Download samsung galaxy s2 rom
GreekDragon OP Dec 4: GreekDragon OP Jan 7: GreekDragon OP Nov 3: Live] Bixby 2. Xiaomi Mi 6 may not get an official Android Pie update February 20, Tags This thread has automatically been categorized with the following tags. Click on any of the topics to find related threads. Thanks Meter: Discussion Loading Login to Follow Project. Announcement from GreekDragon: Installation Files i download folder Builds are coming rootless, you have 2 choices.
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Flash lineage arm su or supersu systemmode. It doesn't work for our device. Resurrection Remix Forum. Submit to XDA Portal. OP Recognized Developer. Volos, Greece. Join Date: Jan My Devices: Q F reaking A nnoying Q uestions Q. All CM14 bugs. Bro, can you include VoLTE?
Install Android LineageOS on Galaxy S2 I Nougat Custom ROM
S2 is not compatible. Can i use Xposed? You can.
But don't report. For the last couple of weeks, we have been sharing Android 4. All ROMs are in working conditions but do not get surprised if you notice a few minor bugs here and there. As the respective developers keep updating their work on regularly, always try the latest versions to get the fix for any bug that discover after installing the ROM. Now here is the list of Galaxy S2 variants for which Android 4. Activities like rooting and flashing a custom ROM are considered risky.
While rooting voids the warranty of your phone, installing a custom ROM might endanger it. If you choose to try any of the ROMs listed below, do it at your own risk. We or the developers will not, in any case, be liable for any mishap. In case you get stuck at a certain thing or caught into a problem, all we can do is to help you fix things to the best of our capacity. When your Galaxy S2 boots up, go through the initial setup and after that your phone will be ready to use.
Enjoy the new taste of Android and do not forget to share with us your experience, or any bugs that you notice during using the ROM. Rakesh is a teacher by profession and geek by heart with an ardent passion for all-things-tech.

He has been a theme-maker, modder and has contributed some custom ROMs. He enjoys learning, discovering, growing and sharing the newest and latest trends in the world of Android. Current Devices: Get into recovery mode, wipe data, system, cache and dalvik cache and flash it again or just restore your previous ROM backup. I cant download google play store it says its already installed but cant find it. I successfully installed 4. However, After a day, it started troubling me. I wasnt able to receive whatsapp messages, dialing used to go to some other contact.
As far as apps are concerned, i found google camera app quite new. Apart from this, didnt find interesting apps though. The ROM is very fast and battery lasted for more than a day with data on and off at regular intervals. Data was not ON for full day. I searched for workaround and solution for whatsapp messaging issue, but with no luck. The custom ROM installation works only with 6.
Can somebody help me? I tried updating my S2 with CM 11, but it says installation aborted. What will i do?
Please help. I also tried to install CyanFox I read from Rakesh, here below: Now I realise what you meant. Now fixed. Thanks fro your reply. Actually, he means ClockworkMod recovery. Use this app: The problem was with the version of Cyanogenmod v11 that I installed. It seems that there was a problrem with it.
In the end, I installed Cyanogenmod v Also be careful to install a matching version of google apps gapps-jbsigned. I tried to update my galaxy s2 3 times, but in vain.
How to Get Android 4.4 KitKat ROM on Galaxy S2 (All Models)
Now I feel, this is waste of time. Because I spent Rs for restoration. If Mr. Rakesh, come to Chennai, he may help me. Hi Ramesh, I already told you that you needed to update recovery in order to fix Status 7 error. If the new ROM did not install properly, you should have restored the older one, but you did not do that.
Installing HyDrOG3NICS custom ROM on Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100
We recommend NOT to try our guides if your phone is locked to a carrier, unless we have specified the carrier name or device model. All set and ready?
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There are tons of useful articles and how-to guides on Team Android for the Samsung Galaxy S2, but we think you might be interested in the following posts: Install Official Android 4. Root Official Android 4. See below for some tips on how to backup data: Backup your Apps. Backup your SMS messages. Backup Contacts, Gmail and Google Data.
Backup Call History. Backup WhatsApp Messages. Backup APN Settings: Note down everything from: A few more optional tips that you should remember: