a temporary draining or by freeing a gremlin for a permanent dryout. High up and to the left of the entrance.
Ride the platform into the well to find a blue chest. The blue chest will be sitting out in the open. The second option won't net you anything unique, but the first and third are worth exploring. If you fix the machine, you can claim the Pirate Friend pin. If you also helped Damien win Henrietta earlier, you'll also be able to get the Ice Cream pin after Damien leaves Henrietta brokenhearted. Finally, Smee will cough up a Daisy part on his way out of town. Ignoring the machine forces the pirates to stay in Ventureland.
If this path follows a choice to fix up Damien and Henrietta, you'll be able to get two pins from the couple back in Ventureland. If you ignore the machine after ruining Damien's chances with Henrietta, you can get a pin from Bosun Blake. This is the only part of the game where decisions branch off into more than two paths, and is almost certainly what Warren Spector meant when he said it would take three playthroughs to get every item along with the Cartoon Buff pin, which you can only claim on your third run-through at the earliest.
It's also worth noting that there's no completely "good" outcome here. No matter what choices you make, you'll leave either Damien spurned, Henrietta abandoned, or the pirates stuck as monsters forever. Deep stuff. Thin the top of the rock while jumping to keep your boat afloat. Take out Hook yourself, and you'll get a different pin. Must have given Damien ice cream for Henrietta and ignored Hook's machine. Must have given Damien flowers for Henrietta and ignored Hook's machine. Must have fixed her up with Damien and dealt with Hook's machine somehow. Hook vs. Ignore the ghosts and help the villagers regain their courage to net a pin.
All the ghosts have to offer is E-tickets for selling the badge of courage. Not automatic. Failure to do both will cost you a pin.
EPIC MICKEY - Where's that last Fuse Box in OsTown?!
Look behind and to the left of the Spladoosh. Watch out for the guardian Spladoosh. Thin gravestone painting segment. Enter the painting cylinder and spin away from the room to find him. Help the Organ play a tune and you'll net a pin, gain a path to a gremlin, and hold open other quests when you get back to town. Anger the Organ by thinning its keys and you'll lose all those options and have to ride the flying tables to the top of the room. Since all the items the tables give you access to are still available with the "helpful" path, there's nothing lost by being the good guy here.
Requires a tricky jump. Use an anvil or preferably a TV two platforms over for some extra height. Your choice to either thin out the eye on the last Beetleworx generator or activate all three pressure pads at once will simply decide whether you get a Thinner or Paint upgrade here. The blue chest isn't hard to find. Must have helped the Organ to remove the ghosts.

Must have helped Organ. Thin away window to get in. Pursue the "Donald's Pains" quest after you fix the duck. Paint in every window and bounce a light beam between the gargoyles for the helpful path. Thin out the winches holding the chandelier in place for the destructive path. Loosening the chandelier costs you the Oswald pin, but each path reveals a different film projector.
You'll have to use both to get all the film reels. Thin a section of the second floor and drop onto it.
The chest is underneath the platform you're standing on. Easiest way to get there is by using a watch sketch to reach the chandelier nearest that level before it falls. Near the central thinner pool. Nemo14 Well-Known Member. Thanks so much for this Ben - those of us with no lives appreciate it!
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Thank you, I am not a game person, but this hooked me in, so it is really hard for me to figure out certain things. I'm a pathetic player! I've continued to update the list with clarifications, additions and just one!