I7 4770k thermal paste application
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Am I doing something wrong? Sorry if I am being a total newbie at this, but is that how it should work, the cpu throttling down when under load? Download the intel extreme tuning utility and set the oc from there. Can i use DDR3 memory on it? What is the best memory to get? I currently have mhz, and its the wrong memory, for my cpu and mobo. I have a byte z68x-ud3h-b3 with a i7 k. What memory should I be using? I am using my pc for audio mixing, compressing, sometimes video editing.
No gaming at all. Which one is better in stock config, and which one is best when overclocked? We apply an overclock of 4.
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- Fixing Skylake, Haswell, and Ivy Bridge CPU temps: IHS removal.
We leave every voltage setting on Auto. Were we would normally opt to find the perfect voltage through manual inputs, this takes up to much time for now. In the end finding a lower workable voltage will only benefit the temperatures.
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In this before and after test we would like to see the obvious differences and hopefully we will see lower temperatures. As a cooling solution we fitted an Hi from Corsair with two mm fans in push config. Running Prime 95 on the Small FFT set immediately leads to temperatures in excess of 90 degrees celcius and a throtteling cpu fighting the heat, moments later our pc shut down because all cores reached degrees. Time to get started then! Once thorougly cleaned it is time to grab our Delid Die Mate 2. The corresponding triangle should be in the bottom left corner and match the cpu. We have arrived at the point of no return, separating the IHS from the chip.
The bottom part remains in its original position forcing the IHS off. I ordered one about half a year ago and completely detroyed an i7 K. What happened was the Delidder splitting in two, looking like a cracked tree. Probably the seller of the 3D printed delidder used the wrong material for its printing purposes. Let my experiences be a costly lesson to me, not to you… You can imagine that specific day is a dark page in my history and it will never be forgotten!
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Okay, it worked! We now have two items, the IHS and the die with the chip.
Rinse and repeat. Clean the inside of the IHS with some rubbing alcohol. Be gently and apply very light pressure on the chip. In the second step we also clean the leftover glue on the that held the IHS in its place. This part is a bit trickier as i found you need some sort of a blunt scalpel tool to remove the sturdy material.
I use a plastic rounded wedge for this. During this cleaning process we leave the cpu in the DDM2 vise were its bottom is protected.
Do we need Thermal Paste? | Thermal Paste Showdown - video dailymotion
You can also use a credit card of something else as long as it is not sharp and made of metal. Any advices? Is this temp. Kursah Moderator Staff member. Joined Oct 15, Messages 12, 2. My K would hit that temp on a stock cooler. The CPU does a good job throttling once it hits C, it'll start backing off MHz at a time until it can maintain just under that. Idle temps look fine for a stock cooler as well.
Other things to look at are your ambient tempratures, that being the the temperature of the air in the room the PC is at. But you need a case that supports mm tall coolers IHS remove and reseat.

I was able to drop about 10C on my K's doing so. Joined Apr 9, Messages 0.
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- I7-4770k overheating? Idle temperature.
FreddyAk said:. Kursah said:.
Delidding our Haswell Intel Core i7 4770K
Last edited: Jun 27, Jus wanted to know if nothing gonna happen to my cpu with this high temperature. Joined Mar 26, Messages 5, 3. Just grab a Hyper cooler and call it a day. Joined Apr 18, Messages 1. Even then they tend to be fine, the motherboard is the bigger question. Typically temps over 80C are generally considered life reducing, as a rule I like to keep mine under 75C. By 35C outside do you mean outdoors or outside the computer case?