Tn medical entrance 2013 application
Any and all questions with regard to the secondary information Form should be directed to the College of Medicine Admissions office. Possible outcomes after the receipt of your completed Secondary Information Form are: It is your responsibility to keep your contact information current.
National Eligibility and Entrance Test
Applicants are scheduled to interview on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from October through the end of April by invitation only, via e-mail. Notifications are typically e-mailed two to three weeks in advance. Interviews are conducted on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. There are no Thursday, Friday or weekend interviews at the Memphis campus. It is imperative that you check your e-mail program to determine if you can override the spam filters and authorize all communications from "uthsc. If you cannot override the filter, you should look at your spam folder to see if the e-mail host program has intercepted a communication from our medical school.
AIIMS MBBS 2018 Application Form
The Admissions Committee will expect reapplicants to have improved their credentials significantly. If an applicant has been offered an acceptance, a Confirmation of Acceptance Form will be included in the acceptance packet along with the acceptance letter. The Confirmation of Acceptance Form must be returned to let us know that you have received your acceptance packet. Per AAMC "traffic rules" , applicants may hold acceptances at more than one medical school until the deadline of April Therefore, if you are undecided and holding two or more offers of acceptance, you can actually choose to accept all offers until you are comfortable making a final decision.
However, as a courtesy to other applicants, it is strongly recommended that you contact other medical schools as soon as you have made your final decision. At the end of the admissions cycle, a certain number of students, who were invited to interview, are placed on the alternate list ranked by the College of Medicine Admissions Committee. Students who are offered an acceptance, from the alternate list , some of whom may not be offered an acceptance until May, June or July, will be required to notify our office within two weeks from the date an offered was made.
Selected applicants will be offered an admissions on a rolling basis and all final decisions will be sent via postal service. We look forward to welcoming you to the College of Medicine in August! A student granted credit for biology will be required to complete the 8 eight semester hour requirement by taking advanced courses in that discipline. The Committee on Admissions will consider grade averages attained in both prescribed and elective courses.

A grade of "C" or better in each of the prescribed pre-medical courses is required. If a prospective student is uncertain of the acceptability for pre-medical credit of a proposed course of study, and if the pre-professional advisor cannot advise in the matter, the prospective student is invited to make inquiry to the Office of Admissions, College of Medicine, Madison Avenue, Suite at The UT Health Science Center, Memphis, TN All candidates are required to sit for the Medical College Admissions Test.
Scores are received within thirty days of administration. A student should complete all prescribed science courses prior to taking the test. Taking it "for practice" is not recommended since the resulting scores will become a permanent part of the applicant's record. The four [4] section scores of the new MCAT are: The range of scores for individual sections is The range for the composite score is Allowing comparisons to other test-takers, [based on examinees testing in a typical year] the new MCAT will also provide a percentile rank for both the total score and section scores.
The MCAT score report will also report a confidence band, which will reflect the accuracy of the section scores and the total score. The Admissions Committee will review the percentile ranks of the individual sections. Scores above the 50th percentile [in each section] will be considered more competitive. For detailed information regarding the Profile of Admissions, visit our Admissions profile page. The College of Medicine selects one class each year which enters in August. In addition, applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States at the time of application to be eligible to apply to the College of Medicine.
AIIMS MBBS Application Form Released! - Apply Here from 05 Feb | AglaSem Admission
Applications are only considered from: Since qualified Tennesseans are given priority over out-of-state applicants , nonresidents must possess superior qualifications to be seriously considered for admission. The maximum number of non-Tennesseans admitted will not exceed ten 10 percent of the entering class including non-resident children of alumni. The sources of information which are used in evaluating an applicant's file of credentials are:. The total academic performance is critically evaluated with attention given to the: With rare exceptions, the completion of an undergraduate degree will be necessary in order to fulfill our educational expectations.
Recent entering classes have had a mean grade point average of 3.
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Acceptances will be offered based on all the criteria with no single criterion having more importance than another, e. Admissions counseling is routinely provided to prospective students.
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As such, any discussion of credentials or admission status will only be conducted with the prospective student. An applicant's interest in and motivation toward the medical profession is an important factor in the admissions decision. In order to assess this motivation and the personal qualities of an applicant, selected individuals are invited to campus for interview s with members of the Committee on Admissions.
Both academic achievement and MCAT scores are considered by the Committee in determining who will be invited to interview. The personal statement on the application and recommendations submitted on behalf of the candidates allow further insight into the values and motivation of the candidates. A recommendation from the official pre-professional Advisory Committee [where such a committee exists], or recommendation letters from three faculty members, is required. Additional recommendations may be submitted, although, they should number no more than three 3.