Iphone divert to voicemail t mobile
One area T-Mobile has gained a tremendous amount of applause for is speed, as their speed in populated areas is superior to that of its competition. Furthermore, T-Mobile offers large amounts of data for very low prices. There are no contracts or termination fees, and they offer a payment plan for phone purchases. Help and support has also greatly advanced in recent years, as it has become a necessity for companies like T-Mobile to offer customers the best support possible.
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The one major drawback is abysmal rural coverage. Businesses that purchase those numbers often have offices in other parts of the world but desire to maintain a virtual presence in other locales. These international toll free numbers function as described below. Sequential forwarding delivers calls down a list of programmed phone numbers, which is essential for many businesses.
For example, if a person is away from their desk, the next number in the list receives the call. The user can set the ringing time for each destination, and the call sequence can have four additional destination numbers. Time of day routing forwards calls based on the time of day or day of the week. For example, from 9 AM to 5 PM, your office number may ring. You may direct all late night calls and weekend calls to voicemail. Failover forwarding prevents dropped calls. IVR establishes a computer greeting system that receives incoming calls. It interacts with callers via prompts and directs calls based on voice or keypad responses from them.
The IVR system can be customized to meet your business needs. Therefore, if a person is calling from France, a French speaking attendant will receive the call. Users must subscribe to an SMS enabled phone number. Skip to content This article discusses the forwarding of incoming calls and text messages to T-Mobile phones.
Self-Service Short Codes Mobile users, with monthly and prepaid T-Mobile accounts, can use self-service short codes to activate plan features such as call forwarding.

To activate or disable call forwarding, do the following: The T-Mobile support web site featured the above example. Forwarding Text Messages T-Mobile lacks provision to forward text messages. T-Mobile Reviews One area T-Mobile has gained a tremendous amount of applause for is speed, as their speed in populated areas is superior to that of its competition.
The caller dials the number. GCF forwards the call to a programmed destination. I updated from IOS Appears to be a problem on iPhone 6, and 7 as well. Using short codes results in the error listed above. Lucky I don't use these features often Even their tech people can't answer it and keep telling me they are referring it to Engineering. It may be a network problem that only effects iOS phons but the iOS is not the cause.
If TM is going to sell these phones they need make sure they can function fully on their network. This cannot be due to an iOS update. I am still on As of a day or two ago, I get the same error message. For a while, I was stuck with my phone forwarding all calls when I needed them to come to my phone.
The rep corrected that, but she had no clue why forwarding is broken. Sent a ticket to tech support and I have yet to hear anything. We are having the same issue. Clearly this is a network issue that T-Mobile needs to resolve Thanks for chiming in, all -- I'm sorry to read that this is impacting so many of you! Has anyone else experiencing this had a ticket filed -- and if so, would you be so kind as to share the number here?
I'm sorry but I do not have the ticket number. But I still have the problem everyone else is complaining about While infuriating, I have found that repeated attempts will eventually work. You have to watch the confirmation screen carefully, but I have experienced success with as few as three tries and as many as twenty-seven! This is ridiculous. One more thing. I have an SE. Polite, sympathetic and "helpful" customer care only goes so far. It is meaningless without results.
I don't need an automobile mechanic to be sympathetic to my brake problem. I need him or her to fix them. On Mon, Jun 18, at 3: I hear you, magenta When we file a ticket, it should send an automated SMS with ticket information -- if you go back through your messages, do you see anything like that? It's interesting to read that it does work after multiple attempts while of course I agree that it should just work.
Have you noticed any patterns -- number of tries, network signal strength, connected to WiFi, anything like that? I super appreciate the call-out regarding iOS version -- I noted the variance between the devices but it's good to note that this isn't limited to I'm going to reach out to our contact who works with the Apple related content to see if they've heard anything about this, but I do want to be straightforward that the way to report issues to engineering is via the trouble ticket process that I've mentioned so that teams have the necessary account data to look at the back end of the system -- this isn't something that we can collect in a public user forum because it's not a secure platform for account verification, so the ticket provides that information.
I know it probably seems like I'm harping on that point, but I promise there's a reason! For now though, it doesn't hurt to reach out and ask if anyone's heard anything -- I'll keep everyone posted, and in the meantime if anyone files a ticket or comes across a ticket number, that would be hugely helpful. This is a network issue it is not an iOS issue or an iPhone issue. Engineering has been ignoring me with this for over a month.
When did you speak to the Tech team? I'd like to try to use that date to go back in our system issues log and see if there's something I'm missing! We definitely want to help -- while we don't have a secure platform to verify your account and file a ticket from here, our T-Force partners in Twitter and Facebook do have the ability to get tickets filed; so if reaching out online works for you, they would be a great resource. That said, if you don't mind sharing the general timeline for the call first, I'd like to double check and make sure it's not a known issue -- if it is, I don't want to take up your time encouraging you to reach out to get a ticket filed!
Same problem here! Tech support keeps telling me to use the short codes, but that is much more difficult and I get the same error codes others have mentioned. Don't enter a phone number, but go back to settings and then the home screen.
Calling services | T-Mobile Support
If you go back into settings, the switch turned off but no matter. Now these codes worked for me:. On Thu, Jun 14, at 4: This forum is just go keep us busy and off the phone lines complaining to them. This is a business disaster for me and no one at TM really cares. Company policy is obviously to have staff listen and express their concerns and try their best to make us feel cared but then they do nothing at all.
NO ONE has ever called me back because they have no answers. This company should never be allowed to buy another network or merge or obtain any new broadcast licenses for network expansion until they rebuild their CS policies and and staff. This is what cheap pricing does I suppose.
I rely on call forwarding on my iphone!!! Hey, folks. I'm sorry to say that I still am not seeing any known issues listed for call forwarding either generally, or specifically regarding the short codes. Has anyone been able to reach out and have a ticket filed? If so, would you be so kind as to provide ticket numbers that I can forward to an offline team for review? I'd be happy to pass details along!
Regarding the ask for information to contact T-Force; There's not a link; just visit T-Mobile's Facebook page and send a Message from there, or visit us on Twitter and send a DM -- we'll be able to take a look! I messaged with tech support but they did not give me a ticket number. Their only advice was to use the short codes, but that did not work I got an error code. I have ticket numbers but I do not have them with me right now. The people that are claiming that it takes many tries to get it to work may be in error.
I have had that same experience and had the screen show success and yet the change was never made at the switch. I know that is impossible. I was unable to set up call forwarding. I… - Apple Community. I was told by one Tech person not to use the as they say that turns forwarding off and then the switch has to be reset by them before the short codes will work again. I don't believe any of them at this point.
They all lie and none of them knows what they are doing or what the answer is. I have other phones such as a 6S on I have an iphone 6 using iOS If this an 11,4 issue it is only with T Mobile. Secondly when If first got my iPhone 8 Plus it was not yet upgraded to I have been on with Tech Support since the first day I got it. I have the exact same issue as magenta with the same error message.
Glad that you are on board, not that it is good that it is happening, but it is good to have empathetic help from within. I am not a TM employee. I started experiecing the same issue in the week of June I called tmo and of course nobody has experience the same issue. I now resort to call in and ask the Tmo tech to make sure that calls are being forwarded on the Tmo backbone, and I will also call in to make sure it is being un-forwarded. I will test it right after I called, and it always works; though it is an inconvenient workaround.
By now it should be a known issue, it bothers me that none of the Tmo tech has heard of this issue. Brave for your post here. More people need to get their backs up over this. Obviously they are hiding this in plain sight.
How to Forward Calls with T-Mobile
It appears that their tactic is deny deny deny and maybe it will go away. This forum is to keep us all busy hoping we will get help rather than actually helping. The moderator here even still denies any knowledge of it. What a JOKE this network is.
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Worst customer service in the industry. But then we all wanted cheap rates right?
It should be quite obvious to all of us by now that TM is hiding the fact of this issue. CS or Tech always denies ever hearing of it before. There is nothing in the computer system they use that shows this as a known issue. We need to get to upper management and there is no way for us to do that from anyone in CS or Tech. If we make enough noise maybe we get this fixed. I think it is a combination of Tmo and even Apple should be held accountable. Hexon up there has written about this, and I concur with very similar test environment.
Tmo need to acknowledge the problem, and Appple should fix it, more importantly, they should stop wasting customers' time to advise them to do a clean reset, call apple, and other avenues that leads to nowhere. As soon as I switched to TMobile, it will not call forward. I have tried every possible away to get it to work. Over the weekend on June 23, , the call forwarding feature is finally working the way it was suppose to.
My issue started June 11, , ended June 23, Of course, accordingly to Tmobile, I am a standalone case. I suspected that this has to do with the IOS upgrade If Tmobile would have admitted that there was a lingering issue on their system to every customer that calls, they probably would have gotten yelled at and spent a lot of time doing customer therapy; on the other side customers collectively spent hours or days scratching our heads and tried to figure out what was going on. I much preferred they gave me a timeline so I could have anticipated how to handle all my business calls.
Thanks for the update, bettercallkwan -- has anyone else been able to get this working since this weekend? Is anyone still having issues, and if so, do you happen to have a ticket number I can pass along? The teams I reached out to were asking for examples via ticket number to forward to engineering for trending -- I'm still definitely able to follow back up with them with more info if anyone has tickets to contribute! About other people having the same issues, I cannot speak for all; but I can tell you this If other people have a ticket number, please respond this thread so Marissa can close all the tickets I noticed the same thing, bettercallkwan!
I'm hoping that this means that it was a bug that's been addressed; but I'm still happy to pass things along and try to dig for a confirmation, at least! Thanks for boosting my ticket ask! I checked mine and it is working now as well - not sure what the fix was but at least it was fixed. I work for a company that offers an app called RoboKiller, to help you block and get revenge on annoying spam callers on your iPhone and Android phone.
One of the features we use is conditional call forwarding. We had noticed that this seemed to suddenly be either extremely sporadic or pretty much broken on T-Mobile's side, starting late May. Thanks to the info in this thread, and our internal data that tracked when this started, we were able to use some of our contacts to get in touch with someone at T-Mobile higher up the chain than what you would likely get from this forum. He was then able to forward the info to the right department on the network side and get them to look into the issue.
They did in fact confirm that there was an issue very quickly.