Screen shot for nokia e7
To use the screen capture program, you have to be comfortable with multi-tasking on the N8. The next thing you need to do is to set the delay. I set mine for 10 seconds. You can also set your image-type, and where you want image saved. After 10 seconds, you will hear a click, and the screen capture image will be saved in your images folder. Long pressing the image I have the option to send the picture to friends.
It is easy once you get used to it. Play store now has the Material Design. Galaxy A50 have been detailed, brings Infinity-U display. Moto P40 to feature Samsung Processor! Galaxy S6 still receiving security updates. One article you do need to read is my ' A dozen tips for taking better photos with your Nokia E6, E7 or C7's EDoF camera ' - if you come away from this uninspired then there'a really no hope! For QR codes, Nokia curiously doesn't supply a utility out of the box, so you have to grab one from the Nokia Store.
I suggest you use the free UpCode , which grabs codes very quickly indeed and which doesn't ever seem to mind about slightly blurry code squares when you hold the codes too close to the E A final big limitation is not being able to expand the E7's 16GB internal flash memory - there's no microSD slot.
This also means no easy way to swap in large amounts of media. The conventional workaround quoted is to use the E7's supplied 'USB on the go' adapter to plug in a USB memory stick when you want to copy in, or play large files or media, but it's rarely convenient to have the adapter dangling out of the top of the E7. Not to mention the slower data speeds for media when accessed using this route. Not to mention that you can't then plug in a USB charger at the same time. So best leave that solution for ad-hoc USB stick use at shows and events. In short, you're stuck with just the 16GB supplied.
Which means some smart thinking is needed in terms of how you divide this up. It should be noted that 16GB is actually quite a lot I remember my first memory card was k - yes kilobytes! With no expansion, and thus no way to stick in a 32GB card with your entire music collection on for example , you're going to have to be selective. Aside from the obvious - picking just your very favourite 30 albums of music to bring along - it's worth accepting that you're going to have to stream some of your entertainment. For audio, it's possibly worth subscribing to Spotify , a pay-per-month all-you-can-eat music streaming service, or if you're a cheapskate like me sticking to the free Nokia Internet Radio.
For video in particular, which is fairly impractical to keep on the E7 in any quantity, I can do no better than point you to the excellent commercial CuteTube application, which keeps you logged into YouTube and handles subscriptions, favourites, and so on. It uses the p YouTube streams by default, though you can up this to p if you want - though there's little benefit , perfect for the nHD screen of the E7.
You can also use this to upload videos from the E7 to YouTube, a very handy feature. Either way, there are no storage concerns, since everything streams in and then gets effectively deleted as fast as it's grabbed. The usual caveats about data bandwidth do apply, of course - unless you're in a good 3G area and with flat rate data, you'll want to make sure to do any serious media streaming over Wi-fi.
Other than music and videos, you shouldn't have to worry too much about storage implications of your other content - 16GB goes a long way for documents, maps, photos and so on. Don't worry, Podcatcher won't mind, it'll just grab new shows and start from scratch again. What next? Here are some suggestions for improving the experience still further. I'm assuming, since this is now , that you've already upgraded to Nokia Belle Refresh , but there are often small patches and updates made available through 'SW update', on the main applications menu, so get in the habit of checking it every week or so:.
In addition, if you've been having any Wi-fi instabilities whatsoever, make sure you also grab and install the Beta WLAN Software Update - it transformed the Wi-fi reliability on the editorial E7. This one's a bit controversial, but I think it's worth it. Without you even touching it!
The N8, C7, etc. Using very little power, this means not even having to touch your phone to see the current time - it's a unique and terrifically useful feature.
With the E7's limited battery power especially compared to its mission critical use case , this feature was disabled by default in the first firmware, but later enabled in Belle I think. Every single time you look at your E7 you'll think how cool the always on 'Sleeping Screen' clock is, especially as it's landscape aware, i. Tap on this and wait a second or two while the graphic browser loads:. Quite a bit of the preinstalled software on the E7 can be zapped, should you want a little more C: For example, F-Secure's 'Mobile Security' may well not be needed, so that's a candidate for removal.
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As mentioned in generic Belle tutorials , it pays dividends to re-introduce some of the app folder reorganisation that Belle took away. For example, you can create a 'Games' folder and move all your game icons into it, as shown here:. You may also wish to move your most used Office apps into a new 'Office' folder, mimicking what older Eseries devices had. Once you've created these new folders on the E7, make sure you 'Arrange' them up to the top of your application menu, for super speedy access.
You can speed up your use of the Communicator significantly by noting a number of faster ways to get around:. And there you have it. Access your Dropbox via phone!
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Thanks to Michael Hell for this one! Call several people at once. This tip is really useful if you need to speak simultaneously to several people up to six! Call the first person regularly.
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Now, you will be talking with both persons at the same time. You can repeat this until you get to 6 persons. Use LED flash as a torch. Use voice dialing. After that, hold the call key and say the name of the contact you wish to call.
Nokia E7 ScreenShots
Set up speed dialing. You can call up to 8 of your contacts using the digit keys in a particular way. Tap on any number you like, and assign it to the desired contact. Now you can swiftly call someone by long-pressing of one of the digits from the dialing pad.
My E7 did not show the number or name of the person when someone is trying to call me. So i do not know who is calling me. Outgoing calls are fine as it is recorded in the log as to name of the contact and also the time. The name of the person is not showing if you have two or more contact entries for that person. Got my Nokia e-7 like a month ago but was very busy to play around with it Googled n found your blog which i loved it… Read your detailed review…………..
Thanks for all the E7 tips I will follow up when have time.
Nokia Screen Reader
Has anyone else had the problem of text messages sending themselves half way through typing? Any ideas?? I dont think its anything to do with keyboard shortcuts. Either keep your fingers tucked in or address the message when you have finished typing, not at the beginning only works for a new message of course. Ok thanks — when you say send tab — you mean on screen?
Or is there a key for this? When I said send tab I should have said on-screen Send icon top right of the screen in landscape The E7 screen is almost too responsive! Really helpful tips, thanks. Icon size, is there a way to make them smaller?? How do you text someone who has just called you but is not in your contact list? Surely there must be a number log without actually calling them.
Please help, its driving me nuts! From the Recent Call Log, if you choose the desired number and press it continuously for 2 seconds, a list would be displayed with various options.

One of them is create message. I have been looking for that, because I like to copy and paste text, so I found this on you blog. Please help me, for some net calling software it is required. I have a question for anyone who has had a similar prob……. Thank you so much! I now am able to voice call any of teh saved numbers for a given contact by holding the field and watching the numbers appear. I thought E-7 could not do that, it was so annoying. You have saved the day! Hey, is there any way to call numbers with extensions?
Nokia E7 - Screen capture function - Microsoft Community
For example: And the N could all it directly? Thanks in advance. Hello friends, pls help me. I can use touchpad for dialing certain phone no, but when i use it for tying message, its not working. My touchpad is blocked when i try to compose message using touchpad… pls suggest.. I cannot not type a message with touchpad but with keypad I can. What can be a problem cause it was working fine.
My Nokia E-7 does not work properly in the evening say from 7 P.