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I've never seen it work for me because I only have wi-fi so no pros for this useless program. You'll get connection errors if you don't have a data plan where app world's site will tell you the phone's radio is off when it is on. My money must be unwanted. I hate Blackberry and RIM. Totally ridiculous waste of time for me. Reply to this review Read reply 1.
No option to even "Buy" the Cortado program through Paypal I cmplained to Cortado, they said they could not help and kept giving me the link to the RIM site. RIM have loads of FAQ and "common problem" links but nowhere on that site which enables me to contact them direct. We pay enough for these smartphones, why can't they back the software up through the suppliers?
I think the worst thing about it is that anyone can code a buggy app and make a mint.

App world didnt even take down the app that didnt work with support email bouncing. Its still there for other to buy and be ripped off. Paypal actually backed up app world when I disputed the payment saying that they dont offer refunds for a "service".
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Software wasn't considered goods. This was my first purchase, and my last. Having used BB for 7 years, I'm on to pastures new. Specifically an error that says "DNS Error". I have a with Wi-Fi, but the program will not allow you to use it without a Data Plan. For those of us who bought the phone thinking we would have access to this through wi-fi are left missing out.
Luckily Crackberry. BlackBerry will not support or refund for bad applications! They allow developers that DO NOT support their products to continue to take money from users, when their applications do not work. The application will not allow setting up recurring alarms as there is a software glich that will not allow you to select the days of the week. I have written Fruity Apps three times and no response. I asked BlackBerry to refund the money and they refuse, stating to ask the developer for support.
I told them I have done so with no reply!
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BlackBerry should purge any applcations from it's store if the developer is not willing to reply to requests for support. I will not purchase any more apps from BlackBerry App World as you never know if the softare will work. Too bad for the developers that do what they should! Login or create an account to post a review. The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited. Click here to review our site terms of use.
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Be the first to know about the hottest apps with Download's Apps Today newsletter. The Verge. Retrieved 18 June July 20, Over 2 billion downloads; 60, apps available". CS1 maint: Research In Motion. Retrieved 31 January Retrieved 9 February BlackBerry portal.
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