Windows 8.1 mail app hyperlinks not working
Internet 11 is not listed in the default selection window but in the program association list it is linked to htm, html, shmtl. Any alternatives for this problem? Set a different default browser. Set Chrome again. Your post did not work for me as it, but I let me to something that did work none of the other things worked reset Internet Option Default, regedit. I did. Thank you so much for the step by step guide on how to fix this problem.
With your clear guidance, I have been able to fix it! Why would anyone set IE as their default browser? That's piling huge usability issues on top of an inconvenient problem. The whole office is riddled with bugs, it can't spell check, can't open hyperlinks, installs 16 bit by default, outlook is slow to pick up mail and sometimes needs a restart to get mail. The upgrades break things, for a leage company such as Microsoft they really need to get their act together. There were some session hosts with Chrome installed.
We uninstalled chrome 3 weeks ago but don't know why this is happening again and again. Fucking idiots! Re-install Chrome - none of you know what the fucking problem is! Just admit that your solution to everything is re-install. Does your car have a problem - just install a completely new engine!! No engineers present!!
Fix Hyperlinks Not Working In Outlook - TeckLyfe
Thanks a lot!! Microsoft's solution the first two steps listed here did not fix it. However, the registry solution did fix it. In fact, the registry values were partly not set at all and partly set to OperaStable. No idea how the user managed to mess that up but it's working now didn't even require a reboot. Interesting how fixing a Microsoft program always involves "here's the solution-go waste 2 hours of your valuable time.
Based on this info, can you pinpoint the issue so I don't need to try 13 different solutions that MAY work? I have both IE and Firefox installed. To fix this issue all I did was make Firefox the default browser and then close it. I hate Edge.
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It is too much like Chrome. It is for lay people who do not know much about computers and takes away tools I am used to using. Every 'solution' here is for everything except Windows Do we have to sit around waiting for Microsoft to offer a definitive solution after yet another time-wasting update seven hours on this one I have been on pretty well every site referring to this problem going back, it would seem, around five years.
I see only complicated work-arounds of uncertain value to all previous Windows products and nothing useful for Windows 10, the premier product. The registry solutions are dangerously complicated for amateurs and do not seem to apply to Windows I just want to be able to link from Outlook to Firefox It should not be rocket science to the point that I am getting very suspicious about the motivation behind all the this.
I am wondering whether a dossier might be sent to the competition authorities. Certainly Google and Mozilla should be asking some questions. If it is not conspiracy, it is incompetence - either way, it has to stop! Can we have a simple definitive solution for Windows 10 and Outlook that allows simple linking to Firefox, please, and can we have it now instead of waiting another five years.
Reinstalling chrome is an no option, what other solutions do we have??? Uninstalling and shuffling between default browsers Chrome, Firefox and MSedge didn't fix the problem. Only and eventually the manual registry edit. I uninstalled Firefox while it was my default browser. Only the manual registry edit worked for me. I replaced references to IE with Firefox in the instructions above and it worked like a charm. My default web browswer has been Firefox for some years now.
The fix that you can download from MS is not for Windows 10, only lower versions. MS advise going through the troubleshooting route which was useless.
I have tried changing my default web browser to IE 11, Goggle Chrome, and back to Firefox - several times for each one! Wasted many hours. Suggestions please? PS I am not competant to edit the registry!
Fix General Failure when Open Link or URL from Outlook and Windows Mail
Why cant Microsoft send out a fix for this. After all this time I still have no working link. I'm using Windows 10 and Outlook. The download worked like a charm and was very easy to follow. For days I have tried to fix my problem without any luck.
Set Chrome as your default web browser
Thank you so much for providing the solution. Could you be very specific about how to do this. I have no idea how to get to this area in the registry to change it.

I did all of these, not sure which step s did the trick, but now my excel URL links which had stopped working for no apparent reason are working again. Maybe just step 4 would've been enough without the others, I don't know, I was desperate and I'm just so happy it's fixed. Links started to work after changing Registry. The registry was modified by maxthon browser after uninstalling!! I guess, the htmlfile works only if you use Explorer. I have Windows 10, Outlook and use Microsoft Edge.
Editing the registry with htmlfile worked for me. Had a problem with hyperlinks could not respond to emails in outlook use your fix it and everything back to normal thanks a million. NONE of your solutions work with windows 10! I've tried them all the fix it now app doesn't work on windows 10 pro! I've also modified the 2 registry entries, as shown and that didn't help either? I've uninstalled Office , ran ccleaner to remove any broken links and rebooted then I reinstalled Office ; did not work.
I"ve also clicked on the button to reset all programs to MS defaults; didn't help. In the value type "htmlfile" without commas. I hope this works :. E-mail not published. Hyperlinks not working in Outlook? In Outlook or , the error message is as follows: This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. If you have Outlook and Outlook , the message is different though its meaning is as vague and unclear as before: Your organization's policies are preventing us from completing this action for you.
Why you may be unable to open links in Outlook How to make hyperlinks in Outlook work again Download Microsoft's fix it tool Set Internet Explorer and Outlook as default programs Reinstall Chrome or Firefox Edit the registry Reset Internet Explorer settings Import a registry key from another computer Restore your system Why cannot I open links in Outlook any longer?
Use the Microsoft Fix it tool Luckily for us, Microsoft guys are aware of the "hyperlinks in Outlook not working" issue and they've already worked out a fix. Firstly, because it's a faster way, secondly, because it is much safer and thirdly, if something goes wrong, you know with certainty who to blame : So, give it a shot and if the fix has worked for you, congratulate yourself and you can close this page.
Choose Internet Explorer in the Programs list and click the Set this program as default link. Find Microsoft Outlook in the Programs list and set it as default too.