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There was no indication on the device that a remote scan had taken place. Bitdefender finished in fourth place for performance impact with just the app installed, but in first place for performance during a malware scan. Bitdefender's web-security feature automatically blocks malicious sites and downloads based on a real-time connection to the Bitdefender Cloud Services database. Browser support for this feature has been broadly expanded since our last review. I deliberately visited a number of known phishing and malicious sites.
In every case, the Bitdefender app warned me that the site was unsafe, with a brief description of the specific concern. It gave me two options: The app detected percent of the 3, "real-time" malware threats used, as well as percent of the 2, samples that had been collected in the previous four weeks. These beat the average detection rates of Only Norton Mobile Security has maintained a similar level of consistent excellence.
By contrast, just since January, CM Security Master's detection rates have peaked at percent and dipped to Avast Mobile Security's rates have shown less variation, from to It has you enter and confirm ownership of an email address, and then performs a scan of known security breaches of services that you have signed up for using that email address. Interestingly enough, this scan recurs daily, unlike the malware scans, and indicates that it will update you with any news.
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My only complaint with this feature is that there is no option to dismiss notifications once you've read them. I was already aware of the data breaches that Account Privacy flagged, and by all appearances, I will continue to be warned about each of them every time I open that section. Anti-Theft Bitdefender Mobile Security already had one of the more extensive anti-theft feature sets, so while there is nothing new to speak of this year, that isn't really a criticism. Users can control the anti-theft features either from the web portal, which is central.
The features accessible from both are Locate, Scream, Lock and Wipe. I tested each feature, with the exception of the full device wipe, from both the web portal and SMS, and was impressed with the speed of response. Each action was triggered in less than 2 seconds on my device.
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One anti-theft feature that isn't triggered by any action from the owner is Snap Photo. This captures an image from the front camera any time someone makes three consecutive unsuccessful attempts to unlock the device. The image is sent to Bitdefender Central. Somewhat unusually, there are actually more features available via SMS than through the web portal. This makes your device call you back silently, allowing you to listen in on the thief in "stealth mode" without notifying them.
During setup, you identify a trusted mobile number, such as that of a close friend. In the event that your SIM card is swapped out at any point, the trusted mobile number will receive a text message with the new mobile number associated with your phone's new SIM card to help in the search for your missing device. The trusted mobile number is also the only number that is allowed to issue the wipe command via SMS. This is an uncommon feature, but seems like a nice safety precaution.
Bitdefender Mobile Security and Antivirus review
App Lock If you still haven't started locking your device please start doing so or you find yourself sharing your device frequently, then App Lock is a tremendously helpful feature. It lets you set a PIN code for specified apps. When you first set the feature up, you need to enter a four- to eight-digit PIN that will apply to all locked apps, but if your device has a fingerprint reader, your fingerprint can be used to unlock the selected apps, with the PIN as a fallback. Just as with the Anti-Theft feature, App Lock will take a photo of the user if three incorrect app PINs or fingerprint scans are entered.
You can choose to geo-unlock apps by designating certain Wi-Fi networks as trusted; when the device is connected to any of them, all apps will be unlocked, so you don't have to be subjected to unlocking your apps while at home.
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Privacy Advisor Privacy Advisor gives you an overall privacy score from zero to and a rating Low, Medium or High based on your currently installed apps and the permissions granted to them. Apps are sorted by risk and color: You can filter the list of apps according to different metrics, such as "Can cost you money" and "Sends your private data to strangers.
One of our complaints regarding Privacy Advisor last year was that it offered only the option to uninstall an app that had problematic permissions. But in Android 6. App Lock is a tremendously helpful feature.
selected version:
Not only is Privacy Advisor still unable to take advantage of this no-longer-new Android feature, but it is also unaware of the permissions that you have manually toggled off. Instead, it flags an app based solely on the potential permissions that it could be granted. Unless you have apps that fall into the red, high-risk category, it's hard to take the score offered by Privacy Advisor too seriously.
Bitdefender needs to either update this feature to take better advantage of Android's permission settings or do something similar to what Norton has done with its App Advisor feature: Reports Reports is simply a breakdown of the security activity that Bitdefender has noted during the current and previous weeks. It's a nice reminder of why you installed the app, but not something you are likely to spend a lot of time going over. The Event Viewer is an even more granular breakdown of every single activity recorded by the app.
Again, it's not something you are likely to consult regularly, but it might be interesting to look over if there is a security threat to your phone. The watch app will notify you if you seem to be leaving your smartphone behind triggered by loss of Bluetooth connectivity between the your phone and your watch and also lets you find your phone by pulling up the app on your smartwatch and tapping Sound Alarm.