Android keyboard show hide event

Keyboard ยท React Native

Your app's native code can control the soft keyboard through the built-in InputMethodManager , which is a "Central system API to the overall input method framework IMF architecture, which arbitrates interaction between applications and the current input method. From there, variations of the showSoftInput and hideSoftInput methods are available. Let's look at a couple of examples where the app shows but does not focus on a text input field. If your app has a collapsed search widget in the top toolbar, this follows Pattern 7.

Here is an example from the Beaches in Boston and Cape Cod mobile application version 2. This screenshot shows a master list of beaches, with a collapsed SearchView in the Toolbar. When the user taps the search icon, the widget expands to show a text input field. The field does not yet have focus and the keyboard remains hidden.

When the user taps inside the text input field, the field takes focus and shows the soft keyboard.

Manners Maketh Man.

Let's enable the user to enter search keywords when the widget expands, without having to tap inside the input field. The menu event handler calls a helper class named SoftKeyboardHelper , which will be described in the next section. This screenshot shows a list of books in "normal" mode, where a user can check and uncheck the checkbox, click the red X to delete the row, or tap the item text to enter "edit" mode. In "edit" mode, the text label becomes a text input field, plus the app shows the soft keyboard, Cancel button red X and Save button green check mark.

As with the SearchView, we want to show the soft keyboard and focus on the text input field. Showing the keyboard is handled by the Activity, which receives event notification when a list item row goes from "normal" mode to "edit" mode. Here is a simplified view of the Activity source code, showing event subscription, unsubscription and notification:. As mentioned before, the helper uses the InputMethodManager to both show and hide the soft keyboard.

How to detect if the android keyboard is open

The book Android Design Patterns: Interaction Design Solutions for Developers describes how users can easily hide the keyboard but may not know how see Pattern Your app can explicitly close the keyboard when users finish editing a text field or click a custom button on the app screen. Continuing with the SearchView example, let's hide the soft keyboard when the user clicks the search icon to submit the keywords for the search. Are there any better solutions? NGUI looks for the user to press on a text input box I don't know the proper name, haven't used it yet and then it calls the Unity API for opening the keyboard.

Have you seen the code in UIInput. Thanks for prompt reply. Yes, I have seen the codes.

And it works well on opening keyboard. But there is a problem when closing keyboard. When I tap done button to finish tapping, it works well because the script uses the delegate onSubmit in line But when I tap close button to close keyboard, it doesn't work.

How To Fix Gboard Google Keyboard Disappear Keyboard has stop working

I don't know how to catch this event, and does it also use OnSelect function whenever I close the keyboard? And how can I set the mKeyboard to hideInput?

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I have tested the script, it seems like that when I lost focus on the keyboard, it will call OnSelect function, but meanwhile, the keyboard are not necessarily closed. I'm a bit confused.

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How do you close an on-screen keyboard without submitting it? What is the close button you mentioned? Do you know what event is sent out when that happens? Maybe he means the back button, as you would find it on Android devices? Tapping that will dismiss the keyboard on my Samsung Galaxy phone, anyway without submitting anything to the text field.