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I also have encountered this problem - actually, I can't install anything other than Google home.
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That being said, I haven't noticed any problems yet. Any thoughts from anyone else? After it is done, press home and it should be working!
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If you've cleared data on the app, it'll erase the update and you'll need to do this again. Long press the home screen, select Settings. Select Voice. Select Language to change the default. Change to another language, for me I choose English — UK. Hit Home. Do a Google Search.
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Repeat the first three steps. Change back to English — US. Hi, I installed it on my Samsung galazy S2 plus. The app is working fine but has two bugs in it. I am sure its not the bug but change in settings. I have installed only GoogleHome. Why can't i install the Google play services or the velvet only the launcher and it works good though. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.
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Try reinstalling the Velvet. You can revert back by doing the following: It worked fine for a few hours but then had the following problems: Hangout was offline as well Have you guys installed this on a device running 4. I'll try that. Google Search FC fix: Do this works on the sgs3 mini??? Only googlehome. Does the kernel support galaxy gear on s4? I am sure its not the bug but change in settings When I set a reminder in Google now, it notifies silently Notification doesn't come with a sound.
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Don't Flash Wallpapers Credits: Bola 15th September , Mr. OP Senior Member. Join Date: Aug Again, TW users. Dont try Anyone, try these and let me know if they work. S4 Pack. It includes: Some of these are old versions, newer apks will be added if these work, too lazy to download system dump again 1. Samsung Calculator 2.