Jailbreak iphone 4 switch carriers
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There are two ways to unlock an iPhone. You can either do a software unlock, which usually requires some kind of hacking, or you can do a factory unlock.
iphone - Should I jailbreak my phone or unlock it? - Ask Different
The IMEI is like a fingerprint, completely unique to your device. There are now a few providers that have the ability to get iPhones permanently unlocked for a small fee. To our knowledge, this is currently the best way to permanently unlock an iPhone, especially since there is no software unlocks available for the latest iOS versions. There are dozens if not hundreds of services online that can perform a factory unlock on your iPhone.
Unlock the iPhone on AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile
Upon calling, you'll be instantly taken to R-SIM's information page, so scroll all the way down to the bottom of the screen and to tap on "Edit ICCID" from the menu prompt that appears. Though the page states for you to "Restart your iPhone now," don't do it just yet; Instead, tap on "Accept" in the lower-right corner. Once done, power down your iPhone as you normally would.
Once activation is completed, you should now be able to use your iPhone with your new SIM card to make calls and communicate via Messages, in addition to taking full advantage of web-based services like YouTube , Safari , and much more. At this point, you have the option to remove the R-SIM from your iPhone and use your SIM exclusively, though we recommend leaving it on as it doesn't have any negative effects on your device as far as daily operation. Besides that, leaving the chip in your iPhone helps protect against loss and damage.
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This is extremely important due to the nature of your iPhone's unlock. This trick, however, can be easily undone if you either update to the latest iOS version or force-restart your device.
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If you've performed the latter, you'll need to go through the steps highlighted above to unlock your iPhone again. Because of this, we recommend staying away from any iOS software updates to preserve your unlock, especially via iTunes. Some reports claim that updating over-the-air OTA preserves the hacked ICCID and thus your unlock, but we haven't been able to confirm it with absolute certainty. We'll be sure to keep you up to date as more concrete information surfaces, along with new ICCID codes that come up, so tune in regularly.
Step 1: Turn Find My iPhone Off Before proceeding with the actual unlocking process, we recommend disabling "Find My iPhone" first to prevent any snags from occurring during the procedure.

If you're on Verizon, you don't actually have to do anything to unlock your iPhone XR. Before, the iPhone XR came automatically unlocked on Verizon.
Contact your carrier
But now, after approval from the FCC, phones on Verizon now come locked to the network for 60 days. So, you still don't have to do anything to unlock your phone on Verizon -- after that 60 days is up, Verizon automatically unlocks the iPhone XR, and then you are free to use it on other networks.
Thats why we recommended using the SIM unlock card that we explained earlier -- these three carries are just extremely strict when it comes to getting an iPhone XR unlocked. As you can see, unlocking your iPhone XR -- and most other iPhone models -- is really easy, even if the carrier itself is refusing to unlock your smartphone. Right now is actually the perfect time to get your iPhone XR Unlocked.
Apple's new line of iPhone devices is expected to be announced in just a couple of months. So, by unlocking your iPhone XR now, you can maximize it's value to sell it before an announcement drives prices down. Unlock iPhone XR. What is a SIM unlock?