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- Fan-made Duke 3D Unreal Engine 3 update is now officially licensed | Ars Technica.
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Join Date: Joined: Oct Broussard showed a trailer featuring a dozen different scenes, including Duke fighting on the back of a moving truck, jet airplanes crashing, and furious firefights with aliens. Critics were awed: "It sets a new benchmark for making a 3-D game more like a Hollywood movie," Newsday proclaimed. When he brought a few journalists over to a computer to show off bits of the game, he pointed out the way you could see individual wrinkles on characters' faces and mused over how to make his campfire more realistic. Behind the scenes, though, Broussard was already unhappy with the results and was craving better technology.
Its graphics were more realistic still, and Unreal was better suited to crafting wide-open spaces. One evening just after E3, while the team sat together, a programmer threw out a bombshell: Maybe they should switch to Unreal? Switching engines again seemed insane — it would cost another massive wad of money and require them to scrap much of the work they'd done.
But Broussard decided to make the change. Only weeks after he showed off Duke Nukem Forever, he stunned the gaming industry by announcing the shift to the Unreal engine. Broussard soon began pushing for even more and cooler game-building tools: He ripped out the ceiling of a room at the 3D Realms office to assemble a motion-capture lab, which would help his team in rendering "complex motions like strippers," he noted on the 3D Realms Web site.
Duke Nukem 3D composer sues Gearbox, Randy Pitchford and Valve over music license dispute | KitGuru
Broussard simply couldn't tolerate the idea of Duke Nukem Forever coming out with anything other than the latest and greatest technology and awe-inspiring gameplay. He didn't just want it to be good. It had to surpass every other game that had ever existed, the same way the original Duke Nukem 3D had. But because the technology kept getting better, Broussard was on a treadmill. He'd see a new game with a flashy graphics technique and demand the effect be incorporated into Duke Nukem Forever.
When the influential shoot-'em-up Half-Life debuted in , it opened with a famously interactive narrative sequence in which the player begins his workday in a laboratory, overhearing a coworker's conversation that slowly sets a mood of dread. The day after Broussard played it, an employee told me, the cofounder walked into the office saying, "Oh my God, we have to have that in Duke Nukem Forever.
He'd rather throw himself on his sword and kill himself than have the game be bad. Half the weapons were still just sketches, and when a new version of the Unreal engine was announced — one designed for live, multiplayer online battles — once again Broussard opted to upgrade. Worse, former employees say, he did not appear to have an endgame — an overall plan for what the finished product would look like, and thus a way to recognize when it was nearing completion. It was incredibly cool technology," says the developer hired in It's a dilemma all artists confront, of course.

When do you stop creating and send your work out to face the public? Plenty of Hollywood directors have delayed for months, dithering in the editing room. But in videogames, the problem is particularly acute, because the longer you delay, the more genuinely antiquated your product begins to look — and the more likely it is that you'll need to rip things down and start again.
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All game designers know this, so they pick a point to stop improving — to "lock the game down" — and then spend a frantic year polishing. But Broussard never seemed willing to do that. Mike Wilson, a former games marketer with id Software and year veteran of the industry, suspects that Broussard was paralyzed by the massive success of Duke Nukem 3D. How often does someone have the best thing in their field, absolutely? They basically got frozen in that moment.
Normally, game developers don't have much cash. Like rock bands seeking a label to help pay for the cost of recording an album, game developers usually find a publisher to give them an advance in exchange for a big slice of the profits.
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But Broussard and Miller didn't need to do this. They even licensed their Build engine for a dozen games, bringing in more dough. So when Broussard and Miller began work on Duke Nukem Forever, they decided to fund its development themselves. Other game developers envied the freedom that Broussard and Miller had, at least at first. Developers and their publishers, indeed, are often at war. It's like many suits-versus-creatives relationships: Developers want to make their product superb, and the publishers just want it on the shelves as soon as possible.
If the game starts getting delayed, it's the publisher that cracks the whip. Broussard and Miller were free to thumb their noses at this entire system. It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum! Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10, whatever -- it'll run on it. Linux is also well supported, both via the native SDL version or with Wine. Note: "Linux is well supported with Wine" does not mean get drunk and install Ubuntu. I was 11 years old. Unknown to me, it was an illegally distributed beta of what was to become Duke Nukem 3D 1.