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Your phone manufacturer will probably have its own cleaning tips, but here are four household items that can help beat the germ buildup on your cellphone.
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This type of cleaning cloth may have come with your eyeglasses, phone and other gadgets. Using a cloth will remove oily fingerprints, smudges and more from both the screen and cellphone body. Here's how:.
Dampen the corner of the cloth with a bit of water. Whatever you do, don't apply or spray water directly onto your phone — water and phones don't mix. A word to the wise: Don't use abrasive cloths, towels, paper towels or similar items because they could potentially damage or scratch your phone. Q-tips are handy for cleaning out hard-to-reach areas of your phone.
Image: Flickr, willc2.
How to clean an iPhone, iPad, Mac or Apple Watch screen (safely) - Macworld UK
We use powerful green chemistry to develop safe solutions to clean different surfaces. All our liquid products are made in the United Kingdom and has quickly become very popular among laptop, smartphone and tablet users. We are growing very quickly and constantly launching new exciting cleaning solutions like our Vinyl Cleaner. It was one the first high-quality screen cleaning product developed for the emerging laptop, tablet and smartphone market.
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Ask a question. Related Article How to clean your Apple products. User profile for user: onandon4ever onandon4ever. All replies Drop Down menu. Loading page content.
User profile for user: Saifan Pilot Saifan Pilot. Feb 9, PM in response to onandon4ever In response to onandon4ever Touch surface is behind the glass, so no fear of damaging it.
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Best to use water and microfiber cloth. Surface is not refinisheable. Only thing Apple can do is replace the whole screen assembly.