Android jelly bean wallpaper location folder

Do you know the file manager app on your Galaxy device has an inbuilt search feature? Type the full or partial name of the file and tap on the search icon on the keyboard. All files related to your query shall be at your disposal. The new improved My Files app lets you customize itself in various ways. Open the file manager app. Now you would see a few shortcut media folders like Images, Videos, Music, and Documents. If you open any of these directories, it will open a certain pre-defined folder that contains related files.

Now if your camera photos are saved to external SD, you will not be able to those pictures here. Why not assign your favorite image folder path to images to access them fast and with less effort! Tap on the menu button left and select Settings. Now you will see a few settings options and some other directory-related path settings.

You can do this with other folders too. As in most file manager apps, the My Files app in Samsung Galaxy devices also has the list and grid view layout options.


Do you like to see your files in arbitrary order? I do not. Every time I install a new ROM on my phones, first of all, I arrange my files so that I can access my files and folders easily. The best way to arrange the files is to have them in Alphabetical or file type order.

You must have noticed the new check-boxes before each item in the My Files app. You need not perform such operations by picking single files. Nevertheless, it might help those who got a new Samsung Galaxy phone. Open the internal or external directory in My Files on your phone and check the box before the files you would like to delete in batch. When the selection is done, tap on the Delete icon on the top bar and select OK.

To copy or move files in batch, check the files and tap on the menu dropdown button on the top right corner. Then select Move or Copy. I am mentioning this because users sometimes ask as to what a root directory is. Well, a root directory means the main location of the SD card.

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That is to say, copying a file to root directory means you do not have to copy it in a folder or subfolder. There are many other things that you can do on the file manager app on your Samsung Galaxy device. If you have a question or you think I have missed something to mention here, please let me know. But I am still having the files imbeded in the images file after being moved to my external SD card. What should I do??? Rakesh, this was a decent overview of a very simple task, yet you managed to screw it up by spreading your ignorance.

Can someone help me figure out why the icon of media files still remain on the Samsung note 3 even after deleting it from the drive? Much Thanks. Dear Mr.

Navigating and customizing the Home screen on your HP tablet

I just bought this device and when I first got it every time I watched a video, it asked me if I wanted to Download it. Now for some reason it stopped. If you answer, could you make it really simple as I know almost nothing about computers.

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  • Android jelly bean wallpaper location folder 12222-08.

Thank you very much. Sincerely, D. Mr Rakesh can you please help me. Hi, how can I directly save the files received via Bluetooth to external SD? Hi, Android does not support that feature. I did a little research and found that the system configuration does not allow that:. Any suggestions to recover the battery life again? No virus or anything found. Suggestions are most welcome! You can see the slideshow only in the stock or a third-party galaxy app. File manager apps shows just single items on all phones.

Manage & Setup My Files App on Samsung Galaxy Devices

You can remove the app or widget from the Home screen without uninstalling it, or you can add an already-installed app or widget to the Home screen, using the steps in this section. To remove an app or widget from the Home screen, use the following steps:. Touch and hold the app or widget you want to remove from the Home screen. When X Remove appears at the top of the screen, drag the icon to the top of the screen.

Figure : Remove app icon.

The app or widget is removed from the Home screen, but is not uninstalled from the tablet. To add an already-installed app or widget to the Home screen, use the following steps:. On the Home screen, touch the All apps icon, and then touch the Settings icon. Drag the icon up into the rectangular outlines.

Move the icon left or right to navigate to the desired page of the Home screen. Figure : Dragging an icon to the Home screen. When the icon is positioned inside the rectangle on the correct Home screen page, release the icon. Adding and organizing apps in the favorites tray on your HP tablet The favorites tray is an area at the bottom of the Home screen, on either side of the All apps icon, where favorite apps appear.

Adding an app to the favorites tray allows for quick and easy access to commonly used and favorite apps.

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Widgets cannot be added to the favorites tray. The following apps are in the favorites tray, in the tablet's default setting: Gallery, Play music, Camera, Chrome browser, Gmail, and Play store. Use the following steps to add or remove apps from your favorites:. Remove an app from the favorites tray : Touch and hold the app you want to remove from the favorites tray. When X Remove appears at the top of the screen, drag the app icon to the top of the screen.

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When both the app icon and the word Remove turn red, release the app. The app is removed from the favorites tray, but is not uninstalled from the tablet.

Add an app to the favorites tray : Locate the icon for the app you want to add to favorites. Touch and hold the app icon until App info appears at the top of the screen. Drag the app icon into the favorites tray, and then release the app. The app is added to the favorites tray. To open an app from the folder, touch the folder, and then touch the desired app.