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Imagine my surprise when Jack called, asking if I knew any certified hypnotherapists. Turns out I do.

Hypnosis has been a grossly misrepresented phenomenon, so Grace is here to help you, - you know, understand. Tim, please, stay. You're the only one on the team who's been hypnotized before. I need you. Well, that was that was a long time ago. I was trying to remember the details of a murder I witnessed. And as I understand it, it worked and you caught the guy? That's why hypnotherapists can help people quit smoking, conquer phobias, beat insomnia. We're not talking about insomnia, Doc. Look, I get it. You don't believe that anyone could convince a law-abiding person to shoot someone.
But a hypnotist can change a subject's perception of reality. For example, one could create an imaginative scene where that same law-abiding person must shoot a bear that is attacking to save their child. You know what I mean?
Okay, Grace, - maybe it would be helpful - A bear? If you could demonstrate hypnosis for us. What a great idea.
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All I need is a subject. Hey, McGee. Sorry, what? Hey, Gibbs. Uh, we tracked down Laney's hypnotherapist. Took two of you to tell me that? Well, maybe we heard that someone was being hypnotized in here.
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Did we miss it? I wish he could've stayed for the demo. ALL Mm. I'm not gonna play somebody's voodoo doll. What about you, Ellie? Come on, Jack.
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I mean, you really believe Corporal Alimonte was hypnotized to kill? I don't know what to believe. That's why I need to see with my own eyes - what a hypnotist can and cannot do. And you know what, Ellie? Skeptics make the best subjects.
I'm in. Maybe you can suggest I stop biting my nails while you're in my head. Yeah, buddy. Excuse me! I'm next. You still can't go in. You have to activate the red light. To let Dr. Pershing know you're here. Got it, boss. It's part of her primal therapy session. Session's over. We need to talk. All right, Audrey, we're going to stop now.
When I count to three, you're going to wake up. Primal therapy, my ass. I've actually heard of it, boss. Big empty chair represents a person that has wronged them. So they yell at it over - You don't care about this. You're awake. What's going on, Doctor? Audrey, if you could just give me a few moments with these gentlemen, all right?
There better be a fire Corporal Alimonte. Signed and notarized. I What do you want to know? Did you hypnotize her last night? In addition to several other serious issues, she's been dealing with crippling insomnia. I was trying to help her sleep. You suggest anything to her other than sleep? Plant a posthypnotic suggestion?
Actually, yes. I told she should call me the minute she woke up.
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Which she did. What is going on here? But she is doing better than Joe Cortez. Okay, I give up. Who is that? That's the guy she killed this morning. Wh Uh, uh, no. Uh, Laney is a lot of things, but she's no killer. Right before she accused you of forcing her to do it. It's not some magic spell that sends subjects into a robotic trance, blindly following orders. It's hard enough to get a person to quit smoking, for God's sake. I certainly can't force someone to commit a crime.
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And unless you have any evidence to the contrary, I have patients to see. Don't let the door hit you on your way out. GRACE: And you're falling deeper and deeper into a state of calm and focus and deeper into a state of relaxation. I'm sorry.