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Microphone, speaker, one 3. Audio included. The reference number will have 9 digits and will begin with the letter P. Without the reference number we will be unable to send you your unique license number. The biggest advantage for professional translators is that they can cut down the time required to perform the translation of any document. Instead of carrying a heavy dictionary around, all one needs is a handheld device that contains all the translations that will be needed from time to time. PocketTran offers a number of alternative translations so that you don't need to look in specialised dictionaries for an appropriate translation.
The other advantage for professional translators is that they can optimise the software for their needs so that they can enter their preferred translations which the program will memorise and offer at the top of the list of alternative translations during every subsequent translation session.
If you have a list of translations in any specialised area, e. The package which includes optimisation of the software is called PocketTran Professional.
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PocketTran translates: words phrases sentences SMS messages e-mail web pages and other types of text. PocketTran after modifying PocketTran after translation.
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More example images and animations of translation from and to the English language:. PocketTran in action. Serbian lat. Saudi Arabian.