Maps for windows phone 7.8
Thread Deleted Email Thread. I bought a Lumia as a travel phone to replace my aging Nokia C7. Now, the great thing about the C7 was that it had offline maps. I would simply download the map before travelling, and the map would be available in the foreign country.
GPS and the compass would work as well. Oh, and address search worked too. It was great, but, slow. The phone was essentially useless for anything other than maps. So I sold it, and bought the Lumia thinking it to be an upgrade. While playing with it in store, the rep showed me how Nokia Drive had a maps download option.
I thought it would work the same way. Unfortunately, if I have data and wifi disabled, Nokia Drive doesn't open - says it doesn't work offline edit: My original question still stands Now, I'm reading that Windows Phone 8 users will get Nokia Maps with offline functionality, but I cant find anything saying that this feature willl come to Windows Phone 7. Can anyone shed some light on this?
It really is the main reason I bought the phone. Join Date: Nov You can try locations from htc collection.
Windows Phone 7
You can get it by changing marketplace to htc. Here's how to do it: Junior Member. Dec I can say for sure that Lumia has Nokia Drive with the possiblility to use Maps in offline mode this after I have updated to version 2. Currently Nokia Maps in my phone has version 3. I can use Nokia Drive in offline mode but can't use Nokia Maps in offline mode. As of the "Tango" update, the requirements were revised to allow for chipsets with slower processors, and for devices to have a minimum of MB of RAM. Certain features of the operating system, and the ability to install certain resource-intensive apps are disabled on Windows Phone devices with under MB of RAM.
What Engadget and Gizmodo felt were notable omissions in a modern smartphone OS [ citation needed ] have largely been addressed in the Mango update. Microsoft's Disaster" citing what they call a "lack of security, shockingly bad Office apps, an interface not backed up under the hood and abandonment of the full Microsoft customer base.
Windows Phone 7 was presented with a total of three awards at the International Design Excellence Awards , voted by an independent jury [81] at an event co-sponsored by Microsoft, among others; [82] Gold in Interactive Product Experience, Silver in Research and Bronze in the Design Strategy. The design team began by defining and understanding the people who would use this phone.
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It was convinced that there could be a better user experience for a phone, one that revolves more around who the users are rather than what they do. The Windows Phone 7 lets users quickly get in, get out and back to their lives. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. October 21, US: November 8, See also: Internet Explorer Mobile.
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Main article: People Microsoft service. List of Xbox Live games on Windows Phone. Xbox Live. Bing search engine , Bing Mobile , and Bing Maps. Microsoft Office Mobile.

Zune software. List of Windows Phone devices. Microsoft Support. Microsoft Corporation. Retrieved 9 September NewsCentral Media. February 15, Retrieved June 3, Retrieved September 29, No More Windows Phone 7 Smartphones".
Get Waze - Microsoft Store
PC Magazine. Ziff Davis Media. Retrieved December 13, CBS Interactive. Retrieved July 21, Retrieved October 12, R3 Media. Retrieved October 27, Language support in Mango". Windows Phone Blog. The Windows Phone Developer Blog. Retrieved February 15, Retrieved September 19, Retrieved 8 June Retrieved August 21, Windows Phone 7: Retrieved September 4, Roger Gullhaug's Blog.
Navigation menu
Retrieved September 21, Strict Hardware Requirements". Retrieved February 19, Windows Phone 7 Web Browser Comparison. Event occurs at 1: First Look: Internet Explorer on Windows Phone 7 Series. Retrieved July 23, Retrieved September 6, September 18, Retrieved August 6, Microsoft Answers. October 21, October 12, Retrieved July 24, Bing only default search option". Ars Technica. Windows Phone 7 Connector for Mac review".
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So that's something you'll see come from us at some point. Fierce Wireless. Retrieved 22 May Windows Phone 7 doesn't support tethering". Retrieved 25 September Retrieved 21 November Retrieved 3 March The Next Web. Linked Inbox for Email Consolidation". Retrieved 4 March In search of identity] in Russian. Windows Phone Secrets. From scratch". GSM Arena. The Register. Retrieved March 21, Retrieved August 18, September 25, Archived from the original on Retrieved March 23, The Verge. Vox Media. Retrieved 20 June A Fresh Start". Gawker Media. A definitive guide". Retrieved October 23,