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But still no luck. I believe my drivers and firewall are all fine but no way to test. Is it working with the without Unity Android license? It seemed that the drivers where not correctly installed even though the Google Drivers were marked as working.
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It would be nice to have every version of Unity being able to check if the phone USB is correctly setup. After that, I didn't have to restart Unity which is really good and the Android displays the game screen. It's not always the best idea to install google's USB drivers. If ADB see's your device, it should work in Unity.
Thank you! I installed the Android SDK, downloaded the remote app, but couldn't get it working until I read this. That fixed it. Thanks for writing this up! Didn't think that the USB drivers needed to be installed manually since windows installed them when I first plugged in the devices!! Thanks, the info is still valid.
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I was trying to get my 'Note 2' working with Unity Remote 4 and this did the trick. Had to restart Unity afterward before it worked. Step 4. The extra trick for me was step 4. Restarting Unity and having the Unity Remote app open before was the trick for me. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7. Anyway this driver will only work for Samsung devices but if you're having the same problems with your own device and Unity Remote, go to your Device Manager on Windows and make sure in the other devices branch when your device is connected there are no yellow "!
BlueStacks android emulating software interferes with Unity's ability to communicate with a cable connected android device. So first check height and width of image and based on it put image into different drawable folder.
I recently had this same question, can you check which folder it is in. For me the problem was putting it inside the drawable folder, whilst it should be drawable-nodpi. An earlier duplicate question was asked I don't have enough points to flag the question above as a duplicate here and Lukap's suggestion of putting the drawable into a drawable-hdpi folder worked for me. Apparently the use of three drawable folders -hdpi, -mdpi, -ldpi used to be standard practice. So putting images other than launch icons in a mipmap folder seems to work but does not follow Android convention.
On the Android Developer page for Providing Resources, there is a section that discusses the approach Android uses for selecting the best matching resources using an example where several drawable resources are available. To demonstrate how Android selects an alternative resource, assume the following drawable directories each contain different versions of the same images:.
By comparing the device configuration to the available alternative resources, Android selects drawables from drawable-en-port. I was having a similar issue.
Samsung galaxy s vibrant avatar file not found
We now integrate with Microsoft Teams, helping you to connect your internal knowledge base with your chat. Learn more. Image showing in Android Studio but not on phone Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 4 months ago. Active 4 months ago. Viewed 29k times. As you can see below this is what Android Studio shows: However, when I run this app on my phone the List View shows with just a blank image i.
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I'm new to the Android development scene so go easy on me. EDIT The image is. Greg Peckory. Greg Peckory Greg Peckory 2, 12 12 gold badges 50 50 silver badges 89 89 bronze badges. See my answer, provide more info if this is not the solution. Image should be displayed irrespective of your drawable folders.
There may be some other issue. Please provide more info or post your code. I tested it extensively and it simply won't display it on a Note, say if it is "way out of size" or if it is in "drawable" and it is very large. Using "drawable-nodpi" seems to make it work like on normal operating systems - it actually draws it.
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I can send it without animation, but I can't send it with animation My friend has the exact same phone and they can send the image and animation one. I posted my theory on this in a different thread related to some of them being too large to send after a software update came through. Sign In. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.
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