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Though the initial missions in this game are too easy, but some missions are so time consuming or mind puzzling that the player wishes to skip such missions. What is the cheat code to skip a mission on gta san Andreas for PC? So How do I skip the flying missions in San Andreas? RE: how to skip flying school mission in gta san andreas?
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Get everything you can as an XBox or Playstion player with these codes! Best Answer: You can't really skip missions but you can use various cheat codes to pass any level without any problems at all. Release dates and information for the PC, PlayStation 2. There are many cheats available to gain certain strengths or skip levels but not the missions themselves. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas brings back the incredible action of the hit game series.
Trip Skip option will appear only when you have failed a mission thrice or more than that.
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GTA San Andreas is a very big game with 4. The first game was only for game consoles, and later on June 7, it also appeared for personal computers. I would also use a lot of cheat codes while playing the game. Everytime I am playing the 'Lifes a beach' mission, I keep failing it.
So ask your Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas question for PC and get answers from other gamers or answer questions and share your insights and experience with the rest of the gaming community. Find out why Close. Best Answer: That mission is so easy try to go in high speed next to the train and then try to stay in your position and try to go next to each Mexican on the train do not slow down when u reach the train coz sometimes train wiil go even faster than u so do not slow down even when u reach the train!!! Although it is very interesting to play through the game story, some folks rather choose to download save file and skip specific missions or entire storyline to be able to explore GTA SA map, with all game features unlocked.
Missions in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" cannot be skipped; however, there are many ways to work through the levels using cheats. Can u advise me is there is any way to skip a mission at gta san andreas pc? Unlike GTA 4, these codes are not enabled through entering cell phone numbers. Why should console players have all the fun? Some cheats can help gamers work through a mission in a few minutes without any real effort. Unlike most games now available, these developers are not likely to add cheats to ship Missions. User Info: jamol.

To unlock this feature, take a look at THIS link. But finding something like that would be like finding a needle in a haystack, there is no way you could manually search for it. It is possible to complete this mission without cheat codes.
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Description Well this is a driver mod that makes another ped drive a car instead of you to the waypoint or just drive around. Any mod that affects carriage drivers must be loaded before CFTO.
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