The room iphone walkthrough chapter 2
The fox will bark and signal you to look inside. The Windmill Key : The key is located underground - enter the ruin where the barked fox is waiting near the entrance. Down below, you'll encounter a strange puzzle.
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The spirit statue in the center is looking at the kid. Shout to draw it's attention. When you shout, it will turn to face you. Stand on the left, shout, then move ahead, then shout again until you reach a path to the key. Use the right exit from the key to return to the surface and run back to the locked windmill door to gain access. According to the murals, the windmill is how you'll scare off that killer bird and regain the lost gold orb.
Chapter 2: Anger | Walkthrough
Inside the windmill ruin, shout to activate the first soul statue and enter the open door up the steps before it seals again. Upstairs, you'll reach an orrery - a model of the Earth and the sun. To solve the puzzle, shout so the shadow of the Earth covers the sun marker to the left of the exit.
That causes the chamber platform to lower and reveal a second sun marker. Simply stand near the sun marker to project the kid's shadow, and the exit platform will lower. Jump onto the platform and ride it up to leave through the high door. Up top, you'll be exposed to the elements. Shout at the soul statues to lower golden awnings, making it possible to hide from the bird. Pull the crate near the crate-marked wall - it'll take some time, so make sure the gold awning is lowered or the bird will get you!
Stranger Things Chapter 2 Walkthrough -- The Gate | Stranger Things
Use the block to jump the wall, then rush to the soul statue and shout, lowering more awnings the kid can hide under. Find the ramp and jump across the gold sections until you can drop into a new area - once again, rush to the soul statue and activate it before the bird gets you. Pull the second block to release a storm cloud that zaps the bird, making the area safe - for now. The storm drives the bird away. To progress, go toward the cliffs facing the shore and move left until you find a large ruin entrance surrounded by shadows. Your fox friend will bark to draw you closer.
The underground path leads down and around to the beach. Out on the beach, the sun is shining bright.
Chapter 2-1
There's no way to walk to safety. Look in the distance to spot boats on the shore - but there's no place to hide. You'll have to use the ocean. Jump in the water and start swimming. Dive low, and swim into the air bubbles to get more precious oxygen. Like before, you'll need a key to enter the windmill tower on the island. Let's go after that key now. The Windmill Key 1 : Underwater, look near the submerged statue square. There's an underground underwater! Swim inside and you'll appear in a chamber with the windmill key. The usage of the eyepiece is also a common point where you might find yourself stuck.

Tap on it to be shown secret items and areas you may never have seen otherwise. Tilting and moving your device is a necessity in The Room. When the guide calls for this, pick up your device and physically tilt it as instructed. Chapter 1. Subscribe to GameZebo. Home Walkthroughs, Tips, Cheats Adventure. The Room Walkthrough by.
Adventure Puzzle. The door to the area on the right has a heart.
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Add all of the body parts to the pot. The bedroom puzzle is probably the most complicated in the entire game. Follow the steps below to beat it:. Once the first one is in, close the lid. If you want to obey the Director, shoot the girl. To disobey, you need to shoot the creatures to the right and left of you.
For the next puzzle, head to the office section of the area. You need to build a rocket near the desk. There are three pieces to find.
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One is next to the light. One in the junk behind it. And one is in the fireplace behind the desk. Press the button and then look through the porthole of the rocket. This is easily the hardest puzzle in Layers of Fear 2. Look through the keyhole on the right to see an image. You need to match this image with the screen in front of you.
To turn on the rain, use the taps. To make wind, press the music box on the right. To grow the plant, interact with the pot. This will introduce the radio into the room. The radio switches the scene from day to night. Another Projector Puzzle now. All you need to do here is match the slide where the light is at its largest and brightest.
The Room 3 (Three): Walkthrough Chapter 2, The Clock Tower
There are two TVs, which can be made to display different body parts. Right Arm to the right. Skull on the left. Open the rat cage.
Chapter 2-1 to 2-14 | Doors & Rooms
Finally, onto Chapter 5. The vault puzzle here can be difficult to work out. Turn the vault wheel. Now, turn around and head back through the hole and open the door on your left. A scene will trigger. Head back to the vault wheel and slowly wind it clockwise until the first tumbler clicks into place.