Police telephone box london england
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As my grandfather was a City of London police officer from that era his number was this article was interesting to me. I have a police key of his to this day and have often wondered which post it unlocked, or better still, unlocks now.
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Thank you. We have one here at the College of Policing, it was restored in so the colours are not original.
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- Blue Police Public Call Box London Dr Who , Piccadilly, England UK.
Other than that it is in good condition and still has its phone. Think it was originally at Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station. Are all these now grade 2 listed? Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to contact me regarding this particular blog — I do hope that you enjoyed reading it and found it interesting. In reply to your question about whether all these old Call-Posts are now GradeII listed — Im not entirely sure — but I do know that all of the 8 situated within the City of London at the locations stipulated below,are Your email address will not be published.
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Earl's Court Police Box – London, England - Atlas Obscura
Notify me of new posts by email. Hi Gary, Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to contact me regarding this particular blog — I do hope that you enjoyed reading it and found it interesting. Leave a comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. The same technologies that allowed the general public to make telephone calls from street kiosks also allowed police officers to keep in touch with their station.
Police box
The history of the police box really starts in America where the telephone was patented by Alexander Graham Bell in Sometimes the lamp was actually located away from the box itself, in a high visibility position to improve the chances of an officer being alerted from further away.
Of course not all police boxes were blue, some were red and a few even green. And they were not all boxes either.
Some were long huts and some were made of concrete. Chief Constable Frederick James Crawley of Newcastle-upon-Tyne introduced police boxes in Sunderland, starting in April , to increase the efficiency of constables on the beat. The police box system was therefore introduced as a means of decentralising the police force.
Placing police boxes on the street effectively provided each constable with a mini police station, and it was later found that beat constables did not actually have to make any physical contact with a police station proper. One consequence of this was that some police stations were closed, thereby providing a cost saving.
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In nearly all boxes the telephone could also be operated by the public through a cubby-hole door, and would connect them with the police switchboard. From a social perspective, the introduction of these little police outposts saw an important change in their function.

The main difference between the old signal posts and the new boxes was that they could be used by the public. Due to their modernity, the public were very cautious about making use of these telephonic systems and despite their great number in London, in a Police Box was used by the public on average less than once per month. This situation led to special exhibits being set up to educate the public and encourage them to use the boxes, and statistics in Glasgow report that total calls nearly doubled between and By the s, the Police Box had an extremely important position in society, since most homes did not have telephones and the boxes could be used to report fire, or to summon an ambulance as well as their primary purpose of combatting crime.
Police boxes continued to play an important role in police work until the late s to early s, when they were phased out following the introduction of personal radios.