Ipod touch ios 5 jailbreak absinthe
Do not touch the iPhone until Absinthe completes! Absinthe will let you know when the process is finished.
Unplug your device and you will see the Cydia app icon is now installed. Your iOS 5. As always, the jailbreak is distributed freely.

For those wishing to donate to Chronic Dev Team, see their website at greenpois0n. People should really change their SSH passwords too I would have included this as last step Newest iPhone FAQs.
Greenpois0n - Wikipedia
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Plug your device into the computer 1. Once device is recognized, open up absinthe.
If it says your iPod is connected, click jailbreak. Once Cydia is installed, eject your iDevice and open up Cydia. Cydia will say it needs to update packages and will close when done let it happen 5. Once it finishes process you are good to go!
Absinthe 2.0 Brings Untethered Jailbreak to iOS 5.1.1 Devices Including New iPad
Tethered - when device is rebooted, jailbreak is idle. I'd love to see one for jailbreaking the Apple TV v3. Preferably with fewer dashes, a touch more info about what to do if a jailbreak fails, and maybe with some screenshots of the actual process. Reply 6 years ago on Introduction. By noobtuberuser Follow.