Google map android app tutorial
Fix error - Location not found.
View more Tutorials: Android Programming Tutorials. You need to check and install, if necessary.
Step 1. Download Android Studio
After installing the library packages as in the step above, if you run a Google Map app on the emulator you need to configure and use "Google System Image". You can see at:. You need some configuration for build. After declaring dependent library, you need to compile all project again. Back to screen design. Both fragments contain GoogleMap component. For more details, see the full guide to getting an API key.
9.1: Adding a Google Map to your app
When you build your app, Gradle copies the API key into the app's Android manifest, as explained below. Android Studio invokes Gradle to build the app, and then runs the app on the device or on the emulator. You should see a map with a marker pointing at Sydney on the east coast of Australia, similar to the image on this page. This part of the tutorial explains the most significant parts of the MapWithMarker app, to help you understand how to build a similar app.
Add a meta-data element to embed the version of Google Play services that the app was compiled with. Add a meta-data element specifying your API key. When you build your app, Gradle copies the API key from your project's gradle. To see how the API key maps to the string value, take a look at your app's build.

This element defines a SupportMapFragment to act as a container for the map and to provide access to the GoogleMap object. The tutorial uses the Android support library version of the map fragment, to ensure backward compatibility with earlier versions of the Android framework. In your activity's onCreate method, set the layout file as the content view. Get a handle to the map fragment by calling FragmentManager.
Get Started | Maps SDK for Android | Google Developers
Then use getMapAsync to register for the map callback:. By default, the Maps SDK for Android displays the content of the info window when the user taps a marker. Learn more about the map object and what you can do with markers. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.
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For details, see our Site Policies. Last updated December 19, Bundle; import android.
Google Maps Android API Tutorial
AppCompatActivity; import com. CameraUpdateFactory; import com. GoogleMap; import com. OnMapReadyCallback; import com.
Don't Miss These Goodies
SupportMapFragment; import com. LatLng; import com. Download and install Android Studio.
Add the Google Play services package to Android Studio.