My secret diary app download

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Please write your password in somewhere else as we would not be able to retrieve your password once missing Have fun writing :. Change Language. My Secret Diary With Password peppe Downloads - 3k. Version 1.

What are the best secret diary apps?

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Direct Download Download this app to your desktop. Install in your device Scan the QR code and install this app directly in your Android device. Description of My Secret Diary With Password Everyone have own secrets and precious moment in their life but keeping it always live is a big task that to be protected in a password. See more. Working well 0.

My Secret Diary for Android - APK Download

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Color Days Widget. With new technology comes new ways for ladies to save all of their private thoughts that they can access on the go. This app utilizes a simple password lock instead of the tiny heart shaped padlock that was standard with diaries of the past. Yet the padlock still does remain as it is the button you need to press to access the diary by entering your password. It works extremely well: each entry automatically includes the date at the top of the page which allows you to go back and reflect on exactly what you were thinking or feeling at that given time.

Your entries can be taken even further by the ability to attach images and even songs from your iTunes library you may be listening to at the moment of your writing. This is an incredible addition because the ability to attach these other forms of media to your musings helps to get your thoughts and feelings across to the fullest. There are multiple ways to customize My Secret Diary. If you worry at all about losing any or all of your writing, My Secret Diary allows you to sync to iCloud.

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Even if you are using multiple iDevices you will always have every page from My Secret Diary on whatever device you are using at that moment. The My Secret Diary app is a wonderful modern take on the classic diary every young girl had.

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Regardless if you're using the iPhone or iPad, this app performs incredibly, and the ability to utilize the iCloud ensures that you can effortlessly write or review entries on either device. If you are looking for something to document your most personal thoughts and feelings, this is one of the best ways to do it. Matthew MacCallum is an award winning filmmaker, screenwriter, actor, and comedian. He is a lifelong Apple products user and has vowed never to seek help for his App addiction.

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