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Finally, a world-class log management solution at an even better price-free! And you'll get a free "Love Thy Logs" t-shirt when you download Logger. I tested The switch does not seem to send port-security traps like it is supposed to, so I know the problem is not packetfence.
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I would have expected EA13 to work.. Can you try EA10 or maybe something newer? Let me know of your findings because I will document EA13 as broken if you are sure that it doesn't work. Leaders behind SOGo www. I will do a few more tests to make sure the trap is not getting lost in transit, I can also test other methods in addition to port-security traps. I had a similar error where port-security traps were simply not showing up, but with a that was L2 adjacent to the PF server.
Anyway, I can try Nick Original Message From: Olivier Bilodeau [mailto: Current IOS versions held on the server are:. Nodes ContextNode,.
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I'm going to add reference to your post to the blog post I've created recently: More Automation in NCM: Many thanks Jiri, to be honest I hadn't thought of uploading it but I will do now. Script should work fine as long as it's not an IOS-XE install; can you tell me what errors you are seeing?
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I have posted the error here in this link: Can you also give me a brief instructions of step that I have to follow. As I can see from all this post I'm the only one who is facing this issue, may be the reason is that I'm not using it in the correct manner. I think cvachovecj had already answered in the other thread , but this needs to be run as a config change template; you'll need to go to the Config Change Templates page of NCM and click on Create New Config Change Template then paste in the script; some details on what to do once it's there and an updated script are located at https: The script execution is getting completed.
However in switch nothing is going on actually. It takes a while up to 10 mins to apply in the background: SolarWinds uses cookies on its websites to make your online experience easier and better. Set the terminal length to 0 so that results are not paginated. You may want to adjust some of the delete statements below to suit your site.
Find Running Image Trigger-Description: This trigger determines the running IOS filename and calls a second trigger that looks for the new IOS image in flash.
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The command specifically looks only for. Check Files and Delete Trigger: Check Files and Delete Trigger-Description: This trigger looks for the user-supplied new image name in the output of the "dir" command in the previous trigger. This allows the script to keep track of the number of image files in flash.

If the. For example, it must properly pull the file sequence and. Test that the calculated image MD5 hash matches the user-supplied value. Squeeze Action-Description: Determine if deleted files are in flash, if so, try to squeeze the flash to make room. It is ran at this point in case a previous copy failed or we need to squeeze deleted files from the first action.
This is an action so that it is not called after each file delete. Deleted Run Squeeze Trigger: Deleted Trigger-Description: Determine if there are deleted files still in flash. Deleted files will show in between brackets []. Run Squeeze Trigger-Description: Squeeze flash if deleted files were found. Also do another dir command to determine free space left in flash.
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Check Space Trigger: Check Space Trigger-Description: This trigger determines if there is enough space in flash to load the new image. The dir command output from the previous trigger is parsed to determine free space remaining. If we don't already have the new image in flash, and there is not enough space to download it, fire an issue.
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Check Download Complete Trigger-Description: Verify download completed successfully. Since this is a new action we need to redetermine the running version and change the boot system flash: Update Boot Sequence Trigger-Description: Make the new file the first boot image and the current image the second boot image by updating the configuration and saving to NVRAM. Verify Boot Trigger: Verify Boot Trigger-Description: Verify that the boot statements exist for the new IOS image that was installed into flash. Then run another dir command.
Verify Squeeze Trigger: Verify Squeeze Trigger-Description: Verify that the squeeze command completed by checking that no deleted files appear in flash. Warning Issue-Description: Insufficient storage space in flash to install the new IOS image. Error Issue-Description: There was an error during the IOS image copy. Info Issue-Description: The IOS upgrade completed successfully. The IOS upgrade failed. The boot commands are not in the configuration, the new image doesn't exist in flash, or deleted files are still present squeeze operation failed. Squeeze operation failed. Deleted files still appear in flash.
Boot commands are incorrect or missing from the configuration.